6 little feet

6 little feet

Thursday, November 26, 2020

Happy 12th Birthday Austin!

 Happy Birthday to our Austin!  On his birthday eve, Austin and I went grocery shopping together after I dropped off Elise & friends at sewing lessons.  And we had the best time!  It was just one of those sweet unplanned great outings where we had some good chats and laughs.  He picked out food for dinner that night (since the real day fell on Thanksgiving)...fruit punch, a huge bag of airheads, plain potato chips, plain spaghetti noodles, ice cream...what more could a guy ask for?

My favorite food is: spaghetti! (without sauce)

My favorite sport is: skiing        
The best show on TV/movie is:  Battlebots!    
The coolest person in the world is:  mom  :)
My best subject in school is: science
I’m really awesome at:  coding
If I could change my name, it would be:  I like Austin. 
My favorite color is:  orange
When I grow up I want to be:  rocket engineer 
My parents are too strict about:  screen time
My favorite song is:  YMCA
My favorite book is:  Heroes of Olympus series, Janitor series, Mysterious Benedict Society series
When we stop for a treat, I get this:  ice cream or oreo shake 
4 words that describe me are: cool, smart, tall, fun
When I was little, I used to:  fall down a lot
My favorite scripture story is:  Nephi when he builds the boat
My favorite primary/church song is:  Army of Helaman
My favorite game is:  Killer bunnies (board) and Mario party (video)
My favorite season is: fall because my birthday is there, the trees look cool and it has my other favorite holiday Thanksgiving
My favorite superhero is:  Iron Man because he's smart and built his own suit
The food that makes me want to barf is: lasagna
The car I would love to drive when I turn 16 is: orange Tesla 
My best friends are: Will, James, Beck, Carson, Chase
The cutest girl/boy I know is: I don't really pay attention to how cute girls are, so I don't really know
The most memorable day this year was:  backpacking trip in July, when we finally got back to school
If I had one wish it would be:  all the lego sets in the world!
The best thing that has happened to me this year is:  my birthday!
One thing I want to learn to do this year is:  more about being in a play
The thing that scares me the most is:  losing my family
One thing I need to work on is:  writing more detailed answers :)
If I could go anywhere it would be:  launch pad at Kennedy Space Center
If I could meet one person from history it would be:  Neil Armstrong

requested breakfast of waffles with lots of whip cream

Lego set, Decrypto, Ken Jennings genius books and What If? book  (those were picked by Geo and a big hit) and of course clothes and undies :)

2. What is your favorite toy? legos
4. What do you like to do with your family?  play my favorite games with them
5. What is your favorite outfit?  t shirt and sweats
7. What is your favorite fruit? starfruit even though I haven't had it in forever
8. What is your favorite animal? snake
9.  What is your favorite candy?  Airheads, starburst, 100 grand
12. What makes you happy? screen time
13. What makes you sad?  when I can't do screen time
14. What is your favorite thing to do outside?  ride my bike
15. What is your favorite drink? gatorade or poweraide
16. What is your favorite holiday? Thanksgiving because we get to eat a lot of food and sometimes it lands on my birthday which means I get a lot more things to be thankful for
17. What do you like to take to bed with you at night?  book
18. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? waffles

2. Why do you like being a kid? usually you don't have a lot of responsibilities but in our house you do.  I have a lot.
5. If you could be any animal, which one would you be and why?  I'd be a snake because they are very fast and no one really likes to mess with them
6. What is your favorite thing to do with your friends?  play video games at their house or talk
7. What was the nicest thing you did for someone?  play with Erik.  He never stops bugging me about it.
8. What do you think you will be doing 10 years from now? maybe dating
9. What would be the ideal allowance? Tell me how you would use it.   $10 a day and I save it up to buy more lego sets
10.  What are your talents?  building stuff, coding, video games
12.  What do you like to do with dad?  play video games
13.  What do you like to do with mom?  play Killer Bunnies

Austin was born on Thanksgiving Eve.  His one year birthday landed right on the day so we ate pumpkin pie (yum!).  Look at that face?!?  I want to kiss those cute squishy cheeks.  

This year his birthday was right on Thanksgiving again and he requested key lime cheesecake.  Yum again!  He got to celebrate with both sides of the family...the Tripp's for the big meal and the Cole's for pie.  We were stuffed to the rafters.  He has always loved to eat (and that becomes more true every year) so a birthday on Thanksgiving - gorge yourself all day - is not a bad thing for this kid.

Happy 12th dear son!

It was Austin's "friend birthday party" year.  However, Governor Herbert issued a state wide mask mandate on Nov 9 and requested a two week non-essential stuff shut down.  Those orders ended right before Thanksgiving, but if things were like they have been, we didn't see that changing real soon.  Small gatherings were allowed afterwards, but encouraged to be family.  So we postponed the party.  Until March 19!  hahaha!  I bought a groupon in Nov for a Super hero escape room in Ogden and that was right about when it was to expire.  Austin had an absolute ball!  I was the party planner and Geo was the party leader.  He took these boys to TimeTrap escape and they saved the day (with six minutes to spare)  Then to Burger King and donuts at the park (still not a lot of dining in at fast food restaurants).  Boy heaven!  And these are great kids!

Austin is so easy to love.  He has a big heart.  He is so great to his brothers.  Erik especially adores him and wants to play with him continually.  That has driven Austin's goals to "read less and play with my brothers more."  :)  He loves legos, but mostly just to put together a set.  He's not real fond of creating something new - more likes to follow the instructions.  He's a sharp kid but doesn't see the real importance of timely work or good grades.  The chromebook-for-every-kid this year has been a bit of a struggle.  There have been many times when he thought what he was doing was more important than what the teacher thought.  Still navigating that (and its been rough).  His favorite subjects are still science and reading and he reads A.TON.  (We had the "pay attention to the teacher" problem with books too actually.)  He likes trivia and fact books.   He has improved significantly with the violin, so that's been fun to watch.  I've encouraged him to try lots of different sports, but he's really not loving any of that.  He's definitely not a "contact" kind of a guy, so track has probably been his favorite thing so far.  He likes his friends, but doesn't really ask to hang out much.  He's pretty content to hang out at home.  He's a happy guy - generally doesn't get upset and just goes with the flow.  Most of the time, that is an awesome way to be.  Sometimes I think a little more drive would be helpful.  :)  He is kind and good.  I am impressed at his deep thinking about science, the scriptures, and inventions (he keeps a notebook).  He has a great memory!  At state tennis in October, the kids said they'd rather stay home.  Conference was on that weekend and he gave a pretty detailed report on what was said - I was SUPER impressed - he listened AND remembered.  We sure love our peacemaker Austin.  He gets along with everyone in the family and we all love him dearly.  Happy birthday son!

Friday, August 7, 2020

Happy Birthday Lucy! 15!

*I've had this mostly done for a bit, but somehow forgot to publish it.  Love our Lucy!*
We sure love our Lucy girl!  She is such a good kid.  We've never had to remind her to do her homework or check her grades/citizenship.  This has kinda spoiled us.  And George and I were pretty diligent students as well.  So the rest of the kids have really thrown us for a loop, especially during quarantine time.  :/  She's pretty self motivated and kinda gets annoyed if I try to interfere in her goals - for example how long I think she should practice the piano.  :)  She improved dramatically in her tennis skills and piano playing abilities, particularly in the first half of the year.  That has been a fun thing to watch.  Lucy is a daddy's girl.  She and her dad are great buddies and have lots of good conversations and play "smart" games.  I think they genuinely like talking about the crazy questions on the ACT and the things she is learning in Chemistry (her current favorite class) and things that don't make sense in the world.  She's a deep thinker and asks good questions.  I think she is a bit of an "old soul" - she really likes to talk with her aunts and uncles and to be part of the adult crowd. Lucy is kind and quite patient.  But if anyone can push her to the edge, it is hands down Elise and Erik is second.  One of my favorite things during quarantine was watching her play more with her siblings, especially Clara.  Lucy hates "bothering" people (gets nervous to talk to people), but that is improving.  She's a great helper and has saved my bacon lots of times.  She has amazing friends (so grateful for that) and awesome church leaders who love her.  As a newbie parent of teenagers, I am coming to understand more and more how important both of those things are.  We sure love her!

lots of ping pong during quarantine - now she has her own paddle!

 My favorite food is: ice cream

My favorite sport is: tennis

The best show on TV/movie is: Pirates of the Caribbean
The coolest person in the world is: Dad
My best subject in school is: Math
I’m really awesome at: Math
If I could change my name, it would be: Laney
My favorite color is: red or yellow
When I grow up I want to be: something with math/computers
My parents are too strict about: quarantine
My favorite song is: We're going to be friends
My favorite book is: Sherlock Holmes
When we stop for a treat, I get this: ice cream
4 words that describe me are: smart, quiet,
When I was little, I used to: want to be a ballerina
My favorite scripture story is: Joseph in Egypt
My favorite primary/church song is: Come Thou Fount of Every Blessing
My favorite game is: nerts
My favorite season is: spring
The best snack ever is: poptarts and chexmix
My favorite superhero is: batman
The food that makes me want to barf is: crab
The car I would love to drive when I turn 16 is: a slug bug  
My best friends are: olivia, ryann, addie
The cutest girl/boy I know is: clara
The most memorable day this year was: Taking state in tennis but that didn't happen before my birthday so idk if that counts
If I had one wish it would be: Corona to be cured
The best thing that has happened to me this year is: taking state in tennis
One thing I want to learn to do this year is: braid hair
The thing that scares me the most is: creepy movies
One thing I need to work on is: staying patient
If I could go anywhere it would be: sweeden
The most important lesson I’ve learned this year is: love your family 
If I could meet one person from history it would be: moroni 

This year we dropped Lucy and her friends at the Layton Mall area to shop and George and I left and ate sushi.  That is certainly different!  Our girl is growing up.  I am grateful she is such a great kid and is a good friend for me to hang out with.  Recently, George asked us at the dinner table if we felt like it was a long time ago that we went on a Disney Cruise.  And I said no.  He said that was 2.5 years ago and that's how long it would be until Lucy left us.  I cried and cried.  And then he cried.  And I still tear up when I think of the story.

Ok... back on track.  We picked up the girls from shopping and then they watched Pirates of the Caribbean in our backyard.  They are such a fun group!

2. What is your favorite toy? a book

4. What do you like to do with your family? play games
5. What is your favorite outfit?  sweats and a sweatshirt

7. What is your favorite snack or fruit? peaches
8. What is your favorite animal? parrots
12. What makes you happy? sleeping
13. What makes you sad? the alarm clock
14. What is your favorite thing to do outside? play tennis  
15. What is your favorite drink? horchata
16. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas
17. What do you like to take to bed with you at night? my pillow
18. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? crepes
19. What do you want for dinner on your birthday? ravioli

1. What is your happiest memory? taking state tennis
2. Why do you like being a kid? 
4. What advice would you give your parents? 
5. If you could be any animal, which one would you be and why? a parrot so I can fly
6. What is your favorite thing to do with your friends?  just talk
7. What was the nicest thing you did for someone?  Just being someone they can come to to talk to
8. What do you think you will be doing 10 years from now? sitting on the couch
9. What would be the ideal allowance? Tell me how you would use it. $20 a day ;) I'd save it
10.  What are your talents?  fast thinker, good at tennis, good listener
11.  Who is your scripture hero? Moroni
12.  What do you like to do with dad? talk to him
13.  What do you like to do with mom?  make cookies

HAPPY 15th LUCY!!!

Monday, June 1, 2020

Erik is 7!

Happy 7th Birthday to Erik, our Pokemon loving boy!

Erik requested a yellow cake this year.  And it got me thinking...since the kid is Pokemon obsessed, let's put a pokemon surprise inside.  The girls helped me pull off the surprise part and I must say it was pretty fun to see his excited face as he cut into it!

He requested to sit by his grandmas at our family party. :)

My favorite food is: peach pie
My favorite sport is: football
The best show on TV/movie is:  Pokemon Sun and Moon
The coolest person in the world is: Mom!
My best subject in school is: lunch
I’m really awesome at:  doing stuff with my hands - like climbing, wiggling my tooth
If I could change my name, it would be: Erikop
My favorite color is:  black and red
When I grow up I want to be: a zookeeper
My parents are too strict about:  not watching bad videos that swear, computer time
My favorite song is:  I'm Still Standing
My favorite book is:  Pokemon handbook Sun and Moon
When we stop for a treat, I get this:  Ice cream!!!
4 words that describe me are: smart, brave, fun, funny
When I was little, I used to:  pick my nose (and I still do!)
My favorite scripture story is:  Samuel the Lamenite
My favorite primary/church song is:  I am a Child of God
My favorite game is:  The game me and Cole and Austin always play in the yard - its personal
My favorite season is: winter because I like sledding and snowball fights
The best snack ever is:  cheetos
My favorite superhero is:  Iron Man
The food that makes me want to barf is:  zucchini  
The car I would love to drive when I turn 16 is:  a big rig!
My best friends are: Tate, Asher, Chase, Gwen, Halle
The cutest girl/boy I know is: Gwen
The most memorable day this year was:  Legoland at our house!
If I had one wish it would be: that pokemon were real
The best thing that has happened to me this year is:  going back to school
One thing I want to learn to do this year is:  times tables
The thing that scares me the most is:  being alone
One thing I need to work on is:  writing - handwriting and writing stories
If I could go anywhere it would be:  Disneyworld
The most important lesson I’ve learned this year is:  If you fight, you'll probably get fought back  
If I could meet one person from history it would be:   George Washington

Breakfast request of clouds :)

2. What is your favorite toy? pokemon action figures
4. What do you like to do with your family?  play 
5. What is your favorite outfit?  Pj's!  (wears every single day.  I think this is one of his favorite things about corona quarantine)
7. What is your favorite snack or fruit? chips
8. What is your favorite animal? gorilla (no question!)
9. What is your favorite song? Thunder!
10. What is your favorite book?   Magic Treehouse, Dog Man, Dragon Masters
12. What makes you happy? playing with my brothers
13. What makes you sad?  when Elise is being mean to me
14. What is your favorite thing to do outside?  go on the swing
15. What is your favorite drink? soda - sprite
16. What is your favorite holiday? Christmas
17. What do you like to take to bed with you at night?  books
18. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast? clouds!  I love those!
19. What do you want for dinner on your birthday? peach pie and mac and cheese

1. What is your happiest memory?  our trip to Las Vegas because I like the swimming
2. Why do you like being a kid? because I can run fast!
4. What advice would you give your parents? go running
5. If you could be any animal, which one would you be and why?  gorilla because they are strong
6. What is your favorite thing to do with your friends?  play video games
7. What was the nicest thing you did for someone?  help them up when they fall
8. What do you think you will be doing 10 years from now? doing backflips and front flips
9. What would be the ideal allowance? Tell me how you would use it. $1000 million and I would spend it ALL on pokemon cards 
10.  What are your talents?  front flips on tramps, running, 
11.  Who is your scripture hero? Gideon because he protected Alma
12.  What do you like to do with dad?  tackle him
13.  What do you like to do with your mom?  play board games

Erik lost his front tooth right before his big day, which made his pictures look extra cute!  :)  He was happy to spend the day in his Charmander Pj's, playing with his new pokemon cards (those things were two of his favorite presents for sure!), and watching a pokemon show.  Are we catching a theme here?  This kid plays pokemon with his brothers on the daily.  He has worn through several pokemon handbooks - we had to buy the libraries copy when he left it outside in the rain - and bought another with his own money.  They are well loved for sure.  They don't play with the cards as much as they play a "live" version.  I don't really get it, but they chase each other around the yard and have a great time.  He loves his Pikachu Pj's and created a Pikachu valentine box.  One of his favorite activities is finding pokemon pictures on the internet, coloring them, and covering his closet in the pictures.  He actually enjoys coloring and is pretty good at it (very different from his brothers).

Erik is our crazy kid.  And usually in a good way.  He's the one who can always make us laugh, pulls the best faces, is spontaneously funny, and is always ready for a good dance party.  When he wakes up, he lays on the floor or the kitchen table for a while.  And likes it even better when I stop to rub his back.  He is a little bit of a rascal and finds ways to be in trouble, but he's usually honest about what he's done.  I think that's a good thing, but not positive?  He likes school, has lots of friends, and his teacher always comments that he comes to school with a smile on his face.  He even won the best smile award for his class.  :)  He also likes to take days off school and says he needs to spend more time with me.  Erik loves to sleep in the boys' room in the basement and read in bed with Austin.  (Cole goes straight to sleep.)  We make him sleep upstairs on school nights, but that is definitely NOT his top choice.  He'd much rather share a bedroom.  He likes candy and hates to brush his teeth (that is something he does lie about!)  Erik is athletic and likes to throw a ball around.  He taught himself how to ride a bike and likes the dirt bike park thing across from our house.  He loves to sing and is actually on tune (also something different from his brothers :)  He bursts out in song regularly.  For example, Me:  Go grab your coat.  Erik:  "I wore my coat.  With golden lining." (from Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat)  Its pretty amazing how many songs he knows and how loud he belts them out!

  We sure love our Pokemon boy!  Happy birthday Erik!

Monday, May 25, 2020

Cole is 9!

Happy birthday to our sweet Cole!  His birthday landed on Memorial Day this year.  He requested lemon bars as his "cake" and we got to sing with all the family.  His big request was to play everyone in Chess.  Didn't quite make every person - but he did get a lot of matches in.  And lots of victories too!

Favorite gift - Axis and Allies!

Favorite gift - Axis and Allies!

My favorite food is: pizza
My favorite sport is: indoor soccer
The best show on TV/movie is:  Down and Derby, Cars 2
The coolest person in the world is:  mom!
My best subject in school is: math
I’m really awesome at:  soccer, games - especially Tossed Salad, Axis and Allies, chess
If I could change my name, it would be: I like my name!
My favorite color is:  orange
When I grow up I want to be:  Pilot 
My parents are too strict about:  chores
My favorite song is: Thunder by Imagine Dragons
My favorite book is:  Wayside School by Louis Sachar
When we stop for a treat, I get this:  Reeses Pieces
4 words that describe me are:   awesome, cool, nice, amazing
When I was little, I used to:  I loved dad to throw me up in the air
My favorite scripture story is:  I like the one about Alma and the Zoramites
My favorite primary/church song is:  I'm Trying to be like Jesus
My favorite game is:  Chess
My favorite season is:  spring - fall is too cold, winter is too cold and summer is too hot 
The best snack ever is:  cold cereal - especially Cinnamon toast crunch
My favorite superhero is:  Iron Man and Dr. Strange
The food that makes me want to barf is: cheese soup - definitely!
The car I would love to drive when I turn 16 is:  Chevy
My best friends are: Beau Miller, Lachlan Frew, and Milo Manning
The cutest girl/boy I know is: Avee Astil
The most memorable day this year was:  riding the mattress down the stairs
If I had one wish it would be: to have my mom always with me
The best thing that has happened to me this year is:  I played lots of board games with my friends
One thing I want to learn to do this year is:  I want to get better at being a faster runner
The thing that scares me the most is:  when dad gets mad at me
If I could go anywhere it would be:  I want to go to Disney world
The most important lesson I’ve learned this year is:  multiplication
If I could meet one person from history it would be:   George Washington

2. What is your favorite toy? 4 square ball
4. What do you like to do with your family?  play Chess
5. What is your favorite outfit?  long sleeve shirts
7. What is your favorite fruit?   pineapple
8. What is your favorite animal?  shark
12. What makes you happy?  being with my mom
13. What makes you sad?  when Erik beats up on me
14. What is your favorite thing to do outside?  run around
15. What is your favorite drink?   Fanta Orange
16. What is your favorite holiday?   Halloween - we get lots of candy
17. What do you like to take to bed with you at night?  Storky and Monklee - my stuffed animals
18. What is your favorite thing to eat for breakfast?   cold cereal
19. What do you want for dinner on your birthday?  cheese pizza

1. What is your happiest memory?  snuggling
2. Why do you like being a kid? kids don't have to pay for as much stuff
4. What advice would you give your parents?  kids do less chores and spend more time with your children
5. If you could be any animal, which one would you be and why? 
6. What is your favorite thing to do with your friends?  Axis and Allies
7. What was the nicest thing you did for someone?  helping mom with chores
8. What do you think you will be doing 10 years from now?   driving, being with my girlfriend
9. What would be the ideal allowance? Tell me how you would use it.   $1 per week.  I would buy ice cream
10.  What are your talents?  soccer
11.  Who is your scripture hero?   Alma
12.  What do you like to do with dad?  wrestle
13.  What do you like to do with mom?  snuggle
He got to invite his buddies over to play Axis and Allies and dodgeball. These are such good boys and game nights are their favorites!  It had been a while since they'd seen each other because of the corona lockdowns.

He also had a joint celebration with Elise and Erik when we traveled down to St. George area and visited Grandma Karen and Grandpa Merle.  Karen was so great to plan a big party for these kids and they were thrilled!

We're sure grateful Cole is in the family!  He has a very tender heart.  He doesn't like to get in trouble and doesn't love to be teased. Most days he comes up the stairs with his shirt on backwards (and sometimes his pants too) so he has learned to deal with that teasing a little better.  He still likes to run around in the yard/sidewalk/deck and flap his arms.  We wonder what he is thinking about - we can tell his mind is spinning, but he just smiles and keeps his thoughts a secret.  He is great at math and strategy games.  His usual is to play mom and dad a Chess match before everyone wakes up on Sunday mornings.  He is a nail picker and a lip sucker.  Not sure how we are going to break those habits???  He still loves to be snuggled and likes me to read to him.  Cole is also very fiesty when it comes to games.  When he thinks something is not fair or out or rules are broken, he gets pretty ticked off.  Sometimes he is dead wrong about those things, but if he's mad, there is no convincing him.  He just has to cool off for a minute and then come back to the game.  He's kinda leveled off about this in card games (although it comes through occasionally) but definitely not in recess games like 4-square.  Flag football and track seasons were postponed or cancelled this spring with all of the corona stuff, but he would still go on runs with Lucy. He's a good runner!  Cole loves to go to school and especially loves math.  Reading is only ok.  He was really sad when school was cancelled and really loved his teacher, Mrs. Youngberg. He's a good little pianist too.  Cole is great about giving thoughtful comments in our family scripture study and I've loved hearing his pure testimony in our family testimony meetings each month.  We sure love our Cole!  Happy 9th!