Friday, August 30, 2019

Daisy and Walt's Party

Daisy & Walt
 With this many kids at a party it's hard to stop and take pics.
There were actually 22 in the pool at one point, but 3 girls
left before I took the picture and Jane wasn't in the pic.
 Happy Birthday Daisy and Walt!
We love you!

Jane Misc.

Jane trimmed the side of her hair!
She's been potty trained for a long time,
but I know I have a pic. just like this one.
I just need to find it!
Crazy Dress Day!
Princess dress over her swimsuit
and cowgirl boots.
 Jane loves Hanna's Kitten, Boots.
Good thing he's patient!
I teach swim lessons. And thought it would be
a good idea for Jane and Stratton to practice
swimming fully dressed.
She was a little nervous at first,
but now swims every once in a while with clothes on.

Stratton jumping in fully clothed as well.

Monday, August 26, 2019

My Twin Babies Turn 11!

 I can't believe they're ELEVEN!
 16 months

Happy Birthday Daisy and Walt
We love you!

Saturday, August 24, 2019


The last year I played soccer on a team.
I was 12 or 13 here.
 I'm playing soccer again with AYSO Adult League!
That's me dribbling the ball, haha!
Just hoping to have fun, keep active and
NOT get hurt!
I've used some muscles I haven't used in years!
Isn't the sky gorgeous!

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Hanna Randoms

Hanna was embarrassed getting her ears pierced 
for the first time at her age.
There was a baby in line after her.
The rule is they have to be 12 in our house.
Hanna finally wanted it done.
Daisy's been asking since she was 4.
 She didn't shed a tear!
I was so proud of her, hahaha!
 Hanna in June 2017
when she first got her braces on.
Hanna in August 2019
Braces off!
Hanna is on the HS Freshman Volleyball Team
and she is really enjoying it!
The team and coach is just perfect for her!

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Jane's First Day of Preschool

Another year teaching preschool for mom.
Jane's last year of preschool!
 Jane wanted a full on photo shoot for her first day of preschool.
 She's ready for Preschool!
 Stratton 3 (a boy I babysit) and Jane 4

Monday, August 12, 2019

First Day of School 2019-2020

 Max and Hanna are off to High School.
Jr. and Freshman year.
 My three Middle Schoolers.
Daisy (6th), Van (7th)  and Walt (6th)
 My only one in Elementary this year!
Clark 2nd Grader
My friend Toni braided Hanna's hair last night so she'd
have beach waves on her first day of high school.
I think it turned out so cute!
I only walked up with Clark this year.
Clark with his friend Warren.
 We mom's where a little excited for the first day of school!
And this one still home with mom.
Wearing whatever she wants!

Friday, August 9, 2019


 This is the Freshman Stake Seminary kids.
Hanna starts HS next week and seminary every morning at 5:45 am.
 Fun night at the HS BBQ, Steak n' Shake and bowling.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

Beach Camping

Me and six of the kids went beach camping!
It was our last summer vacation before school starts.
Max didn't really want to go and Danny had to work
We first met my dad for lunch and played at 
San Clemente State Beach.
 Me, Grandpa Ernie and Jane
We got all set up on our own!
 With two tents.
This new pop-up tent is awesome to set up!
Not so easy folding up.
 The only thing we cooked was s'mores!
We ate out for all other meals, which made it much easier to camp!
 Van and Clark.
Van and Hanna were my fire starters.
 Surfin Donuts is our traditional must have!
Mostly because it's Danny's favorite.
I ate one for Danny this time.
Poor Daisy can't have donuts.
 Cute Jane said, "take my picture"               Then Daisy wanted her pic too.
 Frisbee was a hit.
Hanna and Van.
Hanna, Van and Walt have Frisbee skills.
 Daisy is so good with Jane.
Buried in the sand.
Clark was sad he wasn't buried with the big kids.
So I buried Walt and Clark.
 Jane's turn!
I think this is the first year she got this sandy.
He's happy now.
Jane playing at the beach.
Jane running from the waves.

 Me and Clark built this sand castle together.
 My cousin Heidi was staying at the hotel in San Clemente!
We met up with them one evening.
We saw 4 dolphins swimming together!
Jane says, "Come back, there are sharks in the water"
 Playing at the beach is so much fun!
 Van showing Jane all his sand crabs.

The little kids helped bury the big kids.

 The waves were too big.
Sleeping on an air mattress at 41 
with kids is very uncomfortable.
Last night beach camping.
S'mores for dessert.

Before heading back home to Vegas we stopped at dad and Debi's
for dinner and swimming!