Wednesday, December 31, 2014

New Years Eve 2014

We went to a Mexican restaurant for dinner.
We played Kinect and watched a movie to pass time.
Only half of the kids made it to midnight...
Hanna, Max and Clark.
Happy New Year!

Thursday, December 25, 2014

Christmas Day 2014

Christmas Morning.
Our family gift was the air hockey table.
Santa brought Max a Kindle, Hanna an electric scooter, 
Van a Razor mini dirt bike, Daisy and Walt a bike and Clark a little wagon.
And lots of goodies in the kids' stockings of course!
The kids exchanged gifts.
Max and Hanna hugging after exchanging gifts, priceless!
Danny excited to get his yearly socks and tools!
Trying out their new toys!
Poor Van was sick on Christmas. 
He went outside for just a few minutes and was back laying down most of the day.
Clark finally woke up!
Clark got the basketball hoop from Walt.
And one more family gift they got was the Kinect.
We had a very Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas

Love, The Jensen's

Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Christmas Eve 2014

We have our traditional Nativity play put on by the Jensen Children.
 Hanna was Mary and Walt was Joseph.
 Daisy was the Angel.
 Clark was a Shepperd Boy and loved being in the spotlight.
 I think Max was a wise man and Van was a shepherd.
 The cast.
 The Jensen Cousins.
 Getting ready for family Jeopardy!
It was a wonderful Christmas Eve!

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Christmas at the Mountain House

Daisy was by Skye's side as much as possible. 
I even let Skye put make up on Daisy, which she loved!
 Clark liked what he found in his stocking.
We always enjoy a hike around the lake.

Vincent, Clark, Baxter, Hanna, Daisy and Max.
Decorating trees with candy and icing.
 Santa came with P.J.'s as always :)
We always enjoy lots of food, games, relaxing and being together as a family!
We missed having Greg and Heather with us this year!