Thursday, September 4, 2014

Unrefined taste buds

For dinner tonight I made...

Fried Polenta with homemade salsa (fresh from the garden)
Loaded Mashed Sweet Potatoes with brown sugar, cinnamon, and butter.

Yes, it is a vegetarian meal, but an upscale vegetarian dish.

However, the kids are turning their noses up at it. What do that want? Ramen Noddles.

Brad is not home yet, so the final verdict is not tallied yet.

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Lemons to Lemonade

In an attempt to always think positive while I am in the trenches of Motherhood Warfare....I am making the fact that Zeke just now somehow smeared poop all over the bathroom into a positive. The positive is that it forced me to clean the bathroom that I have been putting off for a while. Now everything is sanitized and clean. Thanks Zeke! 

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

They grow up too fast.

100 yrs old for 100 days of school in Kindergarten. Beau was so excited to get dressed.

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Thursday, January 9, 2014

2013 Interview

What did you do in 2013 that you’d never done before? Took my kids to Disney World, took the kids camping, and visited Savannah with my sis(s) in law.
Did you keep your new year’s resolutions, and will you make more for next year? I never make new year's resolutions, because half way through the year I forget about it. Every year I just want to do more things and have more fun. I have given up on being more organized.
Did anyone close to you give birth? Not someone super close, but I have a cousin who is about to pop in January.
Did anyone close to you die? My Uncle George died this year of a heart attack.
What countries did you visit? None. Don't have a passport or the money to travel abroad, but I WOULD LOVE TOO!
What would you like to have in 2014 that you didn’t have in 2013? Go on a cruise with Brad. We didn't really celebrate our 10 yr anniversary because we spent all of money and vacation days on Disney.
What dates from 2013 will be etched upon your memory, and why? So many! However, I cannot get the beauty of the Cathedral of St. John the Baptist in Savannah out of my mind. I saw the inside for a split second and have the desire to see it again.
What was your biggest achievement of this year? Had a really great summer. Went to the beach a ton and just had a lot of fun this summer. I was dreading school starting again.
What was your biggest failure? Haven't lost all of my baby weight that I was planning on loosing. By the time the kids are in bed...I do not feel like working out. I just want to relax with Brad and watch a show.
Did you suffer illness or injury? Does mommy brain count? 
What was the best thing you bought? Family pictures made...we needed them! doTERRA essential has improved our family's health.
Whose behavior merited celebration? Lady Lonnie! She has been the best little baby and I appreciate her for it because being the fourth you often get overlooked, but she is so laid back and doesn't mind. I love her!
Whose behavior made you appalled and depressed? Sorry Kasey...but you have been really difficult the past year. You have gotten this "victim " concept where nothing is your fault and everyone is mean to you. If you do something wrong then there will be consequences and you will loose privileges. That faster you learn that the easier it will be for you. I love you!
Where did most of your money go? Disney! Spent a ton of money to go on this trip! In my opinion...border line worth it, but if you ask someone else then they will give you a more positive response.
What did you get really excited about? Savannah Girls trip! I was needing a break from the kids and it was wonderful. Super thanks to Laura for the trip!
What song will always remind you of 2013? Harlem Shake, because we made our own video. Didn't post it because it was bad, but it was really fun to make.
Compared to this time last year, are you: a) happier or sadder? b) thinner or fatter? c) richer or poorer? a – happier...Brad and I have been getting along really well at the end of the year. We always have spells of too much fighting. b- thinner, but still fill fat. I have lost some of my baby weight but not enough. It is a lot harder to get off in my 30s. c- Poorer, we've had some unexpected expenses coming up after Disney and it drained our bank account.
What do you wish you’d done more of? I should of worked out more :/
What do you wish you’d done less of? stupid facebook and Internet searching. I waste too much time with it. 
How did you spend Christmas? With my family as always, but this year the Weavers joined us since Brandon was on deployment. 
Did you fall in love in 2013? Yeah, Brad and I re-ignited something that might have gotten dimmed with pregnancies and children
What was your favorite TV program? No judgement..but Breaking Bad, Walking Dead, and How I met your Mother (so funny!)
What was the best book you read? I don't think I read a full book this year, just lots and lots of Internet articles!
What was your greatest musical discovery? I am way behind on the times, but I discovered Pandora. I have to mention I just got a smart phone this year.
What did you want and get? Smart phone!! I have been wanting one so bad, and finally I said I don't care if I don't need it...I want it.
What did you want and not get? Facial. I wanted to get a chemical peel for my birthday but money was a little tight.
What was your favorite film of 2013? We don't see movies in the theater, we are more of a rental family. So we have watched a ton of movies, but nothing comes to mind right now.
What did you do on your birthday, and how old were you? Spent my 32 birthday at Disney World and everyone wished me a Happy Birthday. It was great! Not to mention my sister got me an SUPER TASTY cake too.
What one thing would have made your year immeasurably more satisfying? More date nights. Brad worked too much and money was very tight. So date night was sacrificed :(
How would you describe your personal fashion concept of 2013? fashion? Are you serious? I guess it would be non-existence. I wear what currently fits. I don't want to buy more clothes when I plan on loosing weight.
What kept you sane? My beach trips. I love the beach and love my kids are entertained for hours...while I relax in the sun.
What political issue stirred you the most? Obamacare. Our insurance has gone up again.
Who did you miss? My sis in law Amy. We used to hang out all the time in Mississippi, but now she in TN with her husband in school. So she is cannot travel to family functions.
Tell us a valuable life lesson you learned in 2013. I learned a lot...

1) Family trips and vacations (big and small) are forever etched on your and your childrens' minds.  It is what keeps me sane and I look forward to the next trip.
2) I am a better parent when I do not try to clean. I always end up yelling at the kids when I try to organize the house. 
3) What you put on your skin is just important has what you put in your bodies. Your body is a sponge and will absorb the things you put on it.
4) We all have faults and weakness, and you just have to love everyone for who they are.
Here is to 2014!!!

Sunday, December 22, 2013

Finally a visit to Santa

Went to Chick Fil A and got to see Santa. win-win.

Monday, December 16, 2013

Random Nakedness

Of course it would be Zeke that randomly walks into the room naked. I have no clue why he is naked! This happens probably every other day. This kid is going to drive me insane!

Sunday, December 15, 2013

Grammar, Grammar, Grammar

Brad just read over some of the blog posts and then jumped all over me about my grammar. don't have to be so mean about it Brad..aka Grammar police.

Sorry, I usually post something in a hurry because I just captured the moment and I need to document it before I forget. Often I go back and re-read my posts and make the needed changes. So if you read posts as soon as they are up then you are getting the bad grammar.

Since I am writing on the blog I just want to share a few pieces of random thoughts.

1) Finally!!! Our Christmas Tree just went up.... 11 days before Christmas. The kids kept asking why we don't celebrate Christmas since we haven't decorated.

2) I made the mistake of "making" some Christmas presents this year and I haven't "made" them yet and time is running out, and this week will be busy.

3) I am so looking forward to sleeping in on Christmas break, but I need to find some activities to keep the kids busy so they are not fighting every moment.

4) I feel like Heavenly Father has been answering my prayers in a quickly manner recently, and I am extremely grateful for it. In the past it seems like it took months or years before I realized I had been given an answer.

5) I am afraid I need to go to the dentist. We do not have dental insurance and I have been putting off a checkup for a few years, because everything looks good; but now I am afraid there is something wrong with one of my back molars. We are still paying off Brad's MRI for his torn knee, so I guess add a dentist visit to the medical bills.

Saturday, December 14, 2013

Neck and Nog

This year we went Neck-ed,  but couldn't win because we won last year by going as "red necks".. .dang. It was fun though.

However, Brad did become the ultimate juggler at the party. Who knew that many people could juggle? Also, some people became away of my ultimate trivia skills.

Friday, December 13, 2013

Don't wake the bear

I guess I can be a little (maybe a lot) grouchy on Saturday mornings.
It is my only day to sleep in so do not wake me up before 8 am.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Dentures for Christmas

Looks like Cletus needs to learn some toothbrush skills. ..haha.
Kasey is losing teeth like crazy..might have to start blending her food for her.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Celebrating Thanksgiving Early

Over at the Weavers and the kids are having fun with their cousins and Grandpa Griggs.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

I love free labor!

Get to work!!!!

Friday, November 15, 2013

And it is still going

Way after Halloween and Zeke is still doing his Star Wars thing. He even made his own light saber.

Monday, November 11, 2013

Spiderman Turkey

Beau's kindergarten homework of disguising the Thanksgiving Turkey so he won't be eaten.
Not bad if I do say so myself. Beau painted and came up with the idea. I outlined the webs and did the spider.

Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Star Wars Halloween

Got into the Halloween Spirit and we all dressed as Star Wars Characters.

Group shot at Trunk or Treat

The Emperor 

Princess Leia




Queen Amidala

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Lonnie's First day of Nursery

My baby is growing up!! She followed directions and sat down at the table with the other kids for snack time. little lady Lonnie!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Small decisons seem so big

I only have a moment to type so I have to keep it short...

Got a call that a spot opened up at the Langtree Charter School that we applied too and Kasey was next on the list for 2nd grade. This means I would have to pull Kasey out of her school in the middle of the year and switch schools. Beau would have to stay behind at Shepherds and Kasey go to another to the new school that is 10 miles away. I only had a one week

I originally applied thinking it would be nice to have all of our kids at the same school.

So for the next week I stressed and stressed over this decision. I felt like this decision would dictate my children's educational future, and I knew that if I closed this door another one would not open for me.

I contacted friends with kids in this charter school, friends that homeschools, friends with kids in Shepherds, friends who teach at charter schools, and did lots of internet researching. I prayed and fasted as well.

So after 1 week's worth of crying, worrying, and changing my mind back and forth. I finally had to go with my gut and not my we declined the offer. For some reason I just couldn't pull her out of her current school in the middle of the year and put her somewhere by herself and far away. I wonder if I will regret this decision later. Time will tell.

Sunday, October 6, 2013

General Conference

Lonnie is keeping herself entertained during the Sunday morning session.
Had breakfast at Mom and Dad's and now watching conference with them.

Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Final Day. ..ending with Epcot

Being the last day, we tried to hit a few attractions that we had not done before. We started at Hollywood Studios in the morning. The kids got to participate in the Indiana Jones Stunt Show.

To say we were tired was a understatement!!

We ended the day at Epcot. My feet were killing me. I do not know how many miles we walked that week, but we definitely burned off all the food we ate during the week.


Terrance!! He was way on the feminine side.

Kasey's favorite character!! She was so nice and took time with the kids.

Sword in the stone

Beau was just posing...

but Kasey was really trying to get the sword out. Love all the expressions.

Back to Magic Kingdom

This was my birthday. We slept in until 10am (we needed it!!), got to Magic Kingdom after lunch and spent the day doing rides we had not done yet.

Kasey cried the entire ride of Splash Mountain. Earlier in the trip we rode Space Mountain, and after that Kasey did not want to ride scary rides; but being the loving parents we are....we made her.

On the Disney the tunnel. Zeke might have photo bombed this picture.

Blurry shot

A man and his castle.