Sunday, January 31, 2016

January Misc.

These two had their baptism preview! 
Even though they won't be baptized until September, I still can't believe it!
My twin babies!
These crazy kids slept on the trampoline! I didn't think they would make it. 
40 degrees is freezing in my book!
Bath time with Clark and play time with dad.
I'm 90% left brain.
I didn't realize I had strep throat and then I broke out in this rash all over. 
It's guttate psoriasis also known as Scarlet Fever, going away slowly. Good thing it's winter!
Jane started eating rice cereal, kind of.
Enjoying the weather with these cuties.
Walt is loving Ticket to Read and is in 1st place in NV.
and 4th place in the US.
 We went on a date with our friends Chris and Heather to see Raiding the Rock Vault. 
It was a little loud for me, but fun with these guys! 
We also ate at White Castle for the first and last time ever, it was nasty!
 Hanna had an all day soccer tournament with 3 games in a row. 
She got to play against her Pahrump friends, it was fun watching them play!
They tied 2-2.
 The kids had another APEX fun run at their school.

Saturday, January 30, 2016

20 Hour Trip

Max went with our ward youth group to the Provo Temple Open House. 
They drove there and back in 20 hours. They saw the temple, BYU campus, BYU basketball court, the MTC and played in the snow. It was a quick awesome trip thanks to their amazing leaders!
 He is so lucky to have such an awesome group of youth and leaders!

Friday, January 29, 2016

Jane Loves Clark So Much

Anything Clark does Jane thinks it is so funny. Even if he's talking to me she is cracking up.

I can't remember any of my babies ever acting like this towards any of their older siblings.

Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Preschool Time

This boy started Preschool!
He just loves his teacher ;)!
Funny story...
I asked the kids what their first name was and Clark said, "Clark"
and then I asked him what his last name was and he said "morning time and night time"
After thinking about it, I realized he was saying that's his name all the time. 
I love teaching preschool! 
It helps me feel like a productive mom and I make a little money doing it.

Monday, January 11, 2016

Happy Half Birthday Jane

 I can't believe she's 6 months old!
She has rolled over a couple times, but still likes to be held most of the time!
Jane playing peek a boo.

Sunday, January 3, 2016

Jesus Wants Me For a Sunbeam

I can't believe this boy started Sunbeams!
It was a rough start with 8:30 church, but he did great in his new class!

Friday, January 1, 2016

New Year's at the Mt. House

 Ella, Daisy & Jane
Baxter, Hanna & Max
          Uncle Kurt & Jane            Uncle Greg, Grandpa & Uncle Kurt
 Gifts from Grandpa Ernie & Grandma Debi
Grandpa Ernie, Grandma Debi & Jane
Grandma & Grandpa with the grand kids.
Santa with Daisy and Walt
Love Clark in both these pictures. He's at the perfect age!
Baby Jane and Van
Max and Grandma Susan
In their new jammies from Santa
Silly Cousins
Grandma Susan with her grand kids.
Cute Sisters
Jane got her first baby doll from Grandma Susan.
The kids were so excited the snow stuck!
                             Snow Angel Daisy.                                            Ella & Vincent

                              Walt's fingers are frozen.                          Van & Brody sledding!
Walt & Vincent Sledding                  Baxter & Hanna sledding
Max and Van sledding.
      Walt & Brody                                          Baxter & Hanna Sledding
It sure is beautiful here.
Clark having fun in the snow.
        Hanna's Christmas Tree                           Clark & Ella's Christmas Tree
Daisy and Vincent's Christmas Trees
It was a great five days!
I don't think anyone got too sick this year, besides Baxter's yearly throw up everywhere in his bed from eating too much junk and on the car ride down the mountain where Van and Clark got car sick.
Other then that it was a great five days with the Gravell Family!