Friday, October 28, 2022

 Social Media Marketing Content

What is it?

It is the class I am currently taking to complete a Social Media Marketing Certificate through Brigham Young University-Idaho. We are learning how to create quality marketing content for various marketing channels. The content includes images, videos, print, and infographics.


Social media has emerged as a powerful platform for brands to use in their efforts to reach more consumers. Most businesses should consider which platforms they should maintain a presence on and create content designed for their target audience. Because of the prevalence of social media marketing I felt it benefitted me to gain experience in this field. I most enjoy those tasks that draw on my graphic design skills. 

Sunday, June 24, 2012

Run For Your Lives

Several months ago Kirk convinced me to sign up for this 5k coming to Indianapolis on June 23rd.  This race included obstacles and zombies.  Yes, zombies.  Somewhat new to the racing scene, it is an obstacle course 5 kilometers long with strategically placed zombies whose goal is to take your life (you are given 3 lives in the form of red flags hanging from your waist).  If all three flags are taken then you are no longer among the living.  You complete the race as normal, but you're not really of interest to the zombies.

I feared my lack of preparation and was feeling quite stressed going into the race.  The starting line was divided into three lines according to your run pace; Appetizer (fast), Entree (medium), and Dessert (slow).

We ended up grouped up with some other runners which really helped.  Of particular assistance were three random fellas I'll call Ninja, Hulk, and Headbutter.  Ninja was dressed in all black and acted as our scout.  He would give us hand signals telling us how many zombies were ahead, to hold, and when to run.  The Hulk was massive and actually got on his hands and knees at a 4' wall obstacle and allowed the group members to use him as a step stool.  The Headbutter would approach zombies with his head down allowing him to minimize the zombie's reaching distance.  He got separated from our group and I later found out his spinning tactics actually took a zombie out, ouch!  I felt sort of bad for some of the zombies because a few of those with no lives would actually link arms and attempt to form a barrier between the living and the zombies.

The last obstacle was some monkey bars over a pool of "blood" and "intestines".  I was so worried about this because I had little confidence in my ability to make it all the way across or even reach the initial bar, it was pretty high up for some of us shorties!  I was not worried about getting wet though.  At that point we'd already run through creek beds, crawled through watery mud holes, and waded through a stream.  As it approached my turn to go I was torn over whether I should even try it or just ease myself into the water and cross to the other side.  Well, I tried it and made it halfway...hooray for small victories!

Thanks to Kirk protecting me on the last mile, I SURVIVED!  He would bravely go before me and guard me as we approached a group of zombies.  He even yelled at a couple of guys who were intent on stealing my last flag.  It didn't help that I was running sideways and almost hit a tree while protecting the side where my flag was located.  I ended up on the ground, but the zombie backed off after angry husband got angry!

I appreciate how this race can provide a different experience depending on your personality.  A runner can push him/herself and run the course with a specific time goal.  A roleplayer can enjoy the camaraderie of other survivers and thrill of evading zombies without worrying about time.  I was feeling pretty good right after the race, but starting from the walk back to the car till now (a day later) I'm miserable!  Ah well, at least I'm alive to tell the tale.

Check out their official page if you want to know more.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Poor Little Fella

I'm thinking of setting up a savings account just for Henry's emergencies. Kirk and Henry were playing and Henry must have fallen and landed funny on his arm because he had a buckle fracture in his wrist. He had to wear that brace for 4 weeks. I was worried that he would take it off on his own, at which point we'd need to get a cast. Thankfully he did well keeping it on.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

A Very Special Visit

We appreciated being a stop on the S family's cross country move. The weather was fantastic for playing in the park. That evening we piled into the van, all 8 of us and went to Sweetwater's arcade and a sweet treat at Dairy Queen. Bruce and Henry just love their cousins. I was very impressed how patient and attentive the S boys were to them.

A Pig Cake

Since I learned to make fondant I wanted to try it out on an Angry Birds Pig cake. It was for Bruce's Birthday.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Friday, November 4, 2011


Kirk had a work/pleasure fishing trip planned for mid-September. I decided to get out of town too and visit my family and friends back in Missouri. I planned to make several stops to allow me to stretch and prevent drowsiness and help the boys not get too cranky. We made it to Indianapolis and went to the Children's Museum there.

After a few minutes of playing we got back in the van and pushed on. I was definitely ready to get out of the car after the 12 hour drive. Bruce had his first lesson on riding his bike from Uncle Dan. It was fantastic and he even got to keep the bike!

I had planned a few projects while visiting with the wonderful R family. We made dishwasher soap (I don't plan to make it again, I'm not impressed with its cleaning ability), fondant (I've never made it before so thanks Lisa for your skilled tutelage), tortillas following this recipe (yummy, but more work than I want to do every time ya know?), and a wreath. We had a great time!
Bruce had so much fun playing with his buddy Tyler!


Bruce started pre-school and is doing great! He loves it. Each week they paint, go to chapel for a bible lesson, they are learning their numbers and letters. I am so impressed with his capacity to adapt and learn. His first day he couldn't write his name on his paper. The teacher wrote on his paper to start practicing that and immediately we went to work on it. He picked it up so quickly.

Brotherly Interactions

Aww, what a cute little scene. My heart softens when I see my boys getting along.

Then there are times when playing turns to rough housing and that turns to angrily pushing.

Nine stitches later...

Monday, August 29, 2011

Boys Love Them Birds

It started when our friend Kevin visited and the boys (Kirk, Kevin, and Bruce) huddled around Kevin's phone to knock down those darn pigs. Then, thanks to a pc app download it is currently on Kirk's computer. Everyone enjoys playing it! I was reading a magazine and saw that it was coming to a board game version. As soon as it came out we got it. I'm amazed that the boys have some amazing skills in launching those angry birds. Henry is saying more words, but his way to communicate that he wants to play Angry Birds sounds more like hocking a loogie, but that's his piggy sound. He asks daily. His progression of loading his bird in the catapult, every time....

Load Bird

Turn, Turn


Ready to Launch (and does surprisingly well)

Popular exclamations while playing are "Launch It!" and "Go!"