Because school just began again for me, things have been a bit busy.
Why did i travel to Asia?

The answer is that i traveled to Asia, as a Christian teacher, to teach English to young students. It was a awesome experience. I learned so much about the Father, about humans, and about myself while at Hong Kong and Laos. I definitely grew spiritually because of what I learned in Asia. In Hong Kong, I got to interact with around 120 students; 21 of those students were mine. I spent so much time with the students and my team which allowed opportunities to develop deep relationships. How I miss my team and my students, but I know many of those relationship will be lifelong, thanks to technology. “Love” was a very big theme this summer. From learning/practicing the love languages of each of my team member, understanding the father’s love for his children, to having countless opportunities to love on students/team members, “Love” played a very big role.
Here is a clip i recorded of my students while they were watching a movie. They are a bit camera shy!
Stayed tuned for pics from my trip.