I told you all I was lucky enough to find several entire LE polish collections by Catrice and Essence. in the end it turned out more then I even hoped for; Papagena, Bohemia, Natventurista, Ballerina Backstage, Enter Wonderland...
But I was recently very very lucky at Sephora in Rotterdam!
As many dutch will recommend this, our Sephora shops are hidden in other shops. The little corners are devided over the Netherlands in the V&D retail shops. V&D has this little thing called "Circus of prices" which will last for about a midweek, filled with amazing sales on well everything the do sell!! This fantastic discount action is as well avaible in their Sephora shop-in-shops; pick out 3 pieces of makeup by the Sephoa brand only for 10euros.....yes you've read it correctly; 10euros!!
So why does V&D do this?! Is it to clean out old stock orr...I must admit I'm not even bothered about the answer :) All I know is since V&D doesn't have a shop in my town anymore I feel amazingly happy when I stop by one which has this sale :)
I was in Rotterdam with my colleague cause we "had" to attend a special presentation of Vichy's latest Derm Source Lift Activ product, hence you see a small bag filled with a Vichy jar in it. Great presentation, filled with yummy food and a present at the end ;) But before we went there we had a little time for shopping. We stopped by one of the MAC selling points and I picked out an eyeshadow from their latest collection called Mythical. Normally I'm not into these redtype colored eyeshadows, but swatches and info had triggered my thought about it, since it's a great combo with blue colored eyes!! I just wanted to try it out :) I bought a pair amazingly cool black suede platform heels, so I'll just have to train a little at home ( I normally wear only flat shoes/boots cause of work )
http://www.bertieshoes.com/ |
At Sephora I picked out 3x my favorite mascara!! (these are normally 18,70euros), 2 different types of foundations and a little jar with "immediate wrinkle filler". My colleague had purchased some items for her family as well. We both had an amazing time in the train back home as we watched our receipt and laughed a little. Normally I would have payed about 107euros for what I picked out...now it was only 20euros O_o