
6 months of Eden

She loves to eat her toes. I don't blamer her, I love to eat 'em too!

Your looking at 6 months of love right here.
This little babe has brought so much peace and joy into our home since she's joined us.

She's a very calm and mild mannered baby...
definitely her fathers girl.
She doesn't laugh and she doesn't really talk,
but she squeals with excitement when we talk to her
and she hyperventilates at the site of us.
She's a funny one, she is.
Her favorite thing to do is hold our hands.
I've never had a baby like that.
She's like a little chinese finger trap...
except the American baby version of it.
Once she's got a hold of you there's no letting go.
We love her lots (and that's an understatement).

Eden's 6 Month Stats:
Weight- 15 lb 1.5 oz
Height- 25.5 in

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PS- I posted these pictures on my photography blog.
They look a lot better bigger.
Just a more efficient way to soak in her cuteness, in my opinion.

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Just thought I'd mix it up a bit

I remember hearing the word BLOG for the first time.
Was it a food?
Was it clogging gone bad?
Was it certain type of eating disorder?
I just didn't know.

The whole concept of blogging seemed so foreign to me.
Who wants to spend their time writing about the boring and mundane.
Let alone, who wants to read about it.
I'm still shocked to this day that people (completely awesome people)
take the time to stop by and read my blog.
And sometimes, if I get lucky, they leave a comment.
And then I think for just a small moment I've reached, like, rock star status.
And I'm so thankful for the day I decided to start my own official blog.

Now there's a new word I've been introduced to over the past little while.
It is the word VLOG.
Is it an embarrassing feminine disorder?
Is it a form of extreme logging like on the TLC network?
Is it something I should talk to my doctor about?

The first vlog I ever watched was on Tiffany's blog of the Would Be Writers Guild.
It was on Cubing a watermelon.
And I'm here to tell you,
my watermelon cutting skills have been taken to a whole new level of excellence.

And now Kami from No Biggie is doing a fun little series on vlogging.
So I thought maybe, just maybe, I would give this whole vlogging thing a try...

Some observations about vlogging (my vlogging in particular):
-It's true. The camera does add some extra poundage (about 20 lbs in my case).
-I'm suddenly a lot more aware about all my flaws.
-The lady at the MAC counter was right, I should wear more eye make-up.
-I do this funny little flexing thing with my neck.
-I like to flare my nostrils when I talk.
-If I had a nickel for every time I said vlogging I'd have least $1.35
-Impromptu karaoke sessions are never a good idea.

Vlogging... perhaps it is an embarrassing feminine disorder after all.

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I'm sure there's a clever title for this post

I'm just not sure what it is.
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Life at times almost seems comedic. Like we're at the circus and we have front row seating. It's amazing the series of events that can happen within minutes of each other. One minute we're having a good uplifting family home evening, the next Macie's running around in her underwear screaming, "Mom, tie my blanket on like a cape!"

We went from FHE where each child felt the need to give a lesson.
Abrie's was on How the world was created in 7 days.
Kaleb's was on How to dress for church and that cars were invented a long time ago.
And Macie's... well, I'm still not quite sure what hers was on, but she did manage to deliver a powerful song in her own words of Jesus and butterflies and other things that were inaudible.

Then it was time for our treat.
The kids were talking and laughing when all of a sudden Kaleb blurted out, "PENIS". I looked at him with the kind of what-you-talkin'-bout-Willis look. My reaction must have caught Macie's attention because she decided to follow it up seeing how many times she could say the word penis without taking a breath. Nate and I looked at each other, one of us needed to be the strong one and it wasn't going to be me. So Nate, as best as he could, put on his 'serious' face trying to explain that that is a special part of the body and we don't talk about it like that, all the while Macie is continuing her breathless repetition of the word penis.

After treats it was time to brush teeth.
I stood in the kitchen staring down the hall towards the bathroom as the girls sang, "Everybody was kung fu fighting..." with mouthfuls of tooth paste. Along with the song they had synchronized dance moves that looked like they had been rehearsed. They hadn't. Their giggles echoed down the hall and right into my heart.

And I was grateful for a moment where I wasn't yelling at the kids to stop playing around and knock it off. Rather, I was sitting in that instant trying to soak up them and the nights event. How they made me laugh and feel pure joy. How they made Nate smile and laugh. How there was no fighting (for the most part) and we were all happy.

It was an evening that made me think that if you were to tell my 19 year old self that 10 years from now I would be in a house surrounded by 4 kids and a loving husband sitting around on a monday night laughing about the word 'penis' I would have never believed it.

But most importantly,
it was an evening that fed my soul and reminded me of the joys of being Mom.

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Out of Desperation Comes Inspiration

From my title you thought it was going to be a very serious and spiritual post, didn't you. It's not.
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It was Sunday.
The kids were hungry, the cupboards were bare.
There was an almost empty bag of spinach in the fridge
along with an assortment of barbecue sauces and salad dressing.
And for some reason dipping carrots into mustard didn't sound very appealing to the children.
I sat and I thought and then it hit me...
I was enlightened with knowledge and inspiration.
(Perhaps this is a spiritual post after all.)

Bread and cheese, I didn't have.
But frozen waffles and jam, I did.
With that and the combination of a panini press and a little bit of butter,
suddenly we had a stuffed waffle panini.
It was a flash of genius.

And it.was.heaven.

The kids were a little cautious at first...

Seriously, child. Since when are you old enough to question my culinary creations?

But eventually I won them over with my mad skills at the panini press.

Let me break it down for you:
-2 frozen waffles
-special jam of your choosing
-little bit of butta'
-and press

Try it. You'll thank me.
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Speaking of Sunday...
My sunday attire looked a little something like this,

It's not about looks & fashion. It's about warmth & comfort.
I actually think this outfit is a fusion of both fashion and comfort.
But what do I know?
I still peg my pants, wear tube socks and call flip-flops thongs.

I didn't wear this to church, but I should have.
It would have been all the rave, I'm sure.

And Nate will be begging me to wear it again,
"Ginnie, how 'bout you slip into something a little more comfortable,
like the striped socks and slippers... that was a hot little number."

And I will happily oblige,
as long as I can press him a stuffed waffle panini while wearing that outfit.

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Perhaps she's overcompensating for something

These were the kids 10 minutes before church.
All showered and dressed and ready to go.

I was the one behind the camera...
10 minutes before church.
Still in my pajama's.

Nate was the one who walked out and caught me taking pictures
when really, I should be getting ready for church.
He was not happy with me.

Let's review.
Me, taking pictures happy and content.
Nate, not so much.

But he had a hard time staying mad at me when he walked out and saw this:

The kids call it a little explosion on her head.
Nate calls it ridiculous.
I call it compensating for the lack of hair.

Really, it is kind of funny- that little poof ball on the top of her head.
But if anyone can pull it off, she's definitely the one.

Why do we choose to humiliate our kids so?
Perhaps, because we enjoy the entertainment.
Well, that and the fact that they can't do anything about it.

Dear Eden,
I'm sorry. But not sorry enough to
stop putting obscenely large bows/poof balls on top of your head.

your mother

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I Digress

It seems to me like the past few months have looked a lot like this...

She's a little bit of pill, this one
with the crying and the whining and the crying and the waking up at night and crying.
And so I said enough is enough.
I talked to the doctor...
long story short- I filled a prescription for Prevacid.
8 days later I have a different child.
She is pleasant & content,
I like her and she likes me.
Now peace & harmony now resides in our home.
(for the most part anyway)

I'm pretty familiar with hard and fussy babies. Kaleb, poor kid, was the most unhappy child (and that's putting it gently). That little boy had me in tears so many nights that I lost track. I remember going to the doctors and breaking down in tears begging him to tell me that there was something wrong with Kaleb so that whatever it was, it could be fixed.

It's really hard to be a good mom when you feel continually dragged down emotionally by your children. Does it make me any less of a mom to admit that I have my fair share of moments where I feel like my head is going to explode? Nope, I say it makes me completely normal. We all have our moments where we feel like we're a ticking time bomb just waiting to go off. However, we might not all portray our melt downs in stick figure drawings... see here.

I've been thinking lately about the role of a mother
and how trying it can be at times.

I recall using my mother as a visual aid for a small class I was teaching. She stood in the front of the room and in each hand she held a basket. Now my mother by nature loves to perform well in front of others. So I set a task in front of her knowing that she would be perfect for the job. I was to load her baskets one by one with rocks of all shapes and sizes... all she needed to do was keep her baskets held high. Having a competitive heart she fought and she held those baskets out to the side as long as she could until finally, she broke. I had filled her baskets so full that there was no possible way she could continue- her breaking point was inevitable.

As mothers our baskets our full; not only are they full, but they're spilling out the sides and onto the floor. Perhaps one of the heaviest weighing items filling our baskets is our children and the constant worry & concern we have for them...

If they've done their home work, cleaned their room, read their 20 minutes each night.
If they've showered for the day and are wearing clean socks and underwear.
If they're doing well in school, if they have friends, if they're respectful to those around them.
If they're happy, if they're healthy, if they're making right choices when nobody is watching.

But most importantly for me, I worry about whether or not my children know that they are loved. I've been asking myself that question lately every night before they go to bed. Sometimes the answer is an overwhelming yes. Other times it feels like a discouraging no. (To be honest it's amazing that any love can be felt around here at bedtime.)

That's a lot to balance on the small plate we call motherhood.

In a talk Elder Holland gave in April 1997, he recalls a letter he received by a mother feeling the strains of motherhood,
...one thing, she said, keeps her going: “Through the thick and the thin of this, and through the occasional tears of it all, I know deep down inside I am doing God’s work. I know that in my motherhood I am in an eternal partnership with Him. I am deeply moved that God finds His ultimate purpose and meaning in being a parent, even if some of His children make Him weep.

“It is this realization,” she says, “that I try to recall on those inevitably difficult days when all of this can be a bit overwhelming. Maybe it is precisely our inability and anxiousness that urge us to reach out to Him and enhance His ability to reach back to us. Maybe He secretly hopes wewill be anxious,” she said, “and will plead for His help. Then, I believe, He can teach these children directly, through us, but with no resistance offered. I like that idea,” she concludes. “It gives me hope. If I can be right before my Father in Heaven, perhaps His guidance to our children can be unimpeded. Maybe then it can be His work and His glory in a very literal sense.”

Elder Holland continues,
"Do the best you can through these years, but whatever else you do, cherish that role that is so uniquely yours and for which heaven itself sends angels to watch over you and your little ones.

Rely on Him. Rely on Him heavily. Rely on Him forever. And “press forward with a steadfastness in Christ, having a perfect brightness of hope.” You are doing God’s work. You are doing it wonderfully well. He is blessing you and He will bless you, even—no, especially—when your days and your nights may be the most challenging."

Now take a deep breath and soak it ALL in.

In short, regardless of faith or religion, we as mothers have one common goal:
To help our children reach their full potential in all aspects of life; physically, mentally, socially & spiritually. We would be foolish to think we could possibly accomplish this great task all on our own. Sometimes we just need a little help of the heavenly sort...

And a full body massage accompanied with a little dark chocolate and cold Diet Coke could possibly help as well, just saying.

(The moody evening sunset right outside my back window.)

And to think, this post was originally going to be about me taking Macie to the doctor for acid reflux and finding out she has strep throat as well. I guess we could consider this a case of ADD gone wild.

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Dear Anonymous Blog Commenter,

5 things:

1. This is my uh-uh, no you di'in't face.

• This face is usually accompanied with a finger snap and my head cocked to one side.
• This face is meant to intimidate and strike fear into the heart of my foe.
• This face is often talked about, but rarely seen...
until today.

2. Yes, you really do need to know that I have to tell my kids
to flush the toilet when they poop.
You also need to know that skid marks left in the toilet leave me equally annoyed as well.

3. Not only do I feed my kids ice cream for breakfast,
but I've also fed them pickle sandwiches, chicken nuggets, and pizza.
Oh, and cheerios with chocolate milk.
So scandalous, I know.

4. Thank you for making me feel like I've reached a whole new level in the blogging world.
It's kind of like when a person who's semi-famous gets their very first stalker...
except totally different.

5. I forgive you for your comment and will just pass it off as
someone who has a really bad case of IBS.
It's okay, I get super irritable and say things I don't mean
when I'm constipated too.


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A Case of the Blah's

I woke up this morning and I thought to myself,
"Self, I'm going to be productive this morning"
and then I warmed me up a bowl of oatmeal & peaches and one of my favorite sausages.
(They're actually SOY sausages, but when you leave the 'soy' part out they sound a lot better to eat)
And then, I sat down in front of the computer to check my daily reads.
Except for today I blogged surfed.
I went from link to link
looking at blogs I've never even seen before.
(there's an endless world of blogs out there)

All the blogs were so crafty & cute & perfect.
And then something happened,
something I vowed when I started blogging to never let happen.
I started to get bloggers envy.

What exactly is bloggers envy?
Well, it's a bad case of blog coveting...

Father, forgive me for I have sinned. I have been coveting my fellow bloggers lives.
Their cute little heart shaped banners quilted by hand with vintage fabric that they bought on sale.
Their hot date nights with their husbands where they got into an argument about who's the cutest.
Their ability to eat hamburgers everyday and still look like they could walk down the runway.
Their home's decorated as if they were straight out of the Pottery Barn catalogue.
Their daily crafts set up for their children to enhance their education...

Then there's me. This is my life.

Eating breakfast so far was the most productive thing I've done today...
well, that and telling the kids to flush the toilet after they go poop.
The kids are all still in their pj's and it's 11:30.
They finally told me they're hungry and they want ice cream for breakfast, so I obliged.
Then they settled down in front of the TV to watch some cartoons.
The baby started to cry so I had to get up to put her binki in mouth,
in the mean time reminding Macie to keep her hands out of her pants
and telling Kaleb to stop shooting Nerf darts at his sisters
as he does a kamikaze dive onto the couch.

It's a glamorous life, but someone's gotta do it.
And really, I'm okay with just being mediocre. ;)

*On a side note: I do love all of those blogs. They are inspiring and lovely.
Perhaps I will go sew myself a heart shape banner today.

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48 hours ago...

my parents boarded a plane
and flew to a little patch of heaven
where the sky's are sunny and the temperature is in the mid 80's.

And they will call this place home for the next two years.

One minute they were here and the next minute they're not.
Thousands of miles away.
It's just crazy how that can happen.

My parents have been called to be presidents of the Dominican Republic MTC.
There's no doubt in my mind that's where they're supposed to be.
(I have a little story about that, perhaps I'll share it with you sometime.)

My parents are good people. Good being an understatement.
They're actually great people.
The kind of people that you'd be fortunate to have in your life.

We spent the past two weeks trying to fit in two years worth of time together
and had several days of good bye.

Goodbye #1:

Goodbye #2:

I can't remember what story my Dad's telling, but whatever it is it looks like a good one.

Goodbye #3: the Provo, UT MTC

All of my brothers and sisters and their kids (8 and older) met my parents at the MTC
to have a special meeting with Elder Holland and Elder Snow.

It was amazing and beautiful.
Love was emanating from Elder Holland. Just emanating.
He was gracious and gentle and caring.
Absoluely the most genuine man I have ever met.

Afterwards we went in a room just to chat and say goodbye.
And my Dad?
Well, he's front and center taking advantage of every last minute to teach.
He's teaching. Always teaching.
Which is good,
because I'm learning. Always learning.

Me and all my siblings

Officially President & Sister

So am I sad that they're gone?
Well, I don't know if sad is quite the right word.
I'll miss them, that's for sure.
But really, they're only a phone call or a skype chat away.
(technology amazes me)

As for my parents?...

Well, I'm pretty sure they'll survive.

I talked to my Mom on the phone yesterday and she said she could see the beach
just right outside her window...
tough life.

And you better believe there is a vacation planning in the works to visit
the blue waters and white sands of the Dominican Republic.

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Maybe she looks like Kevin Bacon

Everyone always asks me,
"Who does Eden look like?"

My response?
"Well, she has eyes... two of them. And she has a nose and a cute little mouth. And some chubby cheeks, both on the top and on the bottom. So I'm gonna say... she looks like... a baby. a really cute baby."

I really don't know who she looks like.
Me? Nate? Kaleb? Abrie? Macie?
The mail man?
Not the mail man.

So I thought I'd pull up some old pictures of the kiddo's all around the same age.
My vote is a good mix between Abrie & Macie...
and she definitely has Nate's eyes/eyebrows.
(The girl version, hopefully)

And now that I've pulled up these pictures, I wish I could freeze my kids like this forever.
But then I realize that would be like having 5 month old quadruplets... for eternity.
So maybe I'll pass on the freezing thing for now.

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Ch-ch-ch-check it out!

Hello friends!
I wanted to tell you about a fun & fresh new blog...

Steph over at MPMK is having a little giveaway in honor of it's first week.
So stop by and say HI!
I'm pretty sure you'll love it!

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Top 10 of Twenty-10

A little run down of a few of my favorite posts, moments, & memories from 2010...

Best Meltdown: The verdict is in
Kaleb's less than thrilled reaction to finding out that we're having a baby girl.

Best Homemade Cartoon Portrayal: Nate's Hairgasm

{One of} the Sweetest Mom Moments: Validation in Crayon

This is probably Nate's favorite.
He made the Scottevest blog, catalogue, and website (check out the vest model on the left side).
He's, like, famous.

Favorite Home Project: Before & After :: The Kitchen

Favorite Trip: Isreal & Egypt or bust
here, here & on my photo blog here & here

Best Day: She's Here!

My Favorite Grandma: Bitter Sweet

The Other Best Day (I'm allowed to have two): A blessing and a baptism

*Added Bonus
Most googled post: Open Door Policy
Apparently, more people pee with the door open then you'd like to think.
I feel so validated.
(And a little creeped out that so many people googled that)

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I remember being a small child and dreading the day we took the tree down- I wished we could keep it up all year long. The tree for me was a symbol of all things good. All things happy. All things exciting. I would walk by it and be filled with anticipation.

And next to the tree, lined up perfectly in a row, were 10 homemade red felt stockings. My most favorite stocking? Well, it was mine of course. It was a patchwork angel of sorts with blond curly hair and a glittery halo. It was the caboose to that long line of stockings. The stocking was one of my favorite parts of Christmas. I was always excited to find what small treasures awaited me there. Everything was wrapped right down to the candy bars and yummy treats.

The day would finally come in late December where brown mismatched card board boxes littered the family room floor. It was time to de-Christmas. It made my little heart feel sad each time an ornament got placed back gently into its box...

Fast forward 20 some odd years, the de-Christmasing time has come (and gone). But this time it's a little different. I don't mind taking the tree down or even the stockings... in fact it actually feels kind of good (gasp!). I love December. I love the excitement and all the anticipation, but I welcome January with open arms (insert Journey's Open Arms). It feels so good to pack up Christmas and kind of start all over again... it's a fresh start to a new year- a new year, full of new experiences, new challenges, and new goals.

Now don't go and get me confused with someone who makes new years resolution... because that I don't do. But, what I will do is find my word for the year. It is very hard to find just one word for one year, but I think I managed...

Enjoy! (It was a really close running with my other word idea looseweight). The word enjoy encompasses all aspects of my life... enjoy motherhood. enjoy being a wife. enjoy the little things... just enjoy. And maybe, just maybe, even enjoy cleaning the bathroom and doing the laundry (but perhaps that's being a little too optimistic).

So, what's your word? I'd love to know. Maybe I can steal it for next year. ;)

*Disclaimer: I reserve the right to revoke my word if at any point in time I hear the phrase, "But honey, I thought your word for the year was ENJOY" out of my husband's mouth. I do not want to be reminded of the word enjoy when I'm complaining about cooking dinner, putting the kids to bed, or cleaning pee out of the carpet.

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I call it improvising

We're out of milk today...

But chocolate milk we do have.

Or my fall back plan,
a little bit of water and a couple scoops of baby formula.

Or if I was still nursing,
my fall back-fall back plan....

(Just think of all the added nutritional value.)

Cheerios & chocolate milk,
the breakfast of champions
or a breakfast where parents are well on their way to raising obese children.
You decide.

PS- I'm totally kidding about the breast milk...
or am I?

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"You want your Christmas Card? Here's your Christmas card!"

Tree down... Check
Stockings packed up... Check
Christmas books put away... Check
Ornaments back in there boxes... Check
A little added Christmas poundage... Check
Christmas cards taken down...

They're one of my favorite things about Christmas.
They make me happy each time I walk by.
They're new friends. They're olds friends.
They're family. They're neighbors.
They're people I love.
It just doesn't feel right taking them down.
I'm not quite sure when they'll find their way off my pantry door.
So for now, they'll remain exactly where they are...

one of the lingering signs that Christmas was here.

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Sadly, I did not send Christmas cards this year.
I wanted to save you the heartache of having to take mine down.

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