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Thursday, August 18, 2016


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Font used:  Kindergarten

Wednesday, August 17, 2016


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Font used:  Just Like This

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Monday, August 15, 2016

Time to tell the truth!

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Font used:  Journal

OK, so I've been all sunshine and rainbows about my move to Memphis, but the truth is that not everything is going the way I had hoped it would.  There is something that I"m really unhappy about and I just have to learn to live it if  I'm going to stay here....

Comcast/Xfinity sucks!

They've got a monopoly on the building we're in so we're stuck with them and they suck!  There's just no nice way to say it! 

Oh, and I also think it's wrong that we have a generation of four year old kids that throw up a sideways peace sign and make a duck face when you tell them to smile for a picture.  I mean, I'll admit to using the sideways peace sign, but I draw the line at the duck face!

Sunday, August 14, 2016

Big Happy!

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Font used:  HastyGrass

I've had two days of staggered entry at school and Monday will be the last before we move on to all students all day.

That means that on Tuesday, I'm going to be even more tired than I am right now!  LOL!

On Friday, I had a group of kids who were working on their  "Kissing Hand" hand print and one little girl announced that her mom was going to be "big happy" when she saw how pretty it looked.

I decided right away that "big happy" was my new thing!  I mean it has to be so much more than very happy and way more than really happy.  It's BIG HAPPY!

When was the last time you were BIG HAPPY?

Saturday, August 13, 2016

I am so sorry!

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Font used: Hand of Sean

I swear I didn't mean to disappear on you!   I've been so busy trying to get settled in and start school that I didn't even realize that I forgot to set up the daily word art to post.  I checked my personal email today....I won't tell you how many hundreds of emails there were...and saw emails from you guys that you have sent all week asking if I'm ok.

I have to tell you , that it feels amazing to know that if I ever disappear you guys won't wait long to start looking for me.  I told OCG that if anything ever happens to me, you guys will call the cops and he will be their first suspect.  LOL!

Anyway, I promise to come back soon and fill you guys in even more!

Just know that I am BIG Happy!


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