Saturday, December 26, 2009

SSS36 Celebrate King Jesus

It's hard to believe how quickly Christmas seems to come and go! For me, the weeks just before Christmas are filled with shopping for gifts, decorating, meal planning, and house cleaning...all in preparation for the Christmas Grand Event....celebrating the birth of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, opening gifts, and eating an elaborate meal and spending time with family and friends. As the festivities of Christmas Day come to an end, all is once again quiet...I can now sit and contemplate on the abundant blessings of this past year while giving thanks to God for His sacrificial gift...that being His only begotten son who took upon Himself the sins of the whole world, that we might have the gift of salvation, forgiveness of sin, and the promise of eternal life with Him in Heaven.

My card today uses a portion of an image from the SNSS digital set, 'The Greatest Gift' by Korin Sutherland. In order to create the sentiment I wanted for this particular card, I've combined words from a couple of the sentiments included with the set.
The color combination is Red, Silver, and White.

Of course, the sketch is from The Sweet Stop Sketch Challenge, SSS36. If you would like to play along with this sketch, we would love to have you join us. Click the Sweet Stop Sketch Challenge Badge on my sidebar and it will take you directly to the blog and the sketch. Also, I would encourage you to visit the blogs of the other Sugar Babies for more fantastic inspiration.

I have been a Sugar Baby Design Team Member for 3 months now. It has been an exciting adventure and I'm proud to have had this opportunity. Korin has given us the option to remain with the team for another 3 months...Unfortunately, because of a possible surgery and a couple of other things needing my attention in the coming months, I've had to decline her offer. Having said that, I want to thank Korin for inviting me to this team: it has truly been an honor to work with her and all of the SNSS Design Team Members...they are awesome ladies and extremely talented.

Also, in order to get some personal issues taken care of, I have to step back from my crafting and blogging for about 3 months. I may be able to 'play' a little during this time period and if so, I will post to my blog. But I wanted my 'followers' to know I will be missing-in-action for a short time. Hopefully things will go well during this little hiatus and I will return to my crafting with a clearer mind and more creativity than I've been able to do of late. If any of you would like to be removed from my 'followers' list, I will certainly understand and will not be offended.

May this New Year be filled with wonderful blessings for each of you and your families.

As always, spend time with family and friends and then,

Make time to create but remember to have fun and enjoy the experience!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

SSS35 Candle Light Pocket Card

Are you ready for Christmas...I'm getting there, but still have quite a bit to finish up...I still have a few decorations to put out, Christmas Cards need to be written and mailed, and my dining room table is full of presents waiting to be wrapped...and then, my house is in desperate need of a cleaning...gotta get things ready for my daughter and her family to join us for Christmas dinner.

This year I plan to begin a new family tradition...It is an idea I found on an Internet crafting website... I bought a new cream colored linen table cloth and plan to have everyone who joins us for dinner write a message with their name and the date onto the table cloth using a fabric coloring pen. I 'hope' to embroidery all of the messages, but if I don't, the fabric color pens are permanent ink, so the messages should remain even after washing. My plan is to continue using this same table cloth each year adding new messages from each person joining us that year....isn't this a fun idea! And, while at the dentist last week, my dentist's assistant and I were talking about Christmas traditions and she mentioned using this same tradition with her family for almost 20 years...she said they were already working on their 3rd tablecloth because the others had no more room for messages...what a wonderful way to preserve the memories of these special times with family and friends!

So....what about you have special family traditions for Thanksgiving/Christmas holidays....I would love to hear about your traditions, if you would care to share them with us by commenting on this post. I've posted my card for The Sweet Stop Sketch Challenge with a Spin....The spin: you have to include a 'pocket' somewhere in the design of the card. It can be a pocket on the inside or front side...anywhere you desire to add a pocket on the card. I decided to put the pocket on the card front and included a Tag as part of the sketch design.

The Candle/Rose Image is a digital image from 'Fred She Said Designs'.....I purchased the colored version and all I had to do was print it out and then I added just a little more sparkle by coloring areas of the image with my Copic Spica Glitter Pens and then adding just a little Crystal Effects on the candle area. This was a major 'time-savor' for me! The website also offers the image in outline form so that you can color it yourself, if you wish to go that route. This purchase included a couple of different images and a few sentiments,they were all very good and worth the price of $3.37. I used one of the verse sentiments on the back of the is pictured at the end of this post.

The "Merry Christmas" sentiment is from one of my Paper Pretties Stamp Sets...I had it out on my table and decided to use it for this card...I love the font used for this sentiment and find myself going to this stamp quite often.

You will find the Sketch Challenge at 'The Sweet Stop Blog'...just click on the Badge located on my sidebar and it will take you directly to the blog. And of course I would encourage you to visit the blogs of all the Sugar Babies...they have posted some fabulous cards for this sketch challenge! These ladies have fantastic talent and if you are in need of some sweet HAVE to go check out their will not be disappointed!

As we celebrate with family and friends, take time to remember the Birth of Jesus--who is after all....the reason for the season!

Merry Christmas to all...

Back View of Candle Light Tag with Scripture Verse Sentiment.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

SSS34 Sing Noel!

Oh my word, I am sooooooooooo cold as I sit here preparing this post for this week's Sweet Stop Sketch Challenge! My fingers are numb and my feet...well, I can't feel them....brrrrrrrrrrr, the wind is blowing like crazy outside, making it feel so much colder!, I've had ENOUGH of Old Man WINTER, seriously, he needs to move on outta' here!

My Sweet Stop Sketch Challenge SSS34 card uses a digital image from KLM Designs, titled 'Singing Angel'. She is cute as can be, isn't she! It only took me about 8-10 tries at coloring the image before I was somewhat satisfied...just let me say, coloring with Reds is not always so much fun, at least not for me. I don't know what it is, but the Copic Red inks almost always seem to 'bleed' outside my lines...I don't have that problem as much with the other colors, but it almost always happens with the red shades...and forget trying to 'clean up' the edges with the Colorless blender....the red seems to bleed even more, grrrrrrrrrr. Oh well, at least this one is fairly decent and the task is complete.

I stamped the image onto white, colored it using my shades of red...added some gold spica glitter pen to the choir robe collar and also to the stars....Ended with some gold glitter to the angel wings. But, I decided it would be even better if I colored another image and popped it up off of the main here we go with another round of battles with the Copic Red Markers. Once completed, I liked the idea, so I'm glad I took the time to march back into the war zone and win the battle once again....well...this time, anyway!

Be sure to visit the other Sugar Baby Design Team Blogs for more FABULOUS samples using today's Sweet Stop Sketch! We would love to have you join us with the Sketch Challenges, so if you are able to play along with us, please post a link to your project at the Sweet Stop Blog....I hope to find some time this next week to catch up with those who have been is always a joy to view your designs!

Thanks for stopping by today. I appreciate your interest and do hope all of you are having a great time with family and friends during this wonderful season of Christmas Blessings!

Hope to see all of you again, next Saturday!

Spend time with family and friends and then....

Make time to create but remember to have fun and enjoy the experience!

Merry, Merry Christmas....

Saturday, December 5, 2009

SSS33 Snow Doodles

Anyone who really knows me, knows this...I don't like the COLD weather, but.... if you have to have cold weather, then give me the snow to go with it because then you can at least have some fun times while freezing to death!

For the last couple of months I have intended to get out all of my 'snowman' stamp images and stamp one of them 'upside down' to look as if he was standing on his just seemed like it would be a fun idea. Well, I needed to make myself sit down and get something created for this weeks SSS33 Sketch Challenge...I wanted something new and fun to work with, so I went 'browsing' through some of the companies I have in my files. And all of a sudden 'my idea' was staring at me... right in the face... This fantastic snowman....doing a 'handstand' in the snow. Now to be honest, the stamp is titled, 'Rolling Snowman', but to me, he looks as if he is doing a 'handstand. I was so excited to see 'my idea' already done up for me,(hummm, someone else has an imagination similar to, that might be kind of scary) so of course, I purchased it, printed it out, and have used it for this week's SSS33 Challenge!

I paper-pieced his mittens using the same pattern paper as the background paper. His hat and scarf are colored with copics. I've added red rhinestones for his buttons and orange stickles for his nose. For added dimension and sparkle, I added more stickles beneath his head and hands. I also used 'Snow White Flower Soft' product on portions of the makes him look all 'fluffy'.

The Snowman image is from DZ Doodles Delight (link is listed on sidebar).
I purchased a couple other images from them while there and hope to be using them sometime soon.

Well, as always, be sure to check out the work of the other Sugar Baby Design Team Members...they will not disappoint you, I promise! And, if you have time to play along with the challenge, we would love to have sure to post a link to your creation on the Mr Linky post at 'The Sweet Stop Blog'...I would love to see what you do with the sketch!

Also, this week Korin has added 2 new digi images and 2 stamp sets to the website. A portion of the sales from one of the stamp sets will go to benefit a family who's young son suddenly passed away in recent can get more information about this family at the 'Sweet N' Sassy Stamps" is on my sidebar!

As all of you know, this is a very busy time of year for everyone and I have more than enough to keep me busy this month. Because I am a very S-L-O-W crafter, more-than-likely, I will only be posting for 'The Sweet Stop Sketch Challenge' for the remainder of this month...I hope you will all understand.

As always, spend time with family and friends and then...

Make time to create but remember to have fun and enjoy the experience!

Saturday, November 28, 2009

SSS32 Gingerbread Boys

Here we are with another Sweet Stop Sketch Challenge and for today's card I used a digital image from SNSS, 'Gingerbread Couple'. The image consists of a boy and a girl gingerbread, but I chose to use only the boy image for this card. I paper pieced the little outfit, using the same dotted pattern paper as I used for the first square layer beneath the sentiment.. After paper-piecing and coloring the image, I covered the 'bread' portions with Crystal Effects to give it the 'shine' factor. As you can tell, I wrote the sentiment freehand...this card will be used for one of my grandson's and I wanted something that would work for I just decided to write it out by hand, nothing fancy about the sentiment at all!
Be sure to visit the blogs of the other Sugar Baby Team Members and see their fantastic cards for this sketch.
I hope everyone is enjoying the weekend with family and friends. My schedule for this coming week is super busy and I may not get much stamping done. But, I'll definitely be back next Saturday with the new SSS33 challenge.
Oh, and don't forget to check out the Sweet N' Sassy Stamps Website....Korin has 2 new digi sets posted and they are super cute!
If you get a chance to join us for the SSS32 sure to post a link to your card on the Sweet Stop Blog...I'd love to see what all of you do with the sketch.
Spend time with family and friends and then,
Make time to create, but remember to have fun and enjoy the experience!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

SSS31 Christmas Squirrel

I'm back with another Sweet Stop Sketch Challenge Card! Included with the challenge this week, we had to use some kind of 'sewing' technique on the could be 'faux' stitching, machine stitching, or free-hand sewing. For my main image, I chose a digtal image from 'Mo's Digital Pencil' was just so cute, I had to have it. I love his little collection of acorns...looks as if he has been quite busy gathering food supplies for the upcoming Holiday meals...or perhaps he is out sharing his wealth with other little squirrels less fortunate than he is....but whatever his intentions, he is a cutie and I had a fun time coloring the image.
For my 'stitching', I simply did a free hand stitch on the edge of the red panel using some gold embroidery thread.
I hope all of you have a wonderful week, celebrating the Thanksgiving Holiday with family and friends. The Lord has blessed my family abundantly this last year and I have so much for which to be thankful.
Here is my 'short list' of blessings:
1. good health
2. wonderful doctors
3. a loving church and church ministry
4. my 3 children who are all grown and married and have blessed my life with 8 beautiful grandchildren...with more to come
5. my Dad, who is still living and in good health at the age of 77
6. good friends...including those of you who take the time to read this blog and post encouraging feedback
7. the honor of working with Sweet N' Sassy Stamps and Korin....allowing me to share my 'art' with all of you...and for the inspirational talent each of you share with all of us
8. the privilege of being an 'American'...the freedom it allows me to live my life as I choose ...and for those who have willingly served and/or given their lives in an effort to keep us a free nation
9. a loving husband who keeps me 'grounded' and encourages me in all that I do
10. Knowing that I can put all of my faith and trust in my Heavenly Father who loves me more than I could ever deserve.
Don't forget to check out the Sugar Baby Blogs for more awesome inspiration with this newest sketch challenge.
Have a wonderful week of Thanksgiving and may all of you be blessed abundantly!
Spend time with family and friends and then,
Make time to create but remember to have fun and enjoy the experience!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

SSS30 Christmas Candle

Here we are with another Sweet Stop Sketch Challenge. For this week's challenge, I'm using a Sweet N' Sassy digital image titled 'Christmas Candle' -- illustrated by Leah Cornelius.
It was very difficult to 'capture on camera' all of the layers I used for the poinsettia of the main image...I printed the image 3 times, coloring the poinsettia of each. From the extra images, I cut out 'sections' of the flower and added them to the main image by gluing just the 'inside edge' of each section....curling the outer edges in an upward direction...the 'center' of the poinsettia is attached using a 'tiny glob' of Zip Dry glue (allowed to dry slightly). You can see just a hint of the layers with this side-view picture, but it is so much more evident IRL! For a touch of sparkle, I've added just a 'hint' of red stickles to a few of the floral petals. A little 'highlighting' using a White Inkssential Gel Pen completes the image.
The 'Candle'..... Diamond stickles were added to the main portion and then for dimension, I've added 'Crackle accents' (Inkssentials) to the top 'melted' portion of the candle and also to the flame. Crackle accents is similar to Crystal Effects but once it dries you get a bit of a 'crackled' effect...similar to the 'cracked glass' technique.
I had planned to use 'shimmery gold' cardstock for the layers of this card, but because I am totally 'organizationally challenged', I couldn't find it! So....I resorted to versamark ink, gold embossing powder, and my brand new 'Heat It' Tool (Ranger) to give a similar 'sparkle' for this worked out OK but if I could have found it,the gold cardstock would have been better. Oh well.....
If I were to make this card again, I would add the 'gold element' to the top right corner, rather than leaving it 'white'....
As always, I encourage you to visit The Sweet Stop and play along with this newest Sketch Challenge. And be sure to check out the other Sugar Baby Design Team blogs....the ladies are super talented and never cease to AMAZE me with their awesome talent!
Links for the Sweet Stop Sketch and Sugar Baby Blogs on posted on my side-bar.
If you decide to play along, please post a link to your creation on the Sweet Stop Blog .... We'd love having you join us and will look forward to viewing your creative designs!
On Another Note
This last couple of weeks, I've not been able to keep up with all of you who 'follow' my blog...well, not nearly as much as I would like...but I do hope to be back to a more 'normal' schedule after next least, that is my goal. In the meantime, please know that I'm not ignoring any of you on purpose and I do appreciate your patience as well as your loyalty....not to mention all of the sweet and kind comments many of you have left on my blog! I certainly don't feel deserving of such praise but do appreciate each and every one of you who take the time to share your thoughts and encouraging words with me. I cannot begin to tell you how much of a blessing you are in my life.... I'm so very grateful to God for every one of you!
This weekend...share your time with family and friends....and then,
Make time to create but remember to have fun and enjoy the experience!
Edited to add: I'm having trouble with the spacing for my blog...I either end up with way too much space between paragraphs, or all of the paragraphs run back to back and the whole post looks cluttered.....grrrrrrrr!

Monday, November 9, 2009

Princess Kaylee

We have a new little princess in our family! October 7, 2009 this new little princess was officially adopted into our family by my middle daughter, Shari, and her husband Jim. My daughter, who always considered herself to be the princess in our family, now has a little princess of her own! The story of how this new little princess came to be a part of our family is much to long and complex to share with you today.
However, I would like to tell you just a little about the person God used to give us our new little princess.

Not long after her birth, our little princess was placed into the foster care system. At about 6 months old, she was placed into the home of my daughter's 'best friend forever and always'... Aimee. Aimee is a beautiful young woman, both physically and spiritually...and she is the one whom God used to bring this new little princess into our family! I believe Aimee's actions not only demonstrate a remarkable spirit of 'self-less-ness' but also a geniun spirit of Christian love and kindness.

From the very first day Kaylee arrived in the home of Aimee and her family, they not only took care of her physical needs, but also lavished her with love and affection. Aimee took advantage of every opportunity to teach Kaylee of God's love. She and her family began praying with Kaylee on a daily basis, and part of those prayers were asking God to watch over the life of Kaylee as well as asking God to work in the hearts of those in the court system who would be making important decisions regarding her precious life. Aimee loved little Kaylee with her whole heart but she also knew that God's love for Kaylee was far greater than her own.

Shari and Aimee are blessed to enjoy a very close and loving friendship and Aimee knew of Shari's deep desire to one day adopt a daughter of her own. My daughter and her husband had been working with a Christian adoption agency in an attempt to adopt a little girl from Panama...a process which ended without success. Around this same time, Aimee approached Shari with the idea of becoming a foster parent and eventually taking Kaylee into her home...and to make a long story short... Shari and her husband (Jim) did indeed become foster parents to Kaylee and after a long and difficult 2+ years, are now the adopted parents of our new little princess, Kaylee Mae! It is Aimee whom God used to nurture and care for 'the little princess' and then lovingly and graciously give her over to the hands of my daughter and family to finish the work God had begun nearly 4 years ago! And because Aimee and Shari remain BFF, Aimee and her family will always be an important part of Kaylee's life.

And Aimee, if you should read this post, I want to personally thank you for sharing your life with my daughter and for the precious gift you have given her! Your thoughtful prayers and loving spirit have blessed our family with this precious gift of life, a gift for which we will always be thankful!

This past weekend, an Adoption Party/Birthday Party was held in Kaylee's honor. And of course if you have a party, you most often have presents. So of course I made a card 'fitting for a princess' to go along with my present for Kaylee... and I am sharing that card with you today!

I'm very happy with the end result and hope you will enjoy it as well.

This Princess Digital image is from 'The Character Cafe', titled 'Princess Ally'. I did have to do a 'little' altering to the original image. Much like the Magnolia images, this little princess did not have a 'mouth'....and I was certain 'my' new little princess would NOT understand why that, I simply added a little smile to her sweet face.

The image is colored with Copics, and glitzed up with Stickles and Pearls. For the card base I used PTI Select White, and have added a purple textured paper to the outside base layer. The pattern paper is from Fiskars 'Brittany's Castle Collection' and has lots of shine and sparkle in the design. The shimmery scalloped piece behind the Princess image is by Best Occasions 'Prismatic Paper Pak' (from Walmart) and each piece in this pad is super shimmery (which made it a little difficult to photograph).

The main image is attached using dimensionals. With my pattern paper, I used an EK Success Large Scallop Border Punch that also leaves a little embossed line at the edge of the scallop . The ribbon is sheer and shimmery and is from Walmart, but I don't remember the brand name.

I wrote the 'Princess Kaylee' sentiment free-hand style and 'doodled' the border around the edge of the image.

For the inside, I simply did a 'computer generated' sentiment ...adding a smaller princess image...printing it onto a Bold Pink Top Note Die Cut layer....Why?....Well little princess loves the colors Pink and Purple! After coloring the princess... again, I used a white gel pen around the edge of the die cut and then added a few pearls around the finished edge.

OK....I think that covers the basics.

Now, go spend some time with your family and friends and then...

Make time to create, but remember to have fun and enjoy the experience!

And here is a picture of my princess with her little princess:

Kaylee loved the little hat and princess necklace included with her present and immediately wanted to wear both....she insisted on wearing them for this picture...isn't she precious.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

SSS29 Merry Christmas

Oh my word...another week seems to have flown by! Today we have a new Sketch Challenge at the Sweet N' Sassy Sweet Stop and the card I'm posting today is for this fantastic challenge. I enjoyed using a new Hampton Art Rubber Stamp I had purchased on sale at my local Michael's store. It took me a few 'attempts' to get the look I wanted, but once done, I'm happy with it. For the main image, I inked the complete stamp with Versamark Ink and then I inked the top portion of the stamp with black ink and after stamping the image onto my white cardstock I embossed it using clear embossing powder. After cleaning my stamp, I inked the lower portion of the stamp with Versamark Ink and then with Brilliance Red ink, stamped that portion on a scrap piece of white cardstock and then heat embossed using Irredescent Embossing Powder...this gave the image a slight glimmer. I cut the lower portion out and attached it to my main image layer using dimensionals. For the inside of the card, I simply cut out a portion of the pattern paper and glued it to a piece of white cardstock, added 2 shimmery black brads and attached that layer to the inside of the card.

After completing the card, I wasn't completely happy with the lower right portion of the card, so I made a second version and will also share that card with you at the end of this post.

I hope all of you will stop by the Sweet Stop and join us for the challenge and if you do, please be sure to add a link to your creation at the end of the Sweet Stop Post. And don't forget, for MORE inspiration, visit the blogs of all the Sugarbabies...they are listed by name on my side bar...just click the name and you will be directed to their individual blogs. The other Sugar Baby team members are extremely talented and I'm sure you will enjoy their blogs.

And, Korin has created another fantastic group of stamps called the 'Sunbeams' and you can now pre-order the first set. Be sure to check out the Sweet N' Sassy Stamps Website for more details and to place your pre-order!

Have a wonderful weekend! Enjoy time with your family and friends and then...

Make time to create but remember to have fun and enjoy the experience!

SSS29 Merry Christmas Version 2

Saturday, October 31, 2009

SSS28 With Thanksgiving

Well, it's time for another Sweet Stop Sketch Design and this week Korin has given us another fantastic sketch. When I first saw the sketch, I thought it should be fairly simple....well, low and behold, I had so much trouble putting a card together this week. I tried several different images but nothing was coming together. I think I know what my problem was though...I REALLY wanted to use this pumpkin paper and the coordinating stripe paper for the design. Have you ever had such a strong desire to use a particular craft product that it ended up being the 'ruler' over your entire creation....that is what happened with me! I had a difficult time finding an image that would work with the papers and the main image panel...most everything I had in my stamp inventory was either too big or would not work with a rectangular theme. So, I went into my digital image inventory finding several cute images but again, most of them would not, I went back to my Sweet N' Sassy 'Harvest Fruits' digital image. And here is another reason I enjoy using digi can make them fit most any size you would need...sometimes you can use the 'stretch and skew' tool in paint and it will help to make your image fit also....anyway today all I had to do was make the Harvest Fruit image smaller, print and color and I was finally 'good to go'!

I hope you will join us at the Sweet Stop on the badge in my right sidebar and it will take you to the Sketch Challenge. If you decide to play along, be sure and post a link to your creation in the Mr Linky comment box at the end of the challenge post.

And be sure to visit all of the Sugar Baby Design Team Blogs where you will find a ton of inspiration...each Sugar Baby is listed on my sidebar...again, just click on their name and you will be directed to their individual blogs.

A few of the card D-tails: the card is 3" x 6"
Card Base: Vintage Cream (PTI)
Pattern Papers: K&Company Tim Coffey Fall Pumpkins and Fall Stripes
Inside Sentiment is Computer Generated with Scripture "Psalm 100:4-5"
Embellies/Tools: 1/8" wide grosgrain ribbon, Bow Easy, Giga Rectangle Scalloped Punch (marvy uchida), Paper Piercing Tool (Making Memories), Mini Brads (Making Memories), Sponge, Color BoK Ink

I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend...spend time with your family and friends and then...

Make time to create but remember to have fun and enjoy the experience!

Saturday, October 24, 2009

SSS27 Peek A Boo

OK...I am going to try and make this a short post...The Memorial Service for my friend's husband is being held this afternoon. I have double duty--playing the organ for the prelude of the service and I'm in charge of a dinner for all of the family and friends attending the Memorial Service, which will be around 200 people. But, before the Memorial Service, I also have a luncheon to do for about 50-60 people who will be attending a meeting in the early part of the day. At any rate, my mind is going in what seems like a 1000 directions, so I'm going to give you just the basic information about my card for the Sweet Stop Sketch Challenge SSS27.

My image is 'Peek A Boo' from 'Digital Ink'. They have a super sale going on right now....every digi image on their site is 1/2 price through October 31st....go and check them out...they have a ton of images to choose from with a variety of styles being offered.
Here is the Digital Ink link:

Card D-Tails:
My pattern papers are from Making Memories 8X8 Specialty Multipack 'Autumn Splendor'. The image is colored using my Copic Markers and I've added a touch of sparkle with a few Copic Spica Glitter Pens. I free handed the "Peek A Boo" sentiment and added some doodling around the image.
I used a Martha Stewart Maple Leaf punch for the leaf embellishments in the top left corner and added a Making Memories Velvet Brad to the center.
Other tools/embellishments: SU Top Note die, PTI 5/8" wide grosgrain ribbon, dimensionals, SU corner punch.
I also Paper Pierced around the edge of the Top Note Die cut layer and then did a faux stitch using my Brown Micron Pigma Ink Pen. sure to check out the Sweet Stop Sketch this week and I hope you will decide to join us and play along....if you do, be sure to add a link to your creation using the Mr Linky gadget or add the link in a comment at the end of the SSS27 post.... For your convenience, I'll add the link here:
And, the Sweet N' Sassy Samps Website has a beautiful new digi image available, "Pinecones and Holly" illustrated by Leah Cornelius...I'm telling you, it is gorgeous. You'll find it here:

And finally, don't forget to check out what the other Super Talented Sugar Babies have done for this sketch...I'm telling you they have some AMAZING creations to share and I'm sure you will find a ton of inspiration while browsing their blogs....You will find each blog by clicking on their names located on my sidebar under, 'Sweet Stop Sugar Babies".

As always, take time to enjoy your family and friends and then,
Make time to create but remember to have fun and enjoy the experience!

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Thank You

Hopefully all of you are having a wonderful week and are spending some time with your family and friends. Since the husband of my best friend passed away recently...for me, spending time with family and friends is much more precious...realizing again, we have no guarantee of even one more moment, much less one more day, with those we love. My husband and I will be celebrating the life of our friend, Paul, this coming Saturday during a Memorial Service. Our friend, who is no longer with us...Our friend, who's earthly battles have now ended...Our friend, who is now in the very presence of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ...We will remember you and will be thankful for the life you shared with us.
It is only because of God's grace that I'm allowed another day to think about His love and be thankful for His blessings in my life.
I am also reminded of how fortunate I am to not only have the privilege of serving the Lord each day, but also to have friends and family who encourage me through prayer and when necessary, aren't afraid to 'roll up their shirt sleeves' and 'get down and dirty' once-in-awhile. I could never accomplish the many tasks I do each day without their help and encouragement.

With this in mind, I decided it is time to make a few Thank You cards for some very special ladies at our church who have been faithfully 'serving the Lord with gladness' for more than 35 years. The faithful and loving spirit of these ladies is evident to all those who's lives they touch. 'My' ladies range in age between 76 and 88 years old....many of them are widowed but a few still have their, first and only, husband at their side....all of them have endured times of trial and testing within their lives and yet all will be quick to assure you God has been and continues to be, faithful through it all. Their love and service has been a huge source of inspiration in my life and over the next few weeks I hope to make each of them a card expressing my gratitude for sharing their life and testimony with me....I so wish each of you could know these ladies...I'm sure you would love them as much as I do!

Today's card features a 'Stamp of the Month' Image from Paper Pretties. I've had it for a little while, but this is the first time it has been inked...'bout time, don'cha think', Christie (for those who don't know her, Christie is the Pretty Mama of the Pretty Girls)!

To share a little of the Card D-Tails:
The dress is paper-pieced, times two! Meaning, I stamped the image one time on 2 different pieces of pattern image is cut out and attached to the stamped image...the second image is cut out and then I attached only segments of that piece to the first...hopefully that makes some sense...feel free to ask questions if you need more info. I also paper-pieced the bow in her hair, but I think it would have looked better if I had just colored it with my markers.
Sophia's hair, face, arms, and legs are colored with Copic Markers, but you will notice that I got a little too 'heavy handed' on her face...I tried 'cleaning it up' some using my colorless blender, which usually works pretty well, but not so this I just left it as is, I think it will be OK.
I added a little felt flower with a white pearl in the center, to the flower portion of the image.
Used a couple of punches, added a few red pearls, added an Organdy White Ribbon to which I added the 'Thank You' sentiment (it is included with the image) as a 'tag' tied with white string.
Base Cardstock is PTI Select White
Pattern Papers are DCWV 'Mi Casa'

Inside the card I used a sentiment from Sweet N' Sassy's 'True Friend' set...a couple pieces of pattern paper and a few more felt flowers and pearls. I attempted to use one of my Copic Multiliner pens to make a curvy branch for the flowers, but that silly pen wasn't working very well last night, it kept 'skipping'...oh well.
Just a Reminder:
Tomorrow (Thursday) is Free Digi Day at Sweet N' Sassy sure to visit the website and grab it while it's free...after Thursday, the 'Free' offer goes away!
You will find the links for 'Paper Pretties' and 'Sweet N' Sassy' on my sidebar.
Be sure to spend time with family and friends
and then,
Make time to create but remember to have fun and enjoy the experience!

Saturday, October 17, 2009

SSS26 Sketch with a Spin

Snowflakes....Snowmen....Snowballs....winter time fun!

Close Up View (Click on the picture and you will see the 'sheen' of the Styrofoam)

The Sweet Stop Sketch SSS26

Every third week at The Sweet Stop, Korin is giving us a Sketch Challenge with a Spin! Well, this week the 'spin' is to 'recycle' something and use it to make your card. Now, I've heard of these types of challenges and have seen a few interesting ideas, but I've never participated in such a sketch. But now my time has come...Korin has tossed out the 'recycle' challenge to the Sugar Babies! Without a doubt this has been the most difficult challenge in which I've ever participated. I've worked and re-worked the card I'm sharing with you the point that I've just given is what it is and that is all there is to it!

There is so much going on with this card...several different textures and products...but for the main idea of 'recycling' I decided to use white disposable Styrofoam plates. After cutting off the curved rim portion of the plates (I will be saving these to use as 'ink palettes' for my Copic Markers), I punched out my large scalloped circle layer and several snowflakes. The main image is from an Inkadinkado Clear Set #98408 and is stamped onto Papertrey Inc Select White C/S, colored and punched out with a plain circle punch to layer on top of the Styrofoam scalloped circle. I then stamped the main image onto another Styrofoam plate and once the ink was dry cut out the 'snow portion' and attached it to my colored main image for added dimension. The 3 sentiment tags are cut freehand from scraps of Styrofoam and are attached to the scalloped circle edge using Zip Dry Glue.

All of the 'sentiments' on the front of the card are my own ideas and written freehand using a Copic Multiliner SP Pen....On the inside of the card, I stamped one of the sentiments from the Inkadinkado Snowman set which reads: "Christmas brings out the kid in us all".

I will admit, I do like the idea of using the Styrofoam plates for winter type scenes as they have a natural 'shine' or 'sheen' that works well for snow and ice type themes.

Because there is so much going on with this card, I'm not going to take the time to give you all of the D-Tails...if there is something for which you would like more information, just send me an email and I will try to help you.

Are you up for this challenge.....I hope you are!
I can hardly wait to see what your creative minds decide to 'recycle' or 're-create'!

If you are BRAVE enough to join us for this week's challenge, please use the Mr. Linky feature at the end of the SSS26 post and give us a link to your creation. And, if for some reason Mr. Linky is not working, please leave a comment with a link to your project.

Now, be sure to spend time with your family and friends!
And until next time,

Make time to create but remember to have fun and enjoy the experience!

Edited to add: Be sure to check out the other Sugar Baby Designs for this challenge...they have some awesome can find the Sugar Babies listed in my on their name and it will take you directly to their blog...And while you are there, it is always nice if you want to leave them a 'little love', go have some fun!

Saturday, October 10, 2009

SSS25 Harvest Bowl

Views of Inside and an Upclose View of Main Image

Click on pictures for better viewing

Wow! It's the weekend already...this week has just flown by, at least it has for me. And because it's Saturday, The Sweet Stop has a new Sketch Challenge for you and you can view the sketch by clicking on the following link:

And of course, the card I've posted today is using this fabulous sketch!
I stamped the main image 2 times, colored one image completely and colored only the outer edges of the second image...I then cut off the outside border of the completely colored main image and attached it to the other image using dimensionals.
I then decided I wanted just a few pieces of the fruit to have some dimension, so I stamped the image a third time, colored the left apple, the lower right pear and red grapes, cut them out and attached them using glue dots...this gives it just a slight bit of dimension. Once the image was complete, I covered the bowl and the 3 pieces of fruit with crystal effects, dusted on just a tiny bit of dazzling diamond glitter, and then let it dry completely...IRL, the red grapes look as if they have a bit of frost on them...(have you ever had frozen grapes... they are fun to eat in the summer and they usually have a bit of 'frost' on them when you take them from the freezer).
The main image is attached to the 3" circular pattern paper piece and the circle is attached to the main layer using dimensionals. In the end, there is quite a bit of dimension going on with the main image area...which in my humble opinion, is a great look for this card.
After adding 2 Red medium sized shimmer brads to the top right portion of the card, I added the ribbon... making the bow using my fantastic Bow Easy tool...that darn tool is just so cool, and only cost $6.00 from Sharon's Store...I do believe it is one of my MOST FAVORITE tools!

For the inside, I printed the digital sentiment onto a textured piece of solid paper from the Mi Casa Solid Stack... added more strips of pattern paper--on which I used the Diamond Lace Border Punch for one of the layers... and to finish the inside...Of course....I just HAD to add another ribbon and bow!
Sounds like a lot of work, but it all goes together quite quickly...well, it does once you have your plan....

I hope each of you will take some time to view the sketch and think about playing along with us, we would LOVE to have you join us. And if you decide to play along, be sure and link your card to the Mr. Linky feature at the end of the SSS sketch challenge post. If for some reason Mr. Linky is not working, please leave a comment with a link to your project in the comment section of the post. I do take time to view each card posted for the challenge and would be so happy to find YOUR name amongst the talent!

Card D-Tails:
Stamped Main Image: Fruit Bowl 2029 (Karen Lockhart):
Inside Digital Image: Harvest Fruits (Sweet N' Sassy Stamps)
Ink: Momento Tuxedo Black
Cardstock: Base is Gina K Pure Luxury Ivory/Image stamped onto Neena Solar White
Image colored using Copic Markers
Patterned Papers: Mi Casa Stack & Mi Casa Solid Stack (DCWV)
Embellishments/Tools: 3/8" sheer Ivory Ribbon (Michaels), Bow Easy (purchased from Sharon Johnson's Online Ribbon/Tool Store), Diamond Lace Border Punch (Martha Stewart), 3" Circle Punch (Marvy Uchida), Shimmer Brads (Making Memories purchased from Eclectic Paperie), Dimensionals and Glue Dots, Diamond Dust Glitter and Crystal Effects (SU)

Have a great weekend....and be sure to spend time with your family and friends!
Until next time,
Make time to create but remember to have fun and enjoy the experience!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Hi Friend SNSS Freebie Day's Freebie Thursday at Sweet N' Sassy Stamps....but I only have a minute to tell you about to hurry out the door for music practice at the church. So...I went to SNSS this morning and grabbed the free image....printed it out....colored it up....used a sketch design by Julie Masse of 'StampinwithJulie' blog ( ) and then quickly pulled this little friend together so I could show you what you can get FREE...but that offer is for today only! Go and grab it today because if you wait until tomorrow or later, you will have to shell out some bucks to get it!

While you are at SNSS take a look at the fantastic new images being released today, they are super...I've already purchased mine and will be using them soon! is the link for SNSS~~~~

Alrighty, I'll try to get back tonight with the details for this card....I REALLY have to get out the door RIGHT NOW.......

Until next time,

Make time to create but remember to have fun and enjoy the experience!

Edited to add:
I wrote the above post in such a rush this morning that there are few points I failed to mention....first, the free image is a DIGITAL image. If you go to the SNSS website you will find this free digital image. The image is illustrated by Leah Cornelius, a new digi designer for SNSS! Secondly, today, you can get the complete set, which includes the image I used on my card and 2 sentiments, Free!!! What a super fantastic way to begin your digital stamp collection. If you are unfamiliar with how to use Digital stamping...go to my sidebar and look under 'Digital Stamping...How it all works -- Tutorials'....Deedee Anderson has created these tutorials to help beginners learn how to print, crop, flip, and rotate digital images. There are other sites with tutorials for digital images also, but at this time I do not have permission to use their information on my blog...but nearly all stamp companies, who offer digital images, have information about downloading and working with digital images on their specific website. I resisted using them for so long, but once I got started I have come to enjoy them very much and now prefer to order digi's...especially for images that I know probably won't be used for a long period of time (having said that, they will stay on your files until you delete them). Digi's are much less expensive than clear or rubber stamps and work with most of the common printers and's the paper you use to print them on that makes the most difference...and for printing my digi's, I prefer Neena Solar White or PapertreyInc select white....and occasionally I use Gina K's 80# and/or 120# weight papers. Some people have great success with Stampin' Up! white and Georgia Pacific White (from Walmart) but because I use Copics for coloring those papers don't do as well for ME, having said that, I know some who use those papers with Copic markers and have great success.
OK...enough about that.

My card D-Tails:
base cardstock: PTI select white
Image printed onto PTI select white
Image colored with Copic Markers
Embellies/Tools: Pearls, Stickles, EK Success Diamond Lace Border Punch, Marvy Uchida 3" Scallop Circle Punch, Martha Stewart 1" circular punch, 5/8" wide Red Grosgrain Ribbon (SU), white cotton embroidery thread, Spritzer (SU), Glue Dots, Dimensionals (SU).

Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Simple Thanks

Wow....the last few weeks have been full of twists and turns and have kept me hoppin'. Everything seems to be calming down now, best friend, Becky, is coping fairly well following the sudden death of her grandson is doing very well following his 'swine flu' scare (the rest of the family has followed suit with this flu, but they are all on the mend now)...and today I was able to take the time needed to put together a little thank you gift for each of the particpants of my very first sketch challenge "PMSSC01" (those packages will be put in the mail tomorrow for Terri, Michelle, Jess, Penny, Grace, and Deedee...thanks ladies for being patient with me).

Today's card is a very simple 'Thank You' card...when I need to 'reproduce' cards, I tend to keep it very simple...I really don't enjoy mass production of cards, but sometimes you just have to do it and this was just one of those times.

I am working on some cards for the SNSS Sugar Baby Design Team, but of course, I can't share those with you right will have to check back each Saturday to see what we have going on, and I will tell you, there are some totally AWESOME cards being crafted for all of you to enjoy. Be sure and click on the Sweet Stop Sketch Challenge badge on my sidebar to see the latest challenge and play along with us!

And don't forget to check out the Sweet N' Sassy Stamps Website every Thursday for a FREE Digital Image...Every Thursday Korin will be offering a free image, but the offer is good for that day only...check it out by clicking on the following link:

Hope everyone has a wonderful week....stay healthy!

Until next time,

Spend time with your family and friends and then,
Make time to create but remember to have fun and enjoy the experience!

Card D-Tails:
Stamp: Inkadinkado
Ink: Momento Tuxedo Black
Papers: Select White C/S (PTI), Basic Black C/S (SU), Pattern Papers Black & White (Me & My Big Ideas)
Embellishments/Tools: satin white ribbon (Michaels), Border Punch (Martha Stewart), Bow Easy (from Sharon's Ribbon/Tool Online Store)

Saturday, October 3, 2009

SSS24 Sugar Baby Poppies

I have some fun and exciting news to share with all of you today...I've decided to do something I've often said I'd never do....(Someday I'll learn the meaning of 'never say never')....I've accepted an invitation from Korin Sutherland ( owner of Sweet N' Sassy Stamps) to be part of her Sugar Baby Design Team. This newest team will work with the Sweet Stop Blog -- a Sketch Challenge blog where each Saturday you will find a new and exciting Sketch Challenge along with the sample cards from each member of the Sugar Baby Team!

But,here's the BEST news... you will be allowed to use any stamp product of your choice AND any stamp image from whatever designer/company your sweet little heart desires.... how FANTASTIC is that!

I was so thrilled with this innovative idea that I just HAD to say YES.

Today is the beginning of the first Sugar Baby Design Team. Each week we will design a card or project using the most current Sketch from the Sweet Stop Sketch Challenge. I hope you will join us and participate with the sketch challenges each Saturday. And I'm sure you will find a boatload of inspiration as you visit each blog of the super and awesome design'll find them listed under my right sidebar entitled, 'Sweet Stop Sugar Babies'.

For this first Sugar Baby Challenge, I've opted to use a digital image from Sketching Stampers Digi Stamps, called "Poppies":
I've printed the image onto Neena Solar White Cardstock and colored it using Copic Markers (I I really have to tell you that again, LOL). The pattern papers are from an 8 X 8 paper pad called 'Poppy Paper Stack' by Sei...they are so gorgeous, I just love much so, that I have been 'hoarding' them for a very long time.

The white layer beneath the main image is embossed using a Cuttlebug Folder. That luscious rose pink ribbon is 100% silk and I used my Bow Easy to make the bow....the Bow Easy is absolutely fabulous and easy to use. Both the ribbon and the Bow Easy were purchased from Sharon Johnson's 'Stamp Simply Ribbon and Tools' online store located on her blog, 'No Time To Stamp'.

On another note: Thursday night, my middle daughter and I spent several hours together consoling one another while my son-in-law and one of my grandson's spent their time in the ER.... my grandson had experienced what we thought was 'just a severe asthma attack'. Several hours later and after a couple of breathing treatments, some x-rays, a blood test, a mouth swab and lots of waiting, it was finally determined that our 'little guy' has the swine flu! He was given Tamiflu and observed until 4 a.m. Friday morning. The whole scenario played out very quickly and progressed certainly had his Mom (my daughter) and Me very concerned and praying diligently. If you have young children, please don't assume that a little cough and temperature is just a 'bad cold' your doctor and make an appointment to be certain it is nothing more serious. If my grandson's asthma had not been affected, we probably would not have sent him to the ER as soon as we did and his treatment may not have been as effective. The doctors told us that the swine flu can progress quite rapidly, causes the person to feel extreme fatigue, and as my grandson did--begin crying because 'everything just hurts' he said. God was good and my grandson is now home resting.....which will be all he is allowed to do for the first couple of days... he will also be out of school all next week. This was a scary situation and we are so very thankful to God for the positive outcome with this situation. Now, we have to try and keep the other 3 kiddo's well, along with Mom and Dad.

I pray all of you and your loved ones will stay healthy....

Thank you for stopping by today and I pray you will all have a wonderful and blessed weekend.

Until next time,
Take time to enjoy your loved ones and then,
Make time to create but remember to have fun and enjoy the experience!