Wednesday, October 31, 2018

Halloween 2018

My Preschool Class 
 Only the elementary kids can dress up at school.
 The carpool group all dressed up.
 I love that their school does a costume parade,
it brings back so many memories!
 Daisy and friends
 Daisy with Sienna. Clark decided to be a Ninja instead.
 Clark won a fidget spinner during his class party.
 We came back home earlier than the rest of the kids
and Clark and Jane enjoyed passing out the candy!
 A neighbor did the most awesome
Goose Buster theme decorations.
 Hanna ended up dressing up with her friend Anna.
They are both Donkey's

Monday, October 29, 2018

Oct. Fun

The real Sleeping Beauty lives here.
I brought Jane to Clair's with Daisy. 
Jane found a lot of  fun things she wanted.
Jane dancing.
 Is anyone else over pumpkin carving like me? I talked the youngest two into painting their pumpkins this year 👏🏻 and told Daisy she had to do the entire thing on her own, that’s called a mom that’s burnt out 😜. I did help her get the stem off, but she did everything else. And the rest of the kids are over pumpkin carving too.
 Jane with her painted pumpkin.
 Clark painted "It" on his pumpkin,
he sees it on the screen saver on the kindle.
 Daisy did a great job carving her pumpkin!

Saturday, October 27, 2018

Spring Mt. Ranch

Thanks to Tom & Becky for getting us out of the house today! 
Spring Mountain Ranch was beautiful and so fun playing relay races as a family!

 Racing to the tree and back.
 Wheelbarrow races
 Hoping race. Love the one of Danny on the right.
 Family Pyramid
It was a beautiful day!

Friday, October 26, 2018

Trunk or Treat

Danny=Jock, Jenny=Queen, Daisy=Belly Dancer,
Clark=Captain America, Jane=Princess, Walt=Soccer Player, 
Van=Cow      Max and Hanna didn't dress up.

Braces for Daisy

It doesn't look like her teeth are too bad,
unfortunately her lower jaw is really far back
and possibly will need her jaw brought forward when 
she' 21. We are seeing what we can fix with braces.

Friday, October 19, 2018

Extra Fun

During the Dee's funeral we had 10 extra family
members stay with us for the weekend.
This was the youngest one that stayed the
weekend, baby Dixie.
This is Brittany's youngest of 4 children.
It was fun having so many family members 
stay over for the weekend.
 School Fall Festival Fun!
 I watched the Kemple Kids for the weekend.
3 extra kids made it 10 kids. 
 Jane loves tomatoes. Milkshake mustaches during FHE.
Jane's pic. from nursery.
They said they tried and tried to get her to smile,
but this was the expression she kept giving them.
 Clark's art work and story.
"My name is Clark. I am 6 years old.
I like to play games. I can ride a bike.
I love my mom."
 We hiked the mountain at the park
near my house for Cub Scouts. 
This was the 1st time I hiked it.

Saturday, October 6, 2018

Floating Lanterns

My mom and Jim invited Hanna to go with them 
to send off floating lanterns last Friday night.
 Hanna sent hers off in honor of her Grandma Dee Dee ❤️.
Grandma Susan and Hanna.
 Jim and Grandma Susan.

What an awesome experience she had!

Hanna's Hero Speech about her Grandma Susan.