Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Halloween Preview

Here are the kids in their Halloween costumes. We just bought them the other day, and of course, we had to try them on to make sure they were keepers.

It was nice to finally get L to be something other than a princess or fairy. She liked this witch costume because it was not scary looking, the skirt glows, and it reminded her of the witches at Gardner Village that we go see each year.

Q does not like to dress up, and I was nervous that we would not find a costume he would like. Internet searching uncovered this fabulous SuperWhy costume at Halloween USA which is over near FYE on Redwood. How perfect!! SuperWhy is one of his favorite shows. I did not even have to show the costume to him...he saw it on the rack and started to yell Super why! Super why! He even let us try it on him. how cool huh????
Anyways, Halloween this year should be fun!!

Saturday, September 5, 2009

So, we tried to go out swimming the other night, and found out the pool is closed for maintenance, so we hit up the local Chili's (on dad's wallet, naturally) instead. While we were there, some pretty cool things happened with the kiddies! Quinn ordered his own dinner...he looked right at the waitress and said 'ee sanwich ee fries, ah muk'. translated, this means a sandwich and fries and milk. It was just too cool!! He got a grilled cheese, and fries and milk, and ate well! Lily also had some fun things go on. Her daddy drilled her on her math facts and we found out that she can add double digit with single digit math problems with little to no error, and she is fairly good at the lower double digit plus double digit problems as well. Then she shocked us when she said she could spell Mississippi. All fired up to show us, she said "m, r, s, period, s, i, p, i. See? Mrs. Sipi!" That one could not keep us from laughing right out loud. Just too cool.
Anyways, that is all for now! Going to Swiss Days in an hour. They have the best bbq beef dinner. tradition!