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Sunday, November 10, 2013

What is going on?

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I seriously think someone forgot to send the universe a memo about it being Me-vember!

First I get a stupid $37 ticket and now I've got a sinus infection.

I tried telling the doctor that I thought I had been poisoned.  You see, I was feeling great and then I walked past a house that was tented for termites.  It had the "warning poison" signs posted everywhere!  It was a windy night and I could see the tent moving with the breeze.  I was practically past the house when I noticed that the wind had caused some of the clips holding the flaps together to fall off.

I was holding my breath as I passed in front of the house, but you never know!

The doctor managed to not laugh at me as she assured me it was just a sinus infection.

Saturday, November 9, 2013

Friday, November 8, 2013

You can't make this stuff up.....

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I called to find out about that stupid $37 ticket I got Wednesday night.  It wasn't because there was no money in the meter and they knew my tags didn't expire until the 15th.  Get ready for this.....

See the frame around my tag?  That's the reason I got the ticket!

The lady I spoke to in the clerk's office clams they are illegal and have always been illegal.  I was just lucky enough to be spotted by a police officer who decided to enforce that law.


As I drove home from work today I counted all the cars I saw with some kind of frame around their tag.  Want to know how many I counted?  Well I'll tell you.....

I counted exactly three hundred and fifty GAZILLION!

Well, maybe my count is off by a little because I kept singing along with the songs on the radio and forgetting to count.  But, there were still LOTS of cars with LOTS of frames around their tags.

Don't even get me started on the two cars and truck I saw that didn't even have tags!

I've been told that if I take the frame off, take a picture to prove that it's gone and write a letter explaining what I've done that maybe.....just maybe I won't have to pay the $37.

I've already thought of several things to say in my letter, but sadly, those things will only raise the cost of the ticket. Lol!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

A good, a bad, an I don't know what and one freaking "it figures" for good measure.

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Ok, so I was meeting friends for dinner.  The restaurant is close enough to where I live that I could have walked, but I was out and about and decided that if there was an open spot on the street I would go ahead and take it.  If there wasn't an open parking space, I was going home to park and then walk back to the restaurant.

There was an open spot!  It was on the corner and I slid right into it without having to do my awkward "I have no idea what I'm doing and so it takes me five minutes to parallel park" routine or give up get out of the car and hand the keys to a total stranger while begging them to please just park the stupid car for me.  (Yes, I have actually done that!)

Since the parking space was there and waiting for me I was actually a few minutes early for dinner.  I decided I was on a roll and could tackle the tough job of figuring out how to change the clock in the car.  I did it!  Of course, I ended up using my phone to google how to do it and was late getting into the restaurant.

Who cares! I changed the clock within the first week of the time change and now I don't have to drive down the road, glance at the clock and have and have a mini panic attack thinking that I'm late for work when I'm actually early.


Dinner was great and the conversation was awesome!  I bragged about my parking space and how the clock in my car was set to the correct time and how I was just pretty much awesome all around.

You need to know that I drank nothing but water at dinner!  Honest!  Nothing but water, and that is an important detail for the BAD part of this story.

After dinner, we all parted ways at the door of the restaurant.  I walked to my car in it's awesome parking place, opened the door and proceeded to get into the car.  But, somehow, I missed the car and managed to fall off the curb.  That's right, I was stone cold sober, holding onto the open car door and still managed to fall off the curb.  It's the truth and sadly there were plenty of people on the sidewalk to witness my fall.  Of course, I'm sure they all thought I was drunk and somehow, it's a little less embarrassing if they do.  Lol!


As I was driving I hope I noticed a flier had been placed on my windshield.  Don't you just hate that!  I was hoping it would just blow off the car as I drove the short distance home.  That didn't happen though, so after I got home I grabbed the flier and was all ready to throw it away when I took a quick glance to see what it said.  It's a good thing I looked!  That stupid flier was actually a parking ticket.  A $37 parking ticket!

I don't get it!  I thought...and still think...that you don't have to feed the parking meters after 6pm.  According to the clock in my car it was it was 7:10pm when I pulled into that parking space.  That means it was actually 6:10pm (remember, I hadn't set the clock yet!).  The ticket was issued at 6:37pm.  Which means it was pretty much placed on the car as soon as I got inside the restaurant and out of site the "ticket crazy" person who placed it there.

I was already planning the "nice" conversation I would be having with someone from the clerk's office, when I noticed that the ticket wasn't for an expired parking meter.  It says "unlawful object/decals on license plate".   That confused me even more!  What are they talking about!

I went back out to look at my tag and see if someone had placed a crazy illegal sticker it while I was parked in that awesome parking space.  Thay hadn't!  My tag looks just like everyone else's!

Then I realized what they think I deserved a ticket for.  My tag expires this month...on my birthday....9 days after this stupid ticket was placed on my car.  My tags aren't illegal....yet!

I DON'T KNOW WHAT IS GOING ON.....but I guess I should be glad they're over the whole thinking that I'm driving a stolen car that they stopped me for awhile back.

As I was headed back inside I stopped and checked the mail.  There was some junk, a few sales ads and one very important thing.....the new updated sticker for my car that says it expires 11/15.


Wednesday, November 6, 2013


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I have been in an absolute rotten mood and I really think it's all because of the time change.

I will be nice....I will be nice....I will be nice.....

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

You guys totally rock!

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So, I noticed this a couple days ago but didn't say anything because I was sure that it was a mistake.  However, nothing has changed so I'm going with it and saying a BIG thank you!

My blog seems to have received over one million views!

You guys are awesome and maybe just a little crazy, but you're my stalkers and I love you!

Monday, November 4, 2013

Day of the Dead Celebration

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Saturday was all about the rib festival and the Day of the Dead celebration.

 Sunday was all about napping!


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