Monday, January 31, 2011

Christmas 2010

I love the Christmas Season. My favorite Christmas traditions are making "goodies" for those who live near us and writing Christmas letters for those who live further away. I made about 50 (small) loafs of zucchini bread (using one huge zucchini) this year and wished I could have done more. There were so many people that blessed our lives this season some anonymously that I didn't want to miss anyone (which I'm sure I did). Even though zucchini bread is not much, it felt good to at least bring something to the wonderful people that surround us. I love that excitement to serve during the Christmas Season, it brings me so much joy! Most importantly, I feel it brings me closer to my Saviour Jesus Christ; it is my hope to serve more through out this year. I have so many pictures to share of our Christmas break adventures so beware...
The night before Christmas.

On Christmas Eve the kids get to sleep in our room (which they love)!
We traditionally go to Danny's brother Tom's house on Christmas Eve for a wonderful Mediterranean dinner, talent show and best of all to watch the kids act out the Nativity play.
Max as Joseph. Angel Daisy. Shepherd Walt. Hanna as Mary. Wise man Van.

Christmas Morning...What kid isn't satisfied with a stocking full of candy?! Daisy loves tangerines, everyone gave her theirs and she piled them on her stroller and in her new purse.
I must have been taping because I only have 3 Christmas pics.

The kids received an Atari as their family gift from mom and dad. Each received a "Santa" gift Max-a air soft BB gun, Hanna-a doll she didn't ask for (sorry Santa is cheep at our house), Van-a used leapster (he didn't ask for, he wanted a DS), Daisy- One of my old dolls in a new stroller, Walt-a used b-ball hoop (which had no net and looked used) Hanna asked, "Wasn't this from Santa? Why is it dirty"
Me- "Santa also gives gifts that other kids don't want anymore". Then each child exchanges gifts they get for each other.

After our Christmas morning we then go back to Las Vegas to Danny brother Jeff's house. Uncle Jeff spoiled our kids this year (he's needing grand kids, which is due in March).He got his favorite book Mr. Sneetches for the twins (he reads this to them often), he got Max and Hanna the Play Station and he made this huge table and put a race tack in it for Van. We felt so loved!
Dee Dee got the twins these cute twin monkeys, they were so cute with them.
We had a great Christmas day visiting with family and eating lots of yummy food of course!
After church we headed to CA to celebrate Christmas with the "Gravell's" at the Mt. house. I will have to add those photos later my internet is driving me crazy!