Monday, November 30, 2009


The night that we had all been waiting for!!! The midnight showing of NEW MOON! There were about 25 of us that all got reservations many months in advance for the Midnight showing...and the big night finally arrived! We started the night off by going to Olive Garden for a yummy dinner!

Needless to say, we loaded up on lots of pop so that all of us 'Mommy's' would be able to stay up all night! As you can see we were trying not to pee our pants!

I'm sure like many of you who have seen this movie, you fall in love with Jacob! So, here is me and my Jacob cookie...thanks to my good friends Kelli and Andrea.

The vampire chicks...Theresa, Julie, Cindy, Jamie and Kristine (along with Amber making her appearance in the back) :)

Annie, Amber, Angela (me), Lynette, Melissa and Emily.

Kristine, Anna, Michelle, Emily, Jenny and Katherine.

Haylee, Liz, Carrie and Tiffany. We all had lots of fun and laughs together at dinner and then headed off to The District!

What were we thinking? This place was jammed packed with all the other Twilight lovers out there...crazy night...but well worth it!

Me and my cute sister-in-law Aubrey...downing some more pop to help us get through the movie!

Luckily, most of us were able to sit pretty close to eachother. Good times!

Amber, Lynette, cute little Cayson in Lynettes tummy, and me!

Rebecca, Heidi, Jodi and Loralie....the rebel Red Bull chicks! What a fun night! Now the countdown begins for Eclipse on June 23rd! CAN'T WAIT!!!

Thursday, November 19, 2009


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Tuesday, October 27, 2009


This year we visited the pumpkin patch with Grady's brother and his family. It is fun to have them live near us now so that we can do these fun little traditions together! This is one of the boys favorite traditions...picking out the perfect pumpkin! It's funny how we really did walk up and down trying to find one that they both loved. Once they found it, they wouldn't let go. It was such a beautiful, fall night and we had a great time...followed by a delicious Training Table Bleu Bacon Burger! Yum!

The cousins...Logan, Sawyer, Landon, Annika and Luke.
My cute little Logan posing on the pumpkins.

Walking through the "scary" corn maze. I don't know how the boys figured out what scary meant, but for some reason this maze was "scary" to them!
Here is Logan with his corn that he found in the maze...I think he was more excited about that this year than he was his pumpkin!
Me and my handsome hunks!

Are these cute little cowboys or what?!
The boys taking a ride on all the tractors.
Logan especially liked the yellow tractor this year because it was the same color as his "cowan"...a.k.a. corn.
Sawyer and his cousin Landon with their pumpkins...I can't tell if Sawyer has pumpkin envy or if he totally knows that his pumpkin is better! :)
Mmm....Good! I guess we should have fed the boys before we left.
Grady and his brother with their cute babies!
Last but not least...our traditional little family picture.


This was our first time visiting the Scarecrow Festival at Thanksgiving Point. We have always done the Barnyard Boo but decided to shake things up a bit this year. We went with my good friend Jamie and her little boys Tyler and Caleb. Logan and Sawyer had such a great time with their little buddy Tyler...sadly it had been since last October since we had seen them. It's amazing how time flies! So, we were happy to see our friends again! :) We couldn't believe how much it cost to get in, so we kept saying that "this better be worth it", and it was! There was a lot of fun things for the kids to do...ride a train, make and launch rockets, lots of blow up slides, games, booths, and yummy food. We had such a fun day! Well, until next Halloween, right Jamie! :)

Logan and Sawyer
Playing at one of the booths...Logan & Sawyer could throw balls all day long!

Three cool little dudes...needless to say, we spent much of our day going up and down the slides...they LOVED it! Even though it did take them awhile to get the courage to go down.


Tyler, Logan and Sawyer...taking a ride on the blue choo choo train.


We had a fun afternoon decorating ghost and pumpkin cookies at our friends house a few weeks ago. The boys LOVED it...Landon did a great job and was focused the entire boys on the other hand ate more cookies than they decorated. Good times for all! Thanks Emily for allowing the big mess to be at your house! :)

Hard at work decorating their ghost cookies...or eating them!

Lot's of yummy food, friends and fun! The perfect solution to a cold, wintery day!
Sawyer and his "cool" pumpkin cookie!


It is a tradition to go take a drive through the mountains and enjoy all the beautiful changing leaves during Conference Weekend. It was a very rainy weekend, but we still got out and saw so many beautifully colored leaves. Conference Weekend in the fall is really one of my favorite times of the year...pumpkin waffles, colored leaves, sweatshirt weather, being able to cuddle up and listen to our wonderful apostles and prophet and being with doesn't get better than that!

Sunday, September 27, 2009


Need I say more? There is nothing that makes my heart melt like Jim Craig and the tip of his hat! (except for Grady of course, and the tip of his fake cowboy hat :) I have been in love with this movie ever since I was a little girl. We had good friends growing up that lived down the street and that had several horses. Every day we would race home from school, go straight to their house, eat an after school snack, pop in our used and abused VHS of 'The Man From Snowy River', and then once we were inspired, we would head out to act the parts of Jim Craig and Jessica. Unfortunately, at this young age we weren't able to ride the "big" horses on our own and so sadly I wasn't able to ride my dream buckskin like Jim had, but luckily Duffy, their little white Welsch Pony did the job just fine! This is actually where my love for horses began. We of course all grew up, but it was a long time before we stopped watching our favorite movie together and riding horses. Still to this day, 'The Man From Snowy River' and 'The Return to Snowy River' are hands down my favorite movie! So, even though I own them both, we couldn't pass up the opportunity to watch it outdoors on a big screen in the park. It doesn't get better than that! We went with our friends, the Hafen's, and had a great time! It was a little chilly however so we were bundled up the entire night trying to stay warm. Lucky for me, just watching Jim on big screen in action warms my heart!

Grady and the boys...enjoying "Mommy's horsie show".

The Hafen's...I am so glad that I have friends that share my love! :)

Thursday, September 10, 2009


My friend Emily invited us to her in-laws for the afternoon so that the kids could feed the horses some apples. I don't know who was more happy to be or my boys! They had the cutest little farm ever...with corn growing, a white picket fence, nice big barn, a large field, big beautiful house and lots of horses! That is definitely my dream...someday I hope to have exactly that! But for now, we will just enjoy others...and that we did! The boys talked about this day for a long time...and even still every time I give them an apple they ask to "feed it to the horsie?" So thanks Emily, we had a great time!

The boys and thier little girlfriends Haylee and Elsa. And thanks Elsa for posing...she's obviously the only one that was listening.

Learning how to feed the horses apples...after they were shown how to do it with their hand flat and open they kept showing me, "Like this Mommy, like this!"

The cool big barn with lots of beautiful horses!

Logan feeding the big's amazing to me that they are not afraid of such a large animal.

Saywer trying to catch the kitty-cat! After our fun with the animals we sat in the backyard and ate lots of yummy popsicles! A perfect summer day!