Wednesday, November 24, 2010

do u ever think about death?

Good day brothers and sisters,

  • I want start off by showcasing a blog that i really like and think you will also, the blog is called:   The author writes a short daily devotionals and then briefly gives ways to apply the verse in our life. 

  • Sorry im behind, i will be replying to all my emails from this blog very soon since I am now on thanksgiving break.

  • Do you ever think about death? Check out the piece i did, which includes a very deep spoken word poem, on my new blog:
Happy Thanksgiving you  all!
God bless, chizzy D, aka gohard

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Moving day

So like i said changes are happening with this blog, in changes, i mean i'm ending this blog. :(
But wait don't be sad because i created a big, better blog(in my opinion) and i'm excited to share it with you I will no longer go by the name gohard, instead, i will go by Chizzy D, it's closer to my real name.
As far as changes in my life, well it's still unfolding, for more info go to and read my post on "choices, lack of choice, whats next?"

so um...see you there, i may post one more time on this blog.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Good day everyone,
I truly have missed the community and everyone. To all the new followers, greetings! i hope to check out your pages soon.
Big changes are coming in the next couple of months with this blog and my life. Stay tuned.  God bless!!