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Tuesday, September 6, 2011

It's not fair!!!!!

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As I sat around watching way too much TV over the rainy weekend I saw a preview for the movie What's Your Number and even though I have never heard of it before I couldn't help but notice how similar it is to The Day Ginger Snapped.

Single girl goes in serch of ex boyfriends and finds they've achieved various levels of success. The witch is even a blonde!

Now, I could hate on the movie and tell you not to go see it, but I won't do that.
(Bitter, party of one!)

I will tell you that I'm sure my story is WAY better so you should buy a copy if you haven't already.

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Monday, September 5, 2011

...AND the winner is....

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I wish I could give a gift certificate to everyone who has helped to spread the word about my postcard project, but I live on a teacher's salary so that won't be happening. lol!

I can't thank you all enough for sending postcards and spreading the word. I just can't wait for the cards to start arriving!

I used random.org to pick a winner for the $5 gift certificate to Stuff to Scrap and the winner is.....

Betty Benton

Betty, please contact me with your email address and I'll get that gift certificate out to you!

Thank you all again and remember we're taking postcards all year so it's never too late to send one!

Happy Labor Day!

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It feels good to know that I don't have to get up in the morning for work!

Enjoy your day off!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Saturday, September 3, 2011

check out Stuff to Scrap!

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Lots of fun things happening this weekend!

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Brag book pages that are free with a $10 purchase!

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Super cute Build A Kit minis with a circus theme!

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Friday, September 2, 2011

I need votes!

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The voting is on at Cool Scraps Digital and I need help! Please go vote for the quickpage I made (gluvsc). If you haven't picked it up yet, you can still get it by clicking on the preview below.

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New things from Shel Belle Scraps!

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Shel Belle Scraps has a great new kit out called Take A Hike. The kit has 14 papers, 46 elements and three full alphas! Take a look at the preview...

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Now, here's some news to help help this great kit even better.....It's on sale for half price this month!!! This is the featured kit for the quick page exchange challenge at Stuff to Scrap. So, buy the kit, make a quickpage and follow the challenge rules to get all of the quickpages made this month for free! AWESOME!

If you're in need of a fun alpha check out the Circus Alpha...

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