Tuesday, February 3, 2015

JACE is 2!!!

This post is a month and a half late but it's here now! 
Our handsome little dude turned two!!!

The picture was taken a few days before his birthday. We celebrated at Trail Canyon park with all our Henderson "PA family" before we moved to Washington on the 13th (story for another post)... We also celebrated at Grandma Hill's on his actual birthday, and he got basketball hoop from Mom and Dad!

This munchkin is growing up too fast and pretty soon he won't be the baby anymore. We love him to the moon and back, and I he's going to make a great big brother.

Here are his favorites, fun facts, and stats for his 2nd year of life:

-weight: 28 lbs 
-favorite toys: still obsessed with cars but has recently taken interest in trains, trucks, and planes as well. Big, fuzzy "goggie" (dog).
-favorite foods: cuties (little oranges), welch's fruit snacks, toasted bagels, pretty much all fruit.
-favorite color: blue (but he still thinks everything is blue)
-favorite thing to do outside: ride his balance bike
-favorite friend: "my mom" (and we're pretty sure he misses his Brynn friend, and he also loves his cousin Baiden!)
-favorite primary song: "boat song" (aka Nephi's Courage verse 2)
-other favorite song: Wheels on the Bus, and "Ah Ah" (aka "if all the raindrops were...")
-favorite movies: "Lightning" and "Buzz" (aka Cars and ToyStory)
-favorite thing to do with Lainee: jump around on the couches, play hide and seek

-Jace has finally started talking like crazy over the last couple of months. He speaks in full sentences (but good luck understanding a lot of it!), and we're all loving his personality coming out more and more.
-He's started sleeping in the toddler bed when he was about 17 months.
-Jace loves nursery at church and has since he started going at 18 months. There are always cars and trucks there!
-He was 100% day and night potty trained by the beginning of October (so he was about 21 ish months old)! We had to bribe him with a new truck toy with "beeps" (aka buttons). It's noisy but it was worth it!
-He still loves to swim and jump in to dad even though we don't live in the heat anymore and won't get to swim so much. He just uses Grandma's hot tub or whatever works.
-This boy is still climbing on anything and everything, although it's not as scary for Mom as it was when he couldn't even walk but ended up at the top of the playground!
-Jace is learning a lot of new things but has zero interest in learning his shapes, letters, numbers, etc... But that's okay, he's got a while.
-He is constantly trying to ride things, fly things, do handstands against the furniture, come down the stairs upside down, and of course to jump off of things!
-He's got facial expressions for everything, including a great scowl, which sometimes doesn't mean he's mad. Just serious, or to tease us!
-All four of Jace's 2-yr-old molars came in last month and we didn't even realize it until they cut! He did have sore ears a couple of days but we didn't know why. Anyway, he's got a mouth full of teeth!
-He uses the word "cake" to describe cookies, pancakes, cake, waffles, muffins, banana bread, and anything of the like. (Even though he can say the words).
-Since we've moved, Jace has been missing his house and bed and warm weather. For a few weeks, every night at bed time he would say "mine room gone." In a sad voice, and refused to call his new room "his." He's getting used to it now though.

Anyway, it's been a super fantastic fun year with this guy and we could not be more grateful to have the best son ever!!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Lainee is FOUR!!!

Today is August 5, and this girl's 4th birthday! We're on our way to visit family for weddings, so we're in the car ALL day... She's a pretty happy kid nonetheless.

Here's how we celebrated yesterday...

Lainee woke up to some cute pink streamers and yellow balloons. She opened gifts from us at home. She got the one thing she asked for: "a standing up doll" with real hair and eyes that can close. She also got some clothes for her doll, and a backpack for preschool with some coloring supplies. Lucky girl.
(Yes, her hair is in "a bun like Tinkerbell's" once again...)
(The doll's name is supposed to be Celeste but Lainee renamed her Aurora, for obvious reasons.)

We had a pool party at our community pool with a pink and yellow lemonade theme. It was supposed to be thunderstorms that afternoon, but we got lucky and only saw a few sprinkles.
Will, Harrison, Siena, Lainee, Sophie, Jonas, Anna, Lydia, Tessa, plus Quezon, Zion, and Carter (and some of their moms and dads) all came to celebrate and swim with us and Lainee was so excited to have each of them come play!

LAINEE GIRL on her 4th birthday:

Height: 40 inches
Weight: 33ish lbs??

(According to herself)
-Favorite dinner: rice & chicken gravy
-Favorite dessert: cupcakes and cake and cookies with frosting 
-favorite color: pink and purple
-favorite movie: Frozen
-favorite cartoon: Strawberry Shortcake
-favorite toy: magiclip Elsa and Anna (and my doll of course)
-favorite primary song: snowman song
-favorite song: the one that Elsa sings on the mountain (Let it Go)
-favorite game: duck duck goose, Disney Scene It
-favorite thing to do outside: run around and ride bikes
-favorite thing to do with Dad: swim with him and play with him
-favorite thing to do with Mom: play with her, and like to help bake cookies
-Favorite holiday: Christmas!
-best friends: Sophie
-favorite thing about preschool: uh, doing crafts
-favorite kind of craft: painting
-favorite kind of cereal: kix and milk
-favorite snack: cheesy crackers (Ritz cracker sandwiches)
-favorite thing to do with Jace: dance with him

Other facts---
-Lainee still sleeps with Paisley, the doll.
-She is ALL into Disney princesses. She dresses up like them, plays with the figures, colors and draws them, sings their songs, watches their movies. 
- This girl is a great big sister most of the time! She and Jace are the best of buddies and copy each other's every silly move.
-Lainee enjoys going to primary and Mom is her teacher, but she likes it better when she gets to go all by herself. 
-When she grows up she wants to be a swimmer (that's what she says today but she has also recently said a baseball player, dancer, mom, gymnast, doctor...)
-She went to a co-op preshool group taught by Mom and other moms from the ward the ward, and she knows, recognizes, and writes all her letters, letter sounds, and numbers, can read some short words, and count to 30!
-She makes her own bed, puts away her own laundry, sets the table, brushes her teeth, dresses herself, washes herself in the tub, helps Jace find things and picks up toys when it's time. Sometimes we hear complaining but mostly Lainee is a terrific helper!
-Lainee is challenging Mom with tricky questions like:
     How does a baby get in your tummy?
     How does the baby get out?
     Why can't I see Jesus?
     When am I going to die?
     Why do we have to die?
     What's a crotch? (Or other weird word
     What does ______ mean? 
-She's a really good colorer and draws really well too. 
-Lainee's good at making friends and loves to play and pretend with other kids.
-Lainee got to go to Disneyland with our family last month for Mom and Dad's 5th anniversary, and she loved every little magical second of it. 


Happy birthday to my beautiful, bossy, smart, sweet, sassy, funny, talented, kind little birthday princess. We love her more than any words can express and are proud of her and all the things she's learning.

Saturday, June 14, 2014

Half Birthday!

This handsome dude turned one and a half years old today. Here are his favorites and some fun facts about Jace these days:

Height: 33 inches (70 %ile)
Weight: 25.6 lbs (61 %ile)

Favorite food: strawberries, peaches

Favorite toys: cars & trucks!!! (And he has to sleep with his big "Dog dog.")

Favorite movies: Cars, Toy Story 2, Incredibles, Despicable Me

Favorite friend: Brynn Durrant (who else?)

Favorite place: outside

He is always content playing and exploring on his own and doesn't ever have to say much.

Finally did start talking and probably has a about 30 words no one can translate but Mom and Lainee, but at least he says them! (One of the very first was "poop" haha)

Favorite phrases include: where go? I jump! Get it.

Teeth: 6 on top, 6 on bottom, 4 coming

He feeds himself 99 % of the time. Sometimes with his hands, sometimes with utensils.

Jace is not the biggest fan of cold pools but he loooves splashing or jumping to Mom or Dad into the water.

This kid is the king of mess-making but is also a really great helper when it's time to pick up. 

He is getting so much better at sitting still and folding his arms during prayers.

Jace is very much a Mama's boy but also can't get enough of his cool dad. He wants to be just like him and is always throwing balls and discs around. 

Bedtime: 7:30pm 
Wake up: 6:00 ish am

He's a great napper, but just not the sleeper his sister was. Mom doesn't know what to do with 6 am! 

He's still climbing on EVERYTHING!!! 

He runs in away in fright every time someone knocks at the door.

He is a cheeser for pictures and sits still pretty well for any camera. 

Jace loves to dance and sing.

He laughs at/with his sister a lot! He also gets bossed by her a lot and is finally beginning to stick up for himself. He's not normally aggressive toward other kids EVER.

Although, Jace is not aggressive toward kids, he IS aggressive in other ways. He has a dinosaur growl that can knock socks off.

Still doesn't respond to strangers. Sometimes he'll cry but mostly when an unfamiliar person talks to him, he just freezes and stares. BUT if he knows he's safe in the cart or on Mom's hip, he waves and says "HI!" And "bye!" To anyone and everyone.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

More of March

More random pictures of our life with our littles...

Lainee and Jace both had blood drawn last week. Lainee's was being checked for food allergies because she had a some kind of huge reaction last summer, and Jace's hemoglobin has bee slightly low so his needs to be checked for a bunch of things. Anywho, Lainee cried like a baby and Jace wasn't even phased. 

When Jace hears the FaceTime ring or a song or video on a device, he hurries to sit next to whoever is watching to join in.

I have this kid one tiny, bite-sized piece of chocolate egg and somehow he did this with it... What the heck?!

Lainee missed out on a chance to ride the train with Jace and her friends at the mall. We've been trying to have more meaningful consequences for her lately, and I think this one may have worked. She's such a sweet, friendly, helpful girl most of the time but, you know, she's three and that's worse than two. ;)

This is a daily occurrence. Something has to be on that shelf... I've rearranged a few times and no matter what is there, he's into it. (This is how my crockpot came to an end.)

Jace just loooves this little girly! She came over for a bit today and the whole hour before she arrived, he was uber excited and kept pointing to the door, waiting. He is at such a fun age right now and I adore him!

Selfie Sesh!

One time, like last week, Jace was being super possessive and protective of his big dog, and he cried every time Lainee came near him or even looked at him...

So, to distract them both, this selfie session happened! Enjoy!