Tuesday, July 31, 2018

July Misc.

Daisy taught herself a new hair style.
 Jane says bye to her friend Harlow.
They have the same birthday.
Harlow moved to Texas.
 Harlow and Jane
 My Mission President and his wife Sister Murdock
came to Vegas and took our family of NINE to lunch.
It was so good to see them and catch up with them.
 Mom and Jim came too, with two of Jim's grand-kids.
 Daisy trying a swim cap out.
 Hanna's orthodontist had a summer party.

 Jane got a new haircut and she's adorable!

Sunday, July 22, 2018

Girl's Weekend

I hate driving so I took a bus to meet my friends
in Flagstaff, AZ for a girls weekend.
We enjoyed shopping and eating out.
 We talked late into the night.
 We went to church.
 We hiked.
 And we laughed so hard while taking these pictures as we biked.

 I had to post all of these because they make me laugh!
 The next day they biked again and 
I took the short cut back to the house.
 Laura's in-law's "cabin" in Flagstaff was so beautiful.
And that car of Josh's was fun too!

 It was the perfect place to enjoy the weekend together!

Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Summer Misc.

Daisy was begging for a 2nd swimsuit and I told her she'll
have to buy it if she wants one. The next day a friend called and said
the company they bought their swimsuit from accidentally sent them  
two of the same swimsuits and told them to just keep it. 
They called and asked if Daisy would like a swimsuit?
She was ecstatic! I couldn't believe it!
Max has stretch marks on his arms.
 I'm the Bear Leader for Cub Scouts.
I took Walt and the rest of the Cub Scouts
to Day Camp.
 They love Gaga ball
 The boys couldn't get me out at this game.
 Took the younger 3 to Chuck E. Cheese's.
These are the only 3 kids that actually want to do stuff.

 Clark and Mom
 Daisy and jane
 I'm such a mean mom and made Van and Walt
leave the house and go to a small water park.
 Jane had fun!
 Daisy and Clark excited to go on the water slide.
 Clark and Daisy had fun too!

Sunday, July 15, 2018

More Jane

Ice cream date with Jane.
 Jane loves swimming, even alone.
You can't quite tell in these pics. but her hair is green!
Saying she's a girl
 All pooped out before we even started shopping.
Can you guess her new favorite color?

Wednesday, July 11, 2018

Happy 3rd Birthday Jane

Last night kissing my 2 year old.
 And she's THREE!
 Money from Grandpa Ernie & Grandma Debi.
#3 Pancake for breakfast
 Balloons, flowers & slurpees 
 Happy Birthday to Jane!
 Swim party and cupcakes with friends.

 Friends Harlow and Eve. More money from Grandma Susan.
We love you Jane and are so blessed to have you in our family!