Our Family

Our Family
Glenn, April, Rebekah, Miriam, Marcus, and Dallin

Thursday, January 31, 2013

Random summer pictures

 Glenn holding Dallin
 Miriam and Rebekah chillin at the pool
 Marcus trying on some new clothes and then dancing with his sisters.  It was so funny!
Lovely hair, huh. But still cute.

Family Pictures - Oct 2012

The White Family 2012
Rebekah - 8 years old

 Miriam - 6 years old

Marcus - 4 years old

Dallin - 1 year old
 (of course he fell and bruised his head the week of pictures at least 3 times, lovely)

Dallin's first haircut

Once my boys turn one I like to get them a clean haircut.  There is nothing like a cute little boy with freshly cut hair.  So darling.

The Faux Hawk might be a little much that the great clips lady gave him, but he is a whole new man. 

But still my baby!

First Day of School - Aug 2012

Well we had a fabulous summer!  I was sad to see the girls go off to school.  We loved playing and doing fun things together, but alas it was time to be responsible and send the girls off to school.

  I can't believe it.....Rebekah starting 3rd grade.
 Madam Miriam started 1st grade.  Cute sisters!
 Ready for school....why did I let her choose such a short skirt?  I don't no, but we were there on time.

Miriam waiting in line with her class for her teacher to come out and pick them up.
 Marcus playing on the playground after.  Let's see what life without sisters will bring.

Mr. Dallin man ruling the playground after all the big kids went into their classes.

Picking Peaches

We are far from being gardeners, however when we moved in there was a peach tree in our backyard.  One of our favorite days of the year is when we get to go out together as a family and pick the peaches.  So fun!

 Marcus helping out
 Miriam posing
 Dallin's way of helping was to eat peaches while we picked.  He didn't mind that job.

Rebekah doing a good job!

Dallin Turns 1 years old

August 26, 2012....our little buddy turned one years old.  He is such a cutie
He was a little shy with all the attention and wanted to stick by Mom. Let's face it tho....he always wants to stick by Mom. 

The Birthday Cake

It didn't take him long to learn that is was delicious and he could make a big fat mess.

We are so happy that Dallin is a part of our family.  He is loved by all and gets plenty of love and attention from his sisters and brother.

Monday, January 28, 2013

Hasler Family Reunion

Okay....so it seems that I only have pictures from half of the Hasler Family Reunion.  I must have been busy!
Here is what I do have

We had a great dinner in Josh and Whit's neighbors backyard.  The kids played and the grown ups chatted.  It was a great casual night.

Rebekah and Lindsey on the teeter totter
Fun picture of the crowd chatting and hanging out
Glenn and Rebekah
Liz and Reid

We played a fun ice cream game where the person in the back had to feed the person in the front without seeing. Rebekah and Noah....I think it is Noah

My girlies

On the last day of the reunion we met up in the mountains and had lunch.  We all wore our team Nana shirts in support of my Mom (Nana) who was going through Chemotherapy treatments.

Team Nana --- The whole crew

siblings....well those that could be there
April, Sarah, Josh, Liz, and Rachael

We then had a kids race and a race for the adults.  It was a race for Nana! So much fun!

The kids Race

Gabe and Marcus

Avery, Hannah, Rebekah, Lindsey

Mattisse, Whitney, and Nellie

The Grown up Race

Here we go!!!
Mike & Amelia
Marshall....he might have cheated when he knew he was going to get schooled by those were in shape.....yes....me! The big Baby
Jesse, Sarah, and Rach

The family just hanging out!

Andrew, Tanner, Jesse, & Miriam

Mike & Amelia

Nate & Marcus

Dallin and Rebekah

Glenn, Elle, Liz, & Reid

Dallin, Liz and I
A group of rowdy boys......Jacob, Marcus, Tanner, Nate, Reid, & Gabe
Missions will be fun when this crowd goes out.