So everyone has their strengths and talents,
and one of Garen's is being frugal, and budgeting.
I used to say that was one of my biggest weaknesses
but as of lately, well, it's still not a strength
but it's no longer something I struggle with much.
Here's why:
Garen watched all these Dave Ramsey DVDs his work buddies
were raving about, and I they put me right to sleep...
but this one part of his methods made total sense to me.
We budget by only using CASH for everyday stuff.
We used to use one of the big ugly
Dave Ramsey "Financial Peace" wallet dealios
with all the envelopes in it like a book
but like I said, it was big and it was ugly.
Soo... My sister-in-law Kyly and I got together one day
and created these beauties out of scrapbook paper!
Our very own "Financial Peace" envelopes.
If the money is there, we use it.
If there's no money, we don't spend money.
and I can visibly SEE how much is left for the month
and can therefore pace my spending accordingly.
I love this method because no matter how cheesy it sounds
it really does give me major "financial PEACE."
Also, because Garen and I each have our own
personal fund for each month, I can buy whatever I want with it
and it doesn't bother him if it's something he wouldn't have bought.
(and vise versa)
PLUS... if we don't spend it all one month, it stays the envelope
and accumulates over the months. Cha-Ching!
I guarentee this cash envelope method works and
I STRONGLY recommend it to everyone!
Our catergories include
(some people even have an envelope per week of each month)
-date night/eat out
-Katie's personal
-Garen's personal
(big things like gas, rent, and other bills
are still budgeted but still come off the credit card)