Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Family Game Day and Church at Home

Max lost and had to eat s spoonful of  chili powder.

Walt lost and had to eat a spoonful of cinnamon.

Another challenge...
Max, Van and Clark lost and had to eat a jalapeno.

Church at home during quarantine.

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Last Stop, Uncle Jeff's and Aunt Cindy's in Twin Falls, ID

Our first full day at Aunt Cindy's and Uncle Jeff's 
we went kayaking/paddle boarding under the Perrine Memorial Bridge.
It was beautiful, but it was exhausting! We paddled for about 3 hours,
the struggle was real! The water was choppy and when I tried to 
turn my paddle board I fell in the water!

 Aunt Cindy and the bridge.

 Dad and Jane and mom and Jane.
 Taking a swim break from our paddling.
 Jane whining, "it's cold"
 Mom and Daisy

Mom fell in and getting back on the board was a struggle!
 Jeff and Cindy.........                      Dad, Max and Jeff
 Jane and Clark playing during our lunch break.
 Our family.
The next day we went to walk behind the Perrine Coulee Falls.
We realized after we got there we accidentally left Daisy home with Aunt Cindy. 

 It's so pretty there in the summer!
 Twin Falls Temple is just a block from their house.

 Mom and Dad

 Thanks for the wonderful time Jeff and Cindy!

 Saying good-bye to Uncle Jeff and Aunt Cindy!

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Visited The Hoover's in Meridian, Idaho

We floated down Boise River. The water was freezing! 
Thank goodness I was in the safest tube and I stayed pretty dry.
Brittany, Brannon and the little's.
Max said his bum was freezing!
He was pretty low in that tube.
 Uncle Jeff and Daisy

 Dad and Clark

 I think Max is a little big for his tube.

Ethan did awesome on his own.

 Dad changed it up, after popping a tube.
Floating the river was super fun!
 Jane and Lilly are one week apart (Jane is actually older). Lilly is just so much taller than Jane! 
They kept saying, Lilly is "older" and we kept saying, Lilly is "taller". 
They had so much fun together!
 Played games.
 Ethan and Walt
 Wyatt and Clark
 Cute Dixie! All my big kids fought over her.
 Makeup and nails for Lilly's birthday.
 Uncle Jeff, Wyatt and Clark
 At home church, because of COVID
 Brittany did a fun lesson and involved everyone.

 Time to say good-bye.
We had a wonderful time at the Hoover's!
Everything Brittany cooked my kids wanted recipes for,
she's a great cook, everything was delicious!