Thursday, December 11, 2008

Hey Everyone! So I finally decided to post stuff on here... So here my first Blog Thingy...

8 Things I am Passionate About:

1. Church
2. Life
3. Family
4. Friends
5. Animals
6. The Temple
7. Having Fun
8. Food

8 Things I want to do before I die:

1. Travel as much as possible
2. Have Kids
3. Go to Disneyworld
4. Spend as much time with my family as possible
5. Take my Husband to World Cup
6. Finish School
7. Own A house
8. Anything with Glen

8 TV Shows I can't live without:

1. Lost
2. 24
3. Prison Break
4. The Office
5. Jon and Kate Plus 8
6. The Hills
7. The OC
8. Heroes

8 Favorite Restaurants:

1. Benihana
2. Olive Garden
3. Red Robin
4. Cheesecake Factory
5. Costa Vida/ Cafe Rio
6. Legends
7. Jambe Juice
8. Rock Bottom

8 Place I want to see/visit:

1. Cancun
2. The Bahamas
3. Argentina
4. New York
5. Hawaii Again
6. Italy
7. Florida
8. Cabo

8 Things I currently Want/ Need:

1. Food
2. Ugg Boots
3. New Clothes
4. I pod
5. A job
6. A tan (Haha Kristen)
7. A workout
8. My hair fixed

8 Things I've learned from the past:

1. TV Series on DVDs are Highly Addicting
2. Feed Kristen Immediatley if you suspect Hunger Anger
3. Nintendo is really fun
4. Im sick of doing hair
5. My Sister is My Best Friend
6. Left overs never taste good
7. Even if your desperate never ever Through Bleach all over your hair!
8. Boys never grow up... let them have their fun!

8 Things I am looking Forward to:

1. Going to Disneyland tomorrow
2. Christmas
3. New Years Eve
4. Weekends with Glen
5. Going Christmas Shopping
6. Getting a kitty
7. Watching the Dark Night
8. Being with Glen

8 Things I did Today:

1. Woke up
2. Went on Facebook
3. Rejected Kristens invite to go workout
4. Got really annoyed at Glens Snoring
5. Called one of my friends
6. Went to comfort my Dog who was scared of a noise
7. Watched The OC until 3am
8. Thought about cleaning

8 Words/Phrases I often use:

1. Meh
2. Freak
3. Weirdy (Hmmm I wonder who I got that from?)
4. Whaaat?
5. Babe
6. Omg
7. What the freak?
8. lol