Sunday, May 30, 2010

Grandpa's Birthday

Cute little conversation I had with Hanna on Thursday...
Me- "Hanna tomorrow's grandpa's birthday."
Hanna- "We need to send him money." (That's what he does for the grand kids)
Me- "Should we send him as much as how old he is?" (That's what he does.)
Hanna- "That will be all of our money."

I had a good laugh and loved sharing this with my dad on his 64th birthday! Happy Birthday dad!

Sharing Your Talents

I feel so blessed to be surrounded by such talented woman here and more importantly that these woman magnify there talents by sharing them with others (like me) who may not be so talented. UNTIL NOW!!!!

One friend does a once a month cupcake class and teaches us fun and interesting cupcake skills. These are spaghetti with meatballs (cupcakes).

Another friend has a monthly cooking class and has given out some wonderful recipes that I've even been enjoying trying out! And more importantly they've turned out great and I've even enjoyed doing so!

Homemade french bread, YUMMY! Made twice last week. And Chicken Parmesan, looking forward to making again!

Another friend taught me how to make this cute little diaper cake!

Another friend taught me a few knew hair techniques to do on Daisy and Hanna's hair! I have also learned how to make hair bows from another friend! I made the hair bow that's on top of the diaper cake. And these too! (Oh, the purple ones, not the brown and white ones.)

Oh ya, and I got my hair done!



I had my Pre-K Class graduation and Preschool class program last week, so I'm off until Fall.
Both class programs went so well I was very impressed and I know the parents were too! I currently have no pictures for my Pre-K graduation except for the cute cupcakes we made and the class photo, (my friend will be sending me more so I'll update later). They were awesome though, it was so rewarding seeing their progress! Hanna was in my Pre-K class, which means she'll be starting Kindergarten in the Fall!
Here is my preschool class during their program. Van is in this class, but he still has another year of preschool, then Pre-K.

Daisy and Walt

Daisy and Walt are already getting to be so close it is so cute! The other morning (while Danny was watching them and I was getting ready for my Preschool class graduation) I found them giving themselves a bath. The water was even warm!
They have been climbing out of there port-a-cribs (which Daisy is in Danny's closet and Walt in mine,) and have been getting each other up to play. So I put Walt in the big crib in Hanna's room and they've been staying put for the most part. In the day I find them in Daisy's crib together with their blankies and "reading" stories to each other. (This is not during nap time, they just sneak off together and that is where I find them). They've been watching a lot of Signing Time lately and this evening Danny turned it on for Daisy, but she had two request her blankie and then Walt. They are such a joy and it's so cute seeing them growing closer each day. Here is a picture of their routine nigh-night kisses.
They are 21 months old now, this is the age Van was when I had them!

Max and Van

I have realized a lot of this I've been posting on FB and haven't posted on my blog, so I'm catching up.
Max received student of the month for the month of April in his First Grade Class!
Future Missionary, Van Tolman Jensen (current age 3):

Monday, May 17, 2010

Happy Birthday Max and Me

I turned 32 on May 5th and my big boy Max turned 7 years old on May 6th! Since our birthday is only a day a part we get to have a special birthday lunch together.

Made cookies on a stick for Max's birthday to bring to his class.

This picture is a silly one, but I like it because it shows his innocence. This was Max's birthday dinner request, an artichoke.
It's been a busy month with Father's and Son's that we are officially celebrating his birthday this Sat. Max went to our Father's and Son's and to his cousins' as well. Max finally got a Play Station 2. He's been wanting some kind of game thingy since he was 3 years old. Danny's brother Jeff and cousin Andrew gave it to him and he and Van have been loving it! I've been enjoying using it as a great incentive as well!

Here are some gifts that I got... phone calls, cards, chocolates, a dinner gift card, while teaching a cake in one class and cupcakes in the other, all my wonderful FB messages and of course mom babysat so Danny and I could go to dinner and she even made me french toast for breakfast, my favorite! I felt loved.