Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Kitchen Remodel Updates!


As you can see, my kitchen used to have 2 entrances, we closed off this one, to make for more counter space.



Wow! totally new kitchen, right!!!! I love it.  One of my favorite parts is that I don't have to set my oven 75 degrees lower than what the recipe calls for. I am seriously on cloud nine, and it's not even all the way done yet.  But we have come a long long way!  I have been so impressed with my husband, designing all of this and doing everything himself.  Like how when he needed a certain unattainable size of cabinets, he decided to get to work, and build his own.  It was amazing to me how he could just switch around gas lines and electrical like it was nobody's business.  I sure love him.... almost as much as I love my new kitchen. ;)

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

"And A Little Child Shall Lead Them"

I have a story of my children that makes me smile every time I think of it, so I though that I had better record it, so I don't forget it. 

Q and M have been getting an allowance every month.  Maiya has been saving up to buy a Monster High DVD, and Quincey has been saving up for a Luigi's Mansion game for his DS.  Video games cost a lot more than DVD's, of course, but also Maiya had some extra birthday money to spend as well.

So, last Friday Maiya came with me to the store to buy her DVD, but Quincey stayed behind because he still needed $20 for his game. When we came back Q was still sad that he couldn't have his game yet, so Maiya ran to her room, grabbed her extra money ($22.00) and gave it to Quincey.  She said, " Here Quince, I don't need it anymore because I have what I wanted, and I want you to be happy too!" Quincey got so happy, jumped up and down and said, "OH, THANK YOU, MAIYA!!! YOU ARE THE BEST SISTER EVER!!" And then they hugged and hugged. It was so sweet.  I just wish I could have gotten it on camera, but I was too busy choking up.

I learn so much from my kiddos about what is truly important.  It was amazing to me how a little act of service made BOTH of them so happy.  It reminds me of this quote by President Packer...

One of the great discoveries of parenthood is that we learn far more about what really matters from our children than we ever did from our parents. We come to recognize the truth in Isaiah’s prophecy that “a little child shall lead them.” (And a Little Child Shall Lead Them, April 2012 Conference)