Thursday, February 28, 2013

Clark's Birthday

Clark was a little grumpy while we sang to him, but after he ate his cupcake he was one happy boy!
Happy Birthday Clark!

Clark is walking!

Clark's 1st Birthday

Clark is ONE!
Clark ate a GF cupcake with Daisy. I am thinking he has celiac disease as well.
We didn't have to invite more people to celebrate since we have plenty already :)
He enjoyed his new wagon.
Clark is pretty much walking. He still crawls a lot, but walking as much as he can.
I can't believe how fast the year has gone, what a blessing it's been with you in our lives!

Sunday, February 24, 2013

Hoover Dam

We had a 4 day weekend so we decided to take the kids on a little family vacation. 
We hit Hoover Dam the first day.

Danny came too, just not a pic. to prove it.

Grand Canyon

We stayed the night in Kingman, AZ and then headed to the Grand Canyon the next morning.
We felt safe near the edge with a fence.

We mostly just stayed on the trail. Here Danny and Van were being brave on a cliff, eek!
When we first got there, there was a pack of elk right near the trail. Of course by the time I 
took the pic. they started to run off. Some silly Asian lady scared them away.
Notice the snow? My kids were more into touching and playing with it than anything else.

Since we did a lot of driving we also did a lot of bubble gum chewing. 
And Hanna was able to teach Daisy and Van how to blow a bubble!
We had a great time together!

Monday, February 18, 2013

A Gift for ME

I met this very friendly lady at a Halloween P.T.O. Activity at the kids' school last fall. We both are talkers so we just sat and talked together for a while that evening and that was that. Well, at least that's what I thought. A little while later Danny told me that some lady was knitting me a blanket because I had helped her so much with her divorce. After he explained where I met the lady I knew right away who he was talking about. Well just before Christmas she gave Danny this beautiful knitted afghan to give me. All I had for Danny to give her that morning was a plate of cookies and an invitation to our house for dinner.
Just recently we were finally able to have Cathy over for dinner to give her an official thank you. She is so easy to talk to; she's the type of person you feel as though you've known for a long time. While talking with her we also found out that she lives on a farm (which is a dream of Hanna's) and I told her that Hanna would love to come over and help her work on her farm this summer. We actually want to help her as a whole family for a week this summer. Hanna can't wait!
It was so kind of Cathy to make this beautiful gift for me especially when I felt like I did nothing to deserve it. Oh, but I sure love how warm and cozy that blanket is; in the winter of course!
I will always remember Cathy and her kind heart!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

Way to Go!

Max and Hanna got student of the month for January, both of them were picked for their class. Max got it for P.E. in October at the same time that Van got it for his class. I'm so proud of all of them! School work comes real easy for Hanna, but Max and Van really have to work at it. Max's grades just recently went way up which gave me some relief! He's participating in a school "boot camp" program on Saturday's now to help get him ready for state testing in April. Hopefully the hard work will be worth it! 

Sunday, February 3, 2013


Clark is 11 months old and really close to walking! He took two steps last night! He is into climbing up everything, stoles, stairs, the office ladder on top of chairs... You can't tell in this pic. very well, but on the right side of his head he has a big bruise from a fall down the stairs the other day, poor guy. He is a happy baby boy that I wish would sleep better, but we love him anyways!


 More kids have joined guitar class. Wish we would have started this sooner.
 Danny grew a beard. It's now clean shaved again.
My friend Amber made the three of us that crochet together 
a most fitting gift since we all are nursing. Too funny!
 I made Daisy some new leg warmers for dance.
Walt has another passion besides cleaning now.
My sister made this cute head band (and bow to match the boys bow ties), Hanna's just not the bow type, but the headband is way cute on her.
Hanna only likes a few items of clothes in her closet, so I have now been picking out her clothes every Tuesday and Thursday to be sure she is wearing those "other" items. It hasn't been too big of a fight only when I try and get her to wear khakis, she refuses! I remember being the same way.