
25 April 2016

Aku dah lama tak mengadap binatang ni

Assalamualaikum, salam sempena bulan Rejab dan salam sejahtera.

Agak lama tak update blog ni. Tgk laptop pun jarang sekali. Alhamdulillah masih dipanjangkan umur oleh Allah untuk terus menjadi hamba dan khalifah di atas muka bumi ini. Memang betul lama sangat meninggalkan dunia berkomputer dan apatah lagi blog. Post sebelum ni pun berbahasa inggeris. So for my English followers please use translator to understand more on this post. This is because I'm too excited to write, write and write for today's post.

Alhamdulillah saya telah dikurniakan seorang bayi perempuan yang comel yang bernama Nik Faqhira Naqish.
Ketika Majlis Perkahwinan Sepupu

Abi dan Naqish

 Dan disebabkan oleh itu, saya menjadi surirumah yang terlampau sibuk ( walau hanya kerja yang sedikit sahaja) menguruskan anak dan rumah. Pada ketika ini saya tak boleh lihat sampah walau secalit dan sentiasa nak rumah kemas selalu. Adakah disebabkan saya ader baby sebab takut jangkitan kuman?

Seperti juga ibu saya pernah berkata, akan ada perubahan pada diri selepas ader anak termasuk kulit yang kering dan rambut yang kerap gugur. Ader sesiapa boleh bg tips?

Masa pun dirasakan sangat terhad sehinggakan saya lupa hari ini hari apa? Jelas sekali saya masih tak pandai lagi mengatur masa. Sebab itu 'Masa Itu Emas'.

Ohh...saya lupa hari ini hari isnin. Hari yang baik untuk memotong kuku.

Sampai sini dulu.

11 October 2014

When that time comes

Assalamualaikum and hello friends,
Just listening to : Hijjaz- Mesra Desa

Today's entry is about Pokai. Pokai means you didn't have more money in your pocket to spend something you need. I'm not asking your balance neither in your bank account nor in your wallet. So let's continue reading...

Simple Fried Rice

What you going to do when you 'pokai'?
What you will spend something so expensive on that time?
What the special menu for your meal?
Where you will enjoy your day?

I'm not totally broke, just over spending and then pokai. hahaha.. When I'm single and live in rent house, I'm not thinking about money. Work then got more money. But when time like this come, I will make sure enough of bread and eggs. I will cook either French toast, egg sandwich, spicy egg fried, egg soy-sauce, or just make fried the egg and eat with rice. Every day with egg is unhealthy but who cares?

On that time also I will read and read with same magazine. Just want to full fill my windows shopping activity. I'm not the person who will look at something bling-bling, and then just keep in mind that I would buy this after I got salary. No, no, no. That's why I will just hibernate in my room on weekend. Not going anywhere so then my eyes, my mind and my heart will keep silent for awhile. It's really hard to be shopaholic!!!

Sometime I will meet my close friend or someone asking to company her for shopping. This time I will do my best as shopaholic girl to her. Before coming home, I will spend something that low price like little teddy or note book, or something that price below than rm5.
Example of small item. But this from Cameron Highland's exhibition.

After married and live with my parent (since my hubby working abroad) so it totally changes my life. Need to spend a lot for groceries, but no more every day eggs in my menu. And the latest of my thinking was how I will get more money? Maybe do some small business or others. Doing calculate is must but still overspending.

Okay. End for today. What's yours?

29 May 2014

Honeymoon never ending

Assalamualaikum dan hai semua. Harap sentiasa sihat dgn orang tersayang disisi.
Seperti biasa kalau my hubby dah balik Malaysia, so ktorg mmg akan keluar berjalan2. Destinasi yg wajib ialah pahang dan kelantan. Jd utk kali ini nak berkongsi gambar yg mmg cun yg  berjaya dirakam dlm kamera baru tu.

On The Way To Pahang

Kalau balik kg ikut highway mesti yg dpt tgk nyer pokok hijau, gunung, jalan dgn awan. Ambik gambar byk mn pn mmg yg mcm ni jer lh yg dpt. Baru belajar2 nk guna camera so mmg nmpk janggal dan kalau warna x seimbang x payah nk kater lh. Hehehee

Sengaja jer guner GPS. even dlm highway. sajer try test benda tu. lg pn takut gps ni busuk plk dekat dlm kotak dier.

Gambar ni My Hubby yg ambik. nampak blur cikit tp cantik jgk lh. Boleh lh kan. susunan pokok2 ni mmg cantik. dan mmg rezeki hari tu psl cuaca cerah dan awan pn cun. Alhamdulillah.

 RnR nak ke Pahang. Yg ni nampak mcm mendung sikit. Tengah panas tp ambik bawah atap. Segan dan malu sebenarnyer nk keluarkan kamera yg x berapa nak canggih. Ambik jer lh aper yg sempat.

 Ni test untuk blur. mmg menjadi. warna pn naik. Cun ker?

Belek punya belek dlm laci kereta tu jumper lah cekelat ni yg smlm beli luper nk mkn. Sajer nak tunjuk untuk siapa2 supaya terliur... hehheeee

Syida Says: Post kali ni agak ringkas. Kerana tujuan utama nak tayang gambar jer. Orang pn nak tgk gambar jer pn bkn nak bc yg pjg berjela ni kan. Sekian saja, Assalamualaikum.

11 January 2014

Happy New Year 2014

Hello everyone and happy weekend.
Yeah, new year's feeling still in our heart. Happy New Year 2014. Last year I do not story about my new year resolution. But this year, here the bonus.  My resolution for 2014. 

In 2013,  there are a lot of story, sad, bad, and happy :D
Opening the year with our first honeymoon at Pangkor Island. And then my lovely grandmother was pas away. My aunty move to my family's house.  Family day at Teluk Batik. First time see him leave me for duty as husband and wife. First time drive in midnight to see him at port. My hubby come back from duty. And end of this year we sprate for temporary. Hope he will come back for celebrate Eid with me.

May Allah give mercy to us and be happy couple forever.

Syida says: End of my part. What's yours?

07 January 2014

Hard to follow

Husshh.. hushh... haaahh.. Take a break
I'm not following my friend, my car, even my cat... meow (not u Milo). I' m following the latest technology for this modern world.  Our world give us 365 days but every month we must heard latest news like new handset,  phone,  tablets,  laptop, netbook, and else. I'm sorry I can't to write all here.

My friend love kalau aku kaya song (if I'm rich), and if I be a rich person I will have every latest Samsung brand and now galaxy s4. Please God, please, please, please let me have a ton of money and get those galaxy s4. But thanks God that allow me to have this tab (for easy to me read eBook) and handphone even not the latest one.

I still remember that day when I bought my first touch screen handphone (and I still use it), I feel very lucky like I'm walking on red carpet.  But now there's so many trendy phones with different style, function,  application and else made me want to change mine. Just one thing in my mind, everything have their sentimental value.

Back to the first when nokia 3310 be a famous phone.

It so simple and really small compare with others brand.
Handphone water bottle
Can u remember the tone? Tet tet tet.... and remember we always buy the latest song or key the code as song?  And after that start with colors and real song. Exchange the picture by using infrared technology. 
5 years after this, I still can't guess what it will be. Maybe I will change my phone someday. 

Some advice from me, Do Not use your phone while walking on the street. It too dangerous. Stay Away from your phone while sleep.

Syida Says:
Don't be like this --->> 

24 June 2013

Olympus Has Fallen

Assalamualaikum and hi for everyone. This is greeting from Malaysia. Hope we still in peace and let's pray to our friend who fights for their country.

And today I would like to make a review about this movie... Olympus Has Fallen. Okay, I know I'm late because this movie is not still in cinema. This info for who to find it's DVD. Please buy the original one.

If u want to know basically about this movie you can find it on IMDB olympus has fallen. For me this is the best action movie for this year. Plus it have Gerald Butler as hero. The hero tries to save his country from terrorist. And this terrorist is not from Muslim. He fights until his last breath but he not die. He use his knowledge about inside white house, fight skill, team work (with president's son) and else.

The best part for me is:
1) Patriotic: president and the workers from white house try to fight with the terrorist even they did not have any weapon.

2) Romantic: the hero try call his wife that he very busy in office but what happen actually he fight alone for his country. Still caring and loving.

3) trust: if u know him and know what he eats and what he drink, please don't put 100%  for them. Be careful with your surrounding because u doesn't know what exist in their mind.

While watching it, I feel I want to fight with them and I want to cry as they love their country. Last but not least is I wanted to hug my hubby as his wife hug the hero. 

Syida Says: Gerald Butler in my heart. But my hubby still number 1 

18 June 2013

24 hours is not enough

Place: on bed with my tab.
Thought: love to play shake on weChat.

Assalamualaikum n hi everyone. It's morning already but I can't sleep. Pardon me if i'm make more mistake on this post because hard to write from tab. I miss u all and also this blog.
What i do lately? Just on tab. Since got this tab (and wifi) just focus with this and the others seem not important. I want to post that i think its important to share, but somehow suddenly the day getting dark and yeeehhaaa time to sleep. Huh...forgive me my dear bloggy..

Here I put some picture what have I done and what happen around me.
1st picture Nasi Kerabu. traditional kelantanese meal. I learn from my mom in low.
2nd picture my hometown full with party flag. the day before vote.  

30 April 2013

Happy Labor Day

Assalamualaikum and hi for all.

I love to: Play with my tab
Happy with: My laptop was fine even doesn't have's okay. still happy with that.

Just a simple post... Happy Labor Day 2013. Have a break with your family and friends.

Syida Says: Rest & Relax. 

22 March 2013

Our Day

Assalamualaikum and hi everyone.
Right now I'm watching WWE. It's all about wrestling. It show how strong, smart, funny and stupid someone or a group trying to win the battle. They try with full energy to show their smart skill, and the other way is trying to use equipment.

What if a marriage fighting just likes WWE? If the winner is a husband, we always know that. But if the other side, something goes wrong somewhere lah. Maybe those women learnt kick boxing or a body builder. Who knows right?
My Fav Movie

Lately this situation is not weird any more. Guys who always make his wife like a punch bag or maid must give a lesson. We just need love, not hated. We want to be hug and kiss everyday but not kick.

Hey guys don't stop read this post. Give me a second to say Happy International Women's Day to your wife, girlfriend, mom or whoever you know. Be a man and love them as you love yourself.

Syida Says: Take a break...

19 March 2013

Ahlan wasahlan 2013

Hai everyone and Assalamualaikum for all Muslim around the world. 
Happy New Year 2013. Maybe I was late to say happy New Year now. And thanks for the wish about my wedding on my previous post.

For this year I'll not make so much resolution. Just a little bit like house, healthy, books and others...(is it I say a little bit?).

My 2013 Resolution
1. A new house
2. Healthy
3. Got exercise mood everyday
4. Buy and read a lot of books
5. Travel with my hubby
6. Post blog every month
7. Take care of my weight and beauty
8. Find the best spa, saloon, and restaurant.
9. Learn something new
10. Got more money

Can you see it... just a 'little' bit.

Syida Says: Hope You Enjoy For This Year

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