Friday, March 12, 2010

Time for a new blog

We have a new blog with new goals! Check us out here. xoxo

Tuesday, January 26, 2010


Could you die!!! This little guy is a moms dream come true. He is so sweet and yummy and cute. I could just burst with excitement! He makes me so happy everyday with his sweet smile and his coos. He has just started sucking his thumb, I love it. I forgot how much I LOVE having a baby. That miserable pregnancy was worth every minute. He seriously brings me so much happiness! His sisters love him to pieces and get so excited when he is in a new outfit, or does something new. We all enjoy him so much. Am I repeating myself, because it feels like I am, but I got to say it one more time, I LOVE MY BABY!!!

Monday, January 25, 2010


My fabulous friends threw me a shower. I got much needed boy stuff. I was having such a grand time that I forgot to take pictures. Krista and Destiny really know how to decorate, look at all the cute stuff! Love you guys, and love that I am not still pregnant.

Friday, January 8, 2010

Hopefully I'm Back!

Pregnancy did a number on me this time. Pretty much the only thing I did was be grumpy and miserable. Which makes me really sad because my baby is so stinkin sweet that no grumpniess was needed. Anyway back to the point, I'm ready to catch you up on the last 6 months of our lives. I will try to spread them out so that you won't get too bored with us. Enjoy!!!

Our Sam Sam

This was taken just hours before she died
This is what we buried her with. She loved chocolate cake and butter.
She loved to shred diapers, and eat chips ahoy cookies. A picture of us.

Kevin digging her grave
We each told Sammie why we loved her

Sammies grave

Is still saddens our hearts that our sweet Sammie died. It makes me sad to think that Crew won't get to have Sammie for a buddy. He would have loved having a big sweet dog to pal around with. I won't forget the night that she died. It was late and my doorbell rang, who could that be, a stranger was at my door asking for my help. A dog had been ran over. It was still alive but doing very badly. As I was walking to the back door, I remembered that I had let Sammie out not long ago to go potty. I was saying over and over what if its my dog. As I rounded the corner there on the street my dog laid. I ran to her side she was so hurt she could not move. I sat on the road with her, and watched as she slowly stopped breathing. The stranger that rang my bell had no idea I was the owner of the dog he watched get hit, he felt so sad for me. I was so grateful that he came to my house and that I was able to love my dog as she died. My girls were beside themselves with grief. MaKaya kept saying she was my sister, my sister died. We cried and cried and cried, the stranger cried with us.

One thing I kept worrying about was where to bury her. My great friend Monica has a lot of property in Lake Shore. Early the next morning a very emotional phone call was made asking her if I could bury my dog. Its not every day you ask a friend if you can bury your 100lb dog in their yard. Of course she said yes. I figured the hole would be dug clear back on their property, but as I got to their house Kevin was digging right up close. It still warms my heart to think of the kindness they showed to me and my family. I am surrounded by good people.

School started in the morning, Lexi was late, we had a funeral, and MaKaya couldn't even go she was so upset. We just stayed home and cried. She slept with her collar for days, and wouldn't let me throw the dog hair away that was in my Dyson. Boo still continues to save dog hair she finds. Each time I would come home it was another hole in my heart, because Sammie was always waiting by the door. Sometimes it still catches me off guard that she is not there. I watched a home video today and she was in it. I'm so glad for the time she was ours, and so sad that we didn't have longer. We still love you Sam Sam


MaKaya loved every minute of Kindergarten, in fact the other day she said, 1st grade is boring, we did so much funner stuff in kindergarten. Mrs. Jenkins was a fabulous teacher, I was able to spend some time in MaKaya's class and I was always very happy with what I saw. You can tell that she loves what she does. It was very emotional for MaKaya to leave kindergarten. She loved her teacher and loved her classmates.

Bear Lake

This is a fitting post, considering this is what I would love to be doing. I am sooooo ready for a fun filled summer. We went on our annual Bear Lake trip. It was wonderful and fantastic and enjoyable and great! I love that week so very much. Savanna fell in love with the water this summer so it was very fun to watch her enjoy herself so mcuh. We have all ready started planning our trip for this summer. I can't wait!!!