I'm writing this entry simply for the purpose of providing a laugh for my sister. It was her birthday yesterday and while I'd love to share the backstories behind all of these one-liners, there simply isn't space or time. So happy birthday, Sis, and I hope you enjoy this walk through memory lane! These are in no particular order. And I apologize for the large amounts of space after some pictures. That's just how they scanned in.
~ bumpy, striped pink wallpaper with giant flowers!

~ you arriving home from college with Jim's class ring on a chain around your neck and a dreamy look in your eyes at ALL times.
~ Red, Red Wine and I Just Called to Say I Love You - the first "rock" songs I knew courtesy of you.
~ the way your rug in junior high and high school always had coins stuck in it. It was a shag rug and I always knew where to go to find some extra cash! (I don't think I've ever told you that!!!)
~ the day you got special horse riding clothes - complete with the hat!
~ you and Holly playing dress up with me as the doll. Lets not go into details - I'm still scarred by the memory.
~ getting letters from you while you were in college. You've always been the one who's good at that!
~ you and your friends jumping off the top bunk onto a beanbag.
~ Jaws the mouse and Jasper the parakeet
~ you helping me write my very first love note/card complete with bubble writing and a fancy sticker!
~ playing in the playhouse that Grampy made for us.
~ watching you sneak into the house in summertime to watch a soap opera and almost daring to tattle so that mom would put on something we could both watch. Although, somehow I knew that idea wouldn't quite work out in favor of either of us!
~ the kartwheel that knocked out my bottom two teeth!
~ the cruise in Hawaii when everyone asked for pictures with the fair skinned, blue eyed girls. We felt like celebrities!

~ the license plate of your first car - I still remember it!
~ the fear I felt when I heard you'd crashed that car.
~ you playing with baby David on the floor when I was sick with the stomach flu and Josh was away.
~ hearing your laughter as you tell funny stories about your boys
~ going to the Dairy Bar at UConn as kids
~ sleepovers in your room on Christmas eve and your strict rule that I could not wake you up until 7am. I broke that rule every year!
~ giggling together until late at night during those sleepovers.
~ the youth group New Years Eve overnight at 49.
~ one of your birthday parties (I think you were 10) when everyone got a punch balloon! I had just had a shot in the butt that day and couldn't even sit down for your party.
~ your beautiful voice raised in song with three others at PCC.
~ napkin fights between you, me and Dad
~ matching sweaters for Christmas from Gail. Gorgeous sweaters!

~ many matching clothes made for us by mom.
~ you explaining to me about the birds and the bees at Grampy's house. And I didn't believe you!!
~ special luncheons at the Manchester house
~ how beautiful you looked on your wedding day!

~ getting baptized together
~ how much you remind me of Nana with your passion for cooking
~ going over to Nana and Papa's to play cards, eat sandwiches with the crust cut off or ravioli and drink iced tea with about a pound of sugar in it, and snagging candy out of the soup bowl! Oh, and I particularly remember that Nana kept a jar of double stuffed oreos just for you!
~ our time in Vienna with the Grissen kids and no parents for several days. What fun that was!
~ going to a craft fair together just after I got married. The woman at the gate sold us one adult and one child ticket. Guess who was mistaken for the child?!!!
~ Fluffenutter and PeanutButter the lop-eared bunnies
~ the beach ... searching for shells, swimming, building castles and throwing mud.
~ your love of all things nature
These are just a few. If I think longer, the list will never end! We've had some great times together and I look forward to many more over the years. Happy birthday, Christy! I love you! And may this year be full of wonderful memories with your own sweet family!