Wednesday, November 24, 2010

do u ever think about death?

Good day brothers and sisters,

  • I want start off by showcasing a blog that i really like and think you will also, the blog is called:   The author writes a short daily devotionals and then briefly gives ways to apply the verse in our life. 

  • Sorry im behind, i will be replying to all my emails from this blog very soon since I am now on thanksgiving break.

  • Do you ever think about death? Check out the piece i did, which includes a very deep spoken word poem, on my new blog:
Happy Thanksgiving you  all!
God bless, chizzy D, aka gohard

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Moving day

So like i said changes are happening with this blog, in changes, i mean i'm ending this blog. :(
But wait don't be sad because i created a big, better blog(in my opinion) and i'm excited to share it with you I will no longer go by the name gohard, instead, i will go by Chizzy D, it's closer to my real name.
As far as changes in my life, well it's still unfolding, for more info go to and read my post on "choices, lack of choice, whats next?"

so um...see you there, i may post one more time on this blog.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010


Good day everyone,
I truly have missed the community and everyone. To all the new followers, greetings! i hope to check out your pages soon.
Big changes are coming in the next couple of months with this blog and my life. Stay tuned.  God bless!!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Such a beautiful story: Miners in Chile

Long time ooo, hope everyone is well. I wanted to share a story that im pretty sure almost everyone with media access knows about. This brought me to tears, and to hear the different miners giving glory to CHRIST was amazing.

“There are actually 34 of us,” the nineteen-year-old miner wrote in a letter sent up from the mine on Tuesday, "because God has never left us down here."

For my U.S.A viewers:

For my non U.S.A viewers, here is a short summary vid:

Click HERE for the article on this story :)

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Exciting news, ways to give back, and more

 Why do i love this month so much, i have exactly four reasons. In this post though i will be discussing two of those.  One is that this is the month of my birthday, yaaaa September. Two, is that Lecrae's CD "REHAB" is coming out on sept. 28th. I could not be more excited!!!!

Check out a way to give back: A way to make a spiritual difference in Sudan while in the comfort of your home, i just donated, you can too:)

Lecrae will be going to Sudan the week his CD comes out, check out why and how you can help missionaries, on his blog:

 Your donation will be helping"Red Revolution Ministries and pastors from The Village church to train pastors and community leaders who are passionate about spreading the Gospel despite the current situation in Sudan."


 Here is a song he created this summer for a camp that i absolutely love, its not on the new CD though. Also included is a song from his new cd called: "Just like you."


Also Tomorrow according to Lecrae fb page:"

Trip Lee's "The Invasion (Hero)" will be the new joint of the day tomorrow on BET's 106 & Park. Tune in and tell a friend!"

Interesting! I absolutely dislike BET, but like sho Baraka said: "If we stay in the church they will call us religious. If we go on mtv and the saints think were trippin. If we try to hit the streets then we're thugs in sin. With those spectator you cant expect to win." So my prayer is that this video draws people to the direction of Christ, may Christ and only Christ be glorified through this.

Here is what Lecrae said to someone angry about this news: "........... now the reality is I am NOT promoting anything but the Gospel and bro Luke 15 finds Jesus in a very similar situation. Read it. Where would you have the Gospel go if not to where the sick (lustful, porn addicted, prideful, violent, homosexual) are? Would you prefer The BET audience be punished (legalism) or receive the same grace (I hope) you've received. (gospel)
It's not Hypocritical BET can be dangerous for us and we proceed in fear and caution (Jude) but none the less we proceed. Don't know where you'd like to see the Gospel go. Cleaner, better, healthier people only? We are in need. You
my friend as Ephesians 2 states ( I hope)  were just as dead in sin as the worst of us." 

Well said Lecrae.

Here is the video that will be on BET:


Thursday, August 26, 2010

My trip to Hong Kong and laos

Because school just began again for me, things have been a bit busy.

Why did i travel to Asia?
The answer is that i traveled to Asia, as a Christian teacher, to teach English to young students. It was a awesome experience. I learned so much about the Father, about humans, and about myself while at Hong Kong and Laos. I definitely grew spiritually because of what I learned in Asia. In Hong Kong, I got to interact with around 120 students; 21 of those students were mine. I spent so much time with the students and my team which allowed opportunities to develop deep relationships. How I miss my team and my students, but I know many of those relationship will be lifelong, thanks to technology.  “Love” was a very big theme this summer. From learning/practicing the love languages of each of my team member, understanding the father’s love for his children, to having countless opportunities to love on students/team members, “Love” played a very big role.

Here is a clip i recorded of my students while they were watching a movie. They are a bit camera shy!

Stayed tuned for pics from my trip.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

I'm back!!!!

I have been out of the states for over a month and i just returned yesterday. I was in Hong Kong for four weeks and Laos for one week. More info to come!!!

Asia= beautiful land, awesome people, and great food!!!

Here is a vid i found on youtube of some of the exact same places i visited in Laos.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Summer break

So im taking a break from blogging and reading blogs for alittle while. Bye Bye!!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Nigerian Comedy: Church

I saw this on facebook and was totally laughing because growing up in Nigeria i remember some of the things this comedian talks about.  I wasn't really laughing during the first part, but i'm glad i continued to watch it because the second half had me rolling. So enjoy!!!