Kenna Goodman (28) has been recently diagnosed with a grade 4 cancerous brain tumor called Medulloblastoma.

Kenna had surgery to remove the tumor and is now undergoing radiation and chemo therapy in hopes to destroy any residual cancer cells in her brain and spinal column.

She has three adorable children ages 6, 4, and 1 and is terrified they will grow up without their mommy.


My cuties!!!

65 years

65 years ago my cute grandparents got married at the age of 17. They have such a wonderful love and a great legacy!

Golf... Macey


the kids are very active which I like. They tend to follow the sport of the season, which is golf right now.

They are lucky to have a a dad that takes them out!!!



I’ve kind of neglected my garden lately. But the other day when I was weeding I got this radish! I’m sure it doesn’t taste good. But this radish is as big as a potato!


Aaron, my husband grew up with all brothers. His younger brother became an angel 14 years ago. I wasn’t married to Aaron yet, just dating- and I had the chance to meet him and make some unforgettable memories. Happy birthday Kevin!


I am reminded from my kids about bravery. My youngest, after days of consideration- she finally was brave and got the courage to jump of the high dive. I am so proud of her and her bravery!

“Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”


not if but when...

It’s 2019, in the past 5 years I’ve had brain cancer 3 times. Adult medulloblastoma. I’m pretty envious of people that have had cancer and that are in remission. (It still is crummy and every trial is hard)  I know I will never be. I know that it will keep coming back. Not if, but when.  I’m hoping that I can fight this challenge and be a grandma to spoil my grandkids. I’ve already done it 3 times, I can keep going!

My family now...

We all have changed  in some good and bad ways  I know that I won’t be around forever and I hope they have some good memories!




    If you ever walk next to me, I tip over on you a lot. It takes a lot of concentration. My balance isn’t good. My doctor told me to never climb a ladder. My biggest fear is the treadmill, I have a death grip on it as I run, I never let go. I’m afraid of falling off of it. I had to relearn how to ride a bike, so I’m not a big fan of the term, “it’s like riding a bike.”
Because my balance isn’t so well my oncologist suggested not driving at night and if I get pulled over I could NOT pass a sobriety test, have the officer call him directly or huntsman. 

“I never make the same mistake twice. I make it like five or six times, you know, just to be sure.”