heya, Gang! Firstly, thank you all for anticipating my creator owned project, Bastion's 7. I am really in awe that you'd be interested in it.
WHEW! Welp, here is page one of my book, Bastion's 7. Big thank you to my buddy, Howard Shum, for giving me direction with the synopsis I provided him, and a huge thank you to Alina for not letting me go easy with the pages. I'll insert cats she's drawn for me throughout the pages as they come along.
You know how I love coloring and plopping them on here for all you hustlers to peep. HOWEVER, here's the deal. There will be a teaser/preview put out by Image Comics to pimp out our anthology, Low Orbit. The teaser/preview will have a page or 2 of each story, or 1 sequential page and 1 sketchpage of concepts for each story. SO no matter what you get 2 pages of art from each artist. I believe it will start coming out for the San Diego Con.
I guess in other words, you'll have to see the colored version of the page in that teaser/preview. AHHHHHHHHHHHH DON'T HIT ME!!! hahaha