Friday, October 31, 2014

Halloween 2014

The pumpkins! 
As you can see Hanna and Walt are missing. Walt started the evening upset with not liking the pumpkin he was given and Hanna ended the evening upset with not liking how her carved pumpkin turned out. So we had a success of 4 out 6 happy kids.
The costumes!
This is the first year the kids were able to dress up at school!
Max's grade do a PINK day and he won the most PINKalicious for his grade.
Hanna=Nerd, Van=Zombie, Daisy=Ariel, Walt=Ninja
Clark was a skeleton. My mom made Daisy's Ariel tail, which turned out great!

The kids were happy with their earnings!
We had our traditional dinner in a pumpkin.
At our ward Trunk-or-Treat/dinner.

Friday, October 10, 2014

Fall Festival

This was such a fun night at the kids' school Fall Festival. 
We are just loving their school and feel so blessed to be there.
The whole Star Wars crew was there!

The kids had fun running in these fun bubble balls like hamsters.
The kids had fun on these riding toys.
Cute "Nerdy" Hanna!
 Chewbacca was huge!
 Just a random silly pic. of Van and Hanna.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

My Little Helper

I have to admit I feel like I'm a much nicer momma with just one little helper. I let him use the little cart at Albertson's and I think he's so cute and I even take pictures of the moment. Thinking back I wish I did have someone take a picture of me at the store with my 5 toddlers 5 and under. I remember my cart would be so full with babies I had no room for groceries. I would have Max pushing our food cart, I would hold one baby in the sling, one in the car seat, Van would sit in the cart and Hanna would hang on the side of the cart. And grocery shopping was stressful and I had no time to even think about taking a picture of what we looked like. I do remember the looks I got though.
Clark gets to enjoy lunch dates, which I never did with my 5 helpers.
We are eating at daddy's favorite noodle house, Monta.

Clark put on Max's glasses and said, "I'm Max!"
Clark reminds me most of Max. I'm not sure if it's because of all the one on one time I was lucky to have with both these boys or if it does have something to do with their personality or their looks, but being with Clark brings back lots of memories of my young mother years with Max. The funny thing is my way of daily tasks have changed a lot! With Max I did everything for and with him that consisted only of his interest. With Clark I go about my day as if I would without him as well. Once a week I attend an institute class, I just go in a different room and bring him some toys and a snack and turn on the speakers. I do all my running around that needs to be done while the rest of the kids are at school. For some reason when we have our first 2 children we feel like we can only go to parks and play dates and child like activities, but then when we have a few more children we realize we can actually still do what we need to get done and want to do with them along.    
Halloween is just around the corner.
I love this little boy and feel so blessed to have him as my little helper.