Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Plans are for changing

Well, I just got back from a nice little vacation.  Geren and I had planned on traveling to Utah together on Friday after work to go to conference.  But then  I found out that he was driving up separately with a friend and decided to go up earlier, because I can! (such are the benefits of being a stay at home mom). 

So, the kids and I embarked on our journey on Wednesday morning.  It was so nice to be able to be in charge and the freedom of being able to do what ever my little heart desired.  I first headed to see my sweet former mission companion, the incomparable Darci, and her bundle of sweetie children.  Then I decided I would head north and visit my old stomping grounds in Ogden and visit some relatives there.  i was having a difficult time deciding who I would go visit.  I found myself praying that I would be able to know where I needed to go.  It was then, (about 15 minutes outside of Ogden) that I had an epiphany! I realized that my wonderful sister Jennifer lived only 2 hours away from Ogden (in Idaho)..... So, I kept driving! Even though I had left all of my luggage at my in-laws house in Utah, we stayed in Idaho until Saturday afternoon.  (I had to go to the store for diapers and extra clothes for the kids.... and a car charger for my phone.)  

Oh what a fun time we had.  It is fun to do fun things when they are planned. BUT there is something so exhilarating about random changes to plans that makes things even more fun and exciting!  (I think my husband would disagree with this opinion, by the way). 
Here are some pictures of our journey.....

 My lovely niece (one is missing in this picture) and nephews
 The Gorgeous Maiya (she has decided this on her own.)
 My sister and I (We never claimed to be super models... we just are naturally :)) 

 I thought it was funny how Scoob was resting on the back window. I took this while I was driving ;)

 We stopped at the Discovery Museum in Salt Lake and had lots of fun! Unfortunately Quincey got a rope burn from sliding down this rope.

 Pretty Maiya with the balls (her favorite)

 Q in the first aid room getting ice for his rope burn.

 Enjoying the helicopter with the ice pack.  Even though right after I took this picture, Q got hit with the helicopter steering lever in the face, and we decided to call it a day. 

I loved Conference.  My favorite talk would have to be President Monson's from the Priesthood Session.  I enjoyed learning more about the importance of agency and choice and Satan's desired role in my decisions.  I made a stronger resolve to involve the Lord in my choices. 

Well, so here I am back to our good ol' home.  (I do love our home).  And when I count my blessings it is high on the list. Also, I love my dog Scooby.  Okay, I can tell I am getting tired.  Until next time.