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Monday, June 29, 2009


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I was able to get up and make my haircut appointment today. Thank goodness! I have to make sure I don't miss the next one cause I don't like morning appointments. LOL!

We had more rain today. Guess what we're going to have tomorrow? That's right----RAIN.

I got back on the wii tight rope thingy today, but I didn't make it across. Figures, I wouldn't be able to do it two days in a row. LOL! The good news is that I completed all eight levels on the advanced table balance. So, I guess it was a successful day. LOL!

Take a look at this kit called Celebrate by Eva Marina Scraps...

It's a great kit and it's out just in time for the Fourth of July! There are even elements that can be used for Canada Day. The best part about this kit is that it's on sale for only $2.79! Head on over to the store at Stuff to Scrap and pick it up.

Enjoy your day!

Sunday, June 28, 2009


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I actually made it across the expert level on the tight rope thingy today! I am still excited about it. I also tried the advanced level on the table balance for the first time today. I made it to level six. I'm not so excited about that, but I must admit it's better than I did the very first time I tried the beginning level. LOL!

This evening I was in desperate need of some aspirin, Tylenol, Advil or anything really and I had nothing. I paid my neighbor a visit and she didn't have any either. However, she did have some tequila! After we split a pitcher of margaritas I didn't have a headache anymore. Or maybe I did and just didn't care anymore. LOL!

I'm going to bed now, because I have to get up in the morning and remember to get my hair cut since I missed Friday's appointment. Wish me luck and enjoy your day!

Where did the day go?

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So, I was messing around doing things today and then the next thing I knew it was 5:00 PM and I still hadn't showered. LOL! Why do the summer days go by so quickly?

I need some help from a wii fit expert! I have this thing about not moving up a level on any of the things until I've earned four stars at least ten times. I figure if I haven't mastered the beginners level there's no use even trying the advanced or expert levels. Well, last week I finally moved to the expert level on the tight rope walking thingy. Do you know the one I'm talking about? Well, I haven't made it across one time since I moved to the expert level. Please, someone tell me the secret to getting across this thing! It's making me crazy! LOL!

Time for me to get some sleep. Enjoy your day!

Friday, June 26, 2009

What day is it?

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I have gotten so bad since I've been on vacation! I got a phone call from the girl that cuts my hair saying that I was late for my appointment and wondering if I was still going to come or if I needed to reschedule. I laughed and said that I thought my appointment was on Friday. She informed me that it was Friday. LOL! Needless to say, I've rescheduled the appointment for next week.

My computer and I have had a much better time lately. I think we like each other again. LOL! Lets just hope this truce lasts for a long time.

We've had lots more rain and I am getting so tired of it. Looks like we're in for a rainy weekend too. Guess I'll be taking plenty of naps. LOL!

April has finished her Positively Paisley Kit and it's in her store at Scrap it Sassy. I just can't believe how big this kit is and for only $5.99 you are really getting your money's worth! Just take a look at this preview...

Enjoy your day!

Good Grief!

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My poor computer has been giving me problems for awhile now. I was on the phone for the longest time tonight with one of the nice tech guys in India. He told me that I really needed a new computer. I got worried, thinking that there must be something really bad wrong and asked why I needed a new one. His answer was, "Because you bought this one in 2006." LOL! That was the only reason! If only I were rich.....

I did update my virus protection and it took 3 online chats with someone from Norton in about three hours to get it working correctly. Let's hope it's still working after I turn the computer back on in the morning!

Did you watch The Philanthropist? I TIVOed it the other night and watched it tonight. I really liked it! If you missed it, try catching it online this was the first episode. Entertainment Weekly gave it a B+ rating if that means anything to you. LOL!

I'm really tired, so I'm going to cross my fingers turn my computer off, go to bed and hope that everything still works correctly in the morning.

Enjoy your day!

Thursday, June 25, 2009


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Wednesday, June 24, 2009

More bad weather

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Well, the storm that woke me up yesterday brought a big mess to town. More flooded streets and power outages. I never lost power, but thousands of people in Dade County did. More rain came through in the afternoon, but it wasn't as bad as the earlier rain storm. The good news is that it didn't get quite as hot today as it has been getting. Of course the other good news is that I slept.....A LOT! LOL!

Just look at this adorable QP April is giving away on her blog!

Aren't the colors just the cutest? This QP is from a kit she's going to be releasing soon and I just can't wait!

Enjoy your day!


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