yet another post about Lainee. sorry but it's good record for me
since I haven't kept up on my other journaling lately.
planting flowers
painting flower pots
building and playing in forts
spring time crafts
-In the last week or two we also went to feed the ducks at the nature park,
and visited the baby ducks and chicks at Cal Ranch because,
as you might already know, Lainee is the BIGGEST fuzzy animal fan.
-Lainee's favorite things to do at home are play with play doh,
take care of her babies, and to do her alphabet puzzle
(she's getting really good at her letters, colors, animals, and shapes).
-Her top three favorite movies are Mary Poppins, Tangled,
and Mickey Mouse Club House.
-When Lainee and I are home during the day we like to hang out with
our downstairs neighbors Lindsy and the two kids Nora and Mitchel.
They are tons of fun to play with and Lainee
just wants to do everything Nora does.
-Lainee loves seeing airplanes in the sky and
watching her daddy's remote control helicopter.
-She's already getting picky about what she wears
and she LOVES her fingernails painted (with butterflies),
and her hair in "ponies."
-When Lainee says "by si you" it really means "sit by you."
She has started speaking in some pretty good sentences such as:
"What doin'?" , "Where'd she go?" , "I want different cup" ,
"Do again" , "I play'th Nora's baby" , "open it a door" ,
"uh oh, I broke it" , "I go Dad's car" , "It's comin!" , "I wanna hold him"
"Put it up there" , "I talk to her"
"Put it up there" , "I talk to her"
.... and so on.... and I'm telling you when we're at home this girl
Oh and she thinks the fire extinguisher on our storage shelf is a penguin!