Friday, August 26, 2011

Happy 3rd Birthday Daisy and Walt!

I know, I can't believe it either, my "babies" are THREE years old today! I can't believe how fast they continue to grow, they will even be starting school in my preschool next week!

They are happy to be THREE! Daisy's been screaming "happy" screams today!

Money from Grandma & Grandpa Gravell. A bathing suit for Walt and cute jammies for Daisy from Grandma Susan.

At the last minute I decided to do a very simple Popsicles and water play party and they had a great time! (I was very happy with it too, since it was so simple).

"Happy Birthday Daisy and Walt, Happy Birthday to you!"

Thanks to the friends that were able to come and celebrate their birthday with us!

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Jensen Baby #6

It's been over 8 years since we've had no babies in diapers at our house...which can only mean that we are all very excited to meet Jensen Baby #6 due March 2, 2012.

Alright, they all don't look all that excited (namely, Hanna) it's just that they didn't want to take this way over due picture (I'm already 12 weeks) and secretly, sometimes my sweet children can actually be big stinkers!
Truthfully, Hanna was by far the most excited when they found out about 7 or 8 weeks ago. She was a little nervous as well because of the miscarriage I had last year and so she had a few questions about that possibly happening again and she said she was going to pray every day that the baby would live. Hanna also can't make up her mind if she wants a baby brother (because she loves kissing on chunky Walt) or a baby sister (because a girl baby would be able to share a room with Hanna when she gets a little bigger).
My kids love having a baby in the house, they love kissing on those soft, chunky baby cheeks which makes me so happy that they adore the babies almost as much as Danny and I. We are all very excited to meet our newest little baby Jensen!

This makes me think of the cruel April Fool's joke I said to the kids this last April. I told them I was pregnant, but of course very quickly I said, "April Fools!" None of the kids, especially Hanna, thought that was very funny. Oops

I'm Already Beat!

On Friday my mom brought the kids to the hotel and I took them bowling (Danny had to go do an event), swimming and then we came home (my mom, the kids and I). After getting home I did 4 or 5 loads of laundry, got the house back to my standards, brought the kids to Burger King for dinner and I was already feeling beat!
I thought after having 3 nights and 2 full days away would have given me enough energy for a few more days at least. My mom was so wonderful to take on the task or challenge of watching all 5 kids, while continuing potty training Walt at the same time. That was pretty amazing of her! I guess it made me realize how nice the break was, but how thankful I am to be a mom to these wonderful children of mine as well!
It had been over 4 years since we've been bowling.
After bowling we did some pretend play at the arcades.

Celebrated our 10 Year Anniversary

Danny and I celebrated our 10 year anniversary this week (a month early, our official date is Sept. 22). The rates were just cheaper this month and we wanted to celebrate this year with 2 full nights and use my mom to babysit so it just worked out better this week. Anyway, we got a really good deal at a 4 star hotel (South Point,it was great for the price at only $42 a night with a free breakfast buffet included). We were going to go to our hotel that we stayed at on the 1st 2 nights of our honeymoon, which was J.W. Marriott in Summerlin (which is way nice, but we decided to stay at a cheaper hotel so we could eat better and do some shopping too). We ate really well... we ate at India Palace, Cheesecake Factory, the free buffet and Macaroni Grill. We shopped, relaxed by the pool, took naps both days, read and watched T.V. We truly enjoyed ourselves! It's been a wonderful 10 years! I love Danny so much and I feel so blessed for the friendship we have and I'm excited and grateful to share many more years with him.