Wednesday, September 30, 2020

Gravell Siblings

I’m thankful to call these peeps my siblings. We may have some very different beliefs, but we love each other despite those differences and we can be respectful to one another. This is the plan that our Heavenly Father and Jesus Christ teach us. If we can see everyone as we see our Brothers and Sisters we can love despite our differences. I’m thankful for my parents example, for loving us no matter what.

*Today would be my brother Eric’s 48th birthday. He took his life when he was 18, 30 years ago. Some facts about Eric...he was a genius, he could fix computers as a teenager, he was often compared to as “MacGyver”. True story he hot wired cars at 15, he loved The Smiths, Morrissey, Erasure, The Cure, his long black trench coat, he was different from other teens, he wore black, makeup, pierced his own ears with safety pins and he dealt with mental health illness. I’m grateful for the knowledge of life after death, I know his mind has been healed and he is at peace. Happy Birthday Eric.
Micheal, Greg, Rebecca, Kurt, Mom


Monday, September 28, 2020

National Son's Day

A day to celebrate my boys now. So blessed to be their mom! I hope they know how much I love them so much! #nationalsonsday

Max, Van, Walt and Danny

Max and Mom

Van and Max

Max and Danny

Max, Van, Walt and Clark

Friday, September 25, 2020

National Daughter's Day

So blessed to be the mother of these three beautiful daughters of mine. My biggest desire for them and each of my children is to know whatever choices they make in life, I will always love them. *I think it’s time for new photos of me and my girls. #nationaldaughtersday

Mom and Hanna

Mom and Daisy

Mom and Jane

Mom, Jane and Daisy

Daisy, Mom and Jane

Hanna, Mom and Daisy

Said Good-bye to the Featherstone's

 Said goodbye to our friends the Featherstone’s this week. My friend Amber, Max’s good friend Dawson and one of Van’s best buds Beckam. They moved to Saratoga Springs, UT. We sure are going to miss this awesome family!

This photo popped up in my memories the other day. 
This was the year we just moved back to Vegas and Max 
became friends with this wonderful group of kids.
Zach, Sam, Dawson, Max
Jade, Sevin and Connor

Van is ready to move next to Beckam in Utah.

                                                          Van, Jones and Beckam

So sad to have close friends move away.

Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Happy 19 Years to Us

Celebrating 19 years of marriage with my best friend. We only waited over 2 hours on a Tuesday night to eat dinner at the Oyster Bar. We got a room for really cheap, so Danny was nice and let me go rest while he waited in line. True love.

Learning how to use SnapChat while Danny waited in line.

Tuesday, September 15, 2020

Missionary in Taiwan

 I left to serve my LDS mission 21 years ago! Man what a blessing it was to serve the people of Taiwan! I had some challenges (the food, the language, the smells, some companionships, the very blunt Taiwanese people...), but when I think back on my mission it's the joys and blessings that pop in my mind first. I was so blessed I had the opportunity I had to serve the people of Taiwan.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

We Dropped Max off at BYU-Idaho

We feel that this is where Max is suppose to be at this time in his life. Sometime in April, Danny mentioned that Max should graduate early and go to college. At the time I shrugged it off and I think I even said, "no". A few weeks later Danny and Max started talking about it more seriously and asked what I thought about it. I still wasn't sure of the idea. I had in my mind plans of his Senior year of HS, playing Varsity Volleyball and watching him graduate... and I had a few fears. Is he ready? Will he remember to take his medicine?  I'll have to unlock his phone!... I still wasn't for sure on board, it sounded scary. But I started praying about it. I asked Heavenly Father if it was the right path for Max to go to college and graduate HS early that it all just work out. If it be the right choice for him at this time in his life that it will happen...I continued to pray that way and everything worked out better than I could imagine. 

He did well on his ACTs, he was able to get his GED, he got accepted to BYU-Idaho, he was actually accepted Winter/Spring and I called and asked if he could go fall/winter and they had no problem with the change. At first we worried that he wouldn't get into the apt. complex as his cousin Zachary because you can't get housing until you get into the college. Max was on the waitlist and then after he got accepted to BYU-I the apt. complex had an opening in Zach's apartment! When each door opened it was like the Lord was telling me yes, yes, yes this is the right path for Max!  

I know the Lord was helping Max all along and that this is where he's suppose to be. When people ask me if I'm sad or how I'm doing I just feel so happy that he's there and really feel this is where he's suppose to be that I feel so blessed and happy for him! 

The gym
Automotive Department

*Crazy thing happened, my old roommate from Ricks (21 years ago) 
saw Max (recognized him from good ol’ FB) and came in the restaurant to say
 “hi”! It was so fun to see Karna! She was dropping her daughter off!
Ruby and Hanna being silly.
We're so glad Hanna came with us! 
We wished Van would've came too!
Saying good-bye.

We are so proud of you Max!
   Stopped in Rigby, ID to see Danny's 1st cousin once removed, Kenny Dicus. 
He is Grandma Roma’s sister Lucille’s son (Kenny Dicus). 
So Kenny and Danny's dad, Tom are cousins.

                                           Uncle Kenny's sent us home with lots of watermelon,                                           cantaloupe and a big pumpkin from his garden.