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Sunday, October 17, 2010


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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Good, Not Good and Really Not Good

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Know what's good?

Coming home after a long, dreary, rainy day and having a bowl of ice cream before you even think about what you're having for dinner.

Know what's not good?

Being so distracted by your long, dreary, rainy day that you return the carton of ice cream to the refrigerator instead of the freezer.

Know what's really not good?

Having Orange Croc Guy find the ice cream in the frig several hours after you put it there.

LOL! I may never live this one down.

We ordered Chinese for dinner. I really wanted fajitas, but decided not to put up a fight. I was afraid OCG would yell out and tell the cute delivery guy about where I put the ice cream.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

It's time for an eye exam!

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So, this week my class is working on the letter "m" and it's sound. I pulled up a computer site that I love because it has all kinds of things to read and do for each letter of the alphabet. I had the smartboard on so everyone could see what we were doing.

There is one section for the letter "m" has has you reading sentences and then asking the kids which words in the sentences begin with the /m/ sound. We got through the first couple of sentences with no problem. Then, I start reading the next sentence....

ME: Mark and Mike are....wait!....what does that say?...
Random kids: We don't know those words!

I thinking this website has REALLY changed since I covered the letter "m" last year. I stop looking at the smartboard and turn to look at the computer screen which is closer to where I'm sitting.

I see that the first word in the sentence isn't Mark...it's Maria. So the sentence actually read...

Maria and Mark are getting married.

I'm a "to each his own" kind of gal, but I really did not want to explain the sentence "Mark and Mike are getting married" to my kindergarten class. lol!

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Scrapbooking Tutorials by FlowerScraps

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FlowerScraps has started a wonderful new site with scrapbooking tutorials. You no longer have to be afraid to use photoshop. lol!

Make sure you check out the tutorials she has published so far and watch for more great things to come!

If there is something specific you would like a tutorial for, just let her know!

Enjoy your day!

Monday, October 11, 2010

Autumn Kisses BB freebie

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I've used April's Autumn Kisses Kit to make another Brag Book page freebie for you. Just lick on the preview to go to her blog and pick up your goodie.

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You can buy the Autumn Kisses kit here. Take a look at the Snowglobes too! They are adorable!

Enjoy your day!


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