Sunday, March 27, 2016


Dying Easter Eggs
(missing Max and Hanna)

Ready to find their Easter baskets. And then off to 8:30 church.
(Max was sleeping)
Jane's first Easter.
They found their Easter baskets!
Mom and Jane
We came home after sacrament because Jane wasn't feeling well.
Grandma and Jane
Happy Easter

Saturday, March 26, 2016

Max Goes to Boston

 Max with his friend Zach heading off to Boston with their 7th grade class.
 Max with his group!

Sadly Max was sick most of his trip, but he still was able to see a lot. He just missed one day of touring. Danny and I picked him up from the airport late Saturday night.
 This was the souvenir he bought.

Visiting Grandma

I took Daisy, Clark and Jane with me to visit grandma.
We bribed Jane with a succor so grandma can hold her.
Succors for everyone.
Bath time for Jane in grandma's sink after her succor.
Easter egg hunt and swimming fun!

Sunday, March 20, 2016

Spunky Daisy

The kids had spirit week at school last week and pretty much Daisy was the only one who was excited about participating in the daily dress days! 

Here were the 2 days worth documenting...

Crazy hair and mismatch day...

Daisy had her outfit all picked out the night before.

Hippie Day....

Hanna made this flower using a "recycled" soda bottle. She had fun making it, but would never wear it of course, so she let Daisy! I was pretty impressed! 

Sunday, March 13, 2016

Silly Kids

Hanna and Van have been doing the most hilarious videos on Musically lately. They crack me up.

Facebook Videos

Hanna Singing "Home Means Nevada" & Playing an Instrument

Hanna in Instrument Club

Mission Possible

Danny made this video for a youth activity when he was 17.

Caring Cousins

Max was 2 when we made this video.

Daisy Does Her Hair

When Daisy was just 3 years old she taught herself how to do a ponytail. 

Max and Hanna's Guitar Performance

Saturday, March 12, 2016

Jane Can Clap

This is such a fun stage. Jane learned to clap and it's so cute!

Friday, March 11, 2016

Jane is 8 Months Old

She turned 8 months and grew-up!
Riding in the car cart with Clark at the store.
And taking baths like a big kid too!
Saying, "Da da"
and Clapping.
We love you Baby Jane!

Monday, March 7, 2016

Happy 11th Birthday Hanna

Our traditional birthday lunch date selfie. I can't believe it's already been another year since her last birthday. She choose to go to Chili's again. I love this girl and I'm so blessed she's my daughter!   
Happy Birthday Hanna! We love you so much!

Hanna got this huge balloon from Aunt Cindy and Uncle Jeff.
Hanna also requested crepes for breakfast!
I celebrated her birthday all weekend long, by the time Monday hit I was burned out of her birthday.

Sunday, March 6, 2016

Jensen Family Birthdays

We celebrated Uncle Jeff, Hanna and Clark's birthdays tonight!
  Jeff loves the Sneetches, so we made him a big poster birthday card 
with our families head on the Sneetches with Uncle  Jeff in the middle.
 Grandma Dee and almost all her grand kids.
 Dee with her 4 children Tom, Jeff, Julie and Danny and their spouses.

Saturday, March 5, 2016

Happy 11th Birthday Hanna

We celebrated Hanna's Birthday with 
snowball fights, snow cones, food, fun with friends and ice cream cake!

 She asked for candy and money and that's pretty much what she got. 
The pic. on the right she is wearing a money necklace and holding some of the candy she got.
 I guess she is my child after all ;)
 Ice cream cake, her favorite!
 Cousins, Max, Ruby and Riley
 Snow cones were a hit!
 Her Pahrump friends. Savanna and Briley!

She is so lucky to have such a great group of friends!