- The Seduction of the Crimson Rose by Lauren Willig
Somtimes you feel like something rather fancy...
How about a vegetable stack with a polenta base then topped with eggplant that got a bit shy (hence the fact it's hiding under the greenery), baby spinach, mushroom and tofu with roasted kumara and capsicum round the edges to make it super fancy?! Cool!
It's now only a few more days to go until The Dual. Feeling rather anxious but after a good training run out at the Hunua Ranges on Sunday I'm not feeling quite as bad as before. The question will be what footwear to use 'cause the terrain is just at that kind of middle-point between running shoes and off road shoes...which brings me to my new shoes!
Forgive the dirt splatters on my legs - it was after my run. I actually can't believe I took a photo of my feet but still, these are awesome shoes specially for off-road adventures. This is the Inov-8 Roclite 285 and 'cause they're red they must be fast!
A view from the lookout overlooking the Mangatawhiri Dam.
Anyway, it's definitely starting to get colder round here and there is a chill to the air once the sun starts to slip away. Winter, my friends, is well and truly on its way. One of the things about the colder weather is it makes me crave comfort food.
Like mac n'cheez (with stir-fried veges to give the illusion of a healthy meal!)...
Or nachos (with way too much sheese 'cause I got carried away when I was grating!)...
Or my absolute favourite, satay tofu which is going to be my dinner the night before the race this weekend. Not sure which is more exciting, the race or the tofu (okay, it's not that close to call...really)!
And lastly, you can never go past a good soup to warm you up...
This is leftovers from last night's dinner - Roast Pumpkin, Kumara and Peanut Butter soup. Delicious.