Monday, October 22, 2012

All Aboard

Hello Friends.

 Whooo Toooot!  All aboard the Goose Express!
Bawhahahha.  My MOM was laying on the floor next to me and that silly MOM of mine started piling my stuffy friends on me, like I was a train or something.  
Hey, if it make my MOM smile then I am happy to be a "Ca-Goose". hehhehhe

It was a rainy day today.  But look, even in the midst of what some seem to think is gloomy weather, beauty shines through.

I think God is putting an exclamation point on this day with the sunlight streaming on the Autumn leaves among the dark clouds and the rain coming down.  My MOM says this, "Even perfect days can end in rain."  I think that perfect days can start with rain too.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

Yummy Goodness

Hello Friends.

First let me say THANK YOU for all your well wishes, prayers and good vibes sent for my MOM.  She really appreciates it, and so do I.  She is still sick, but she says it can't go on forever.  I hope she is right.
But you know what does goes on forever?  Kindness, that's what.  On Saturday I got another package.  It was the rest of the stuff that Stella Rose sent.  Remember she sent me a way cool card, a first place ribbon and a "G" bling for my collar.  Take a look what else came.

The traditional "Here is the package that came" shot.  Now let me at it.

You gotta grab a package by the edge to get a real good ripping point.

Something smells very good in here.

Ooooo there is a cool orange and black thing.  But there is something else that smells good.

So many good smells.  Is that bacon I smell?  Oh I think I just got a whiff of pumpkin.... and...

OMD!  Would you look at this!!!  Yummy overload.

OK first there is this very cool rope thingy (can't wait to get to that.) Plus I got 4 different treats.  Start drooling over these flavors:  Apple Cheddar, Corinne's Bacon Bites, Peanut Butter Pumpkin, and Sweet Potato Chicken!!!  You too can have some of this yummy goodness.  They came from a place called "Pugs in the Kitchen" and you can go online HERE to check it out.

This is a great tugging rope.  And with MOM being so sick I can out pull her with little or no effort.

Look how far it stretches!!!  Know what happens when I let go?  Hehehhe, MOM falls back head over heels across the living room. Bawhahahha.  I know I should not laugh but... to see her roll across the floor like that... Oh Dog it is priceless!  Plus I am sure it will help her feel better.

I sampled each and every treat and they are wonderful!!  Do you see the crumbs on my nose?  That's how good they are.

THANK YOU Sweet Stella Rose for all the goodness you sent me.  And any time you need more treats for your pug friends who are in foster care just let me know.  I have a whole lot more NAKED treats I can send.