Sunday, August 31, 2008

I survived . . . OH YES I DID!!!

Not only did I make it through my 18-mile run yesterday morning . . . I ran the entire 18-miles in 3 hours and 5 minutes. My sister (Renee') and I started out just after 6:00 AM, she was riding Kaitie's bike. It was only about 2 1/2 minutes into it and she was already complaining her ass hurt, I figured that wouldn't take long. LOL She continued on the bike for 10-miles and then gave it up and ran the next 6-1/2 miles along side of me. Considering she hasn't ran in months, I think her running that whole way without stopping is Awesome. I don't think she'll come along for another run anytime soon definitely not my 20-mile run in a couple of weeks.

The run wasn't so bad . . . I think the hardest part came during that last mile, I literally talked myself into finishing it up actually still running. I kept telling myself to keep going, not much further to go, Gina, you can do this! It was hard to imagine that on race day I'd still have another 8.2 miles to go to the finish line. I started out yesterday morning with full intentions of running without stopping, I knew that this 18-miles would be my biggest challenge yet and I am so proud of myself for getting through it! I know that this is something I can accomplish and I'm not going to give up! My goal has always been to run this race without having to stop and if I can just get past thinking that I need to finish it in less than 4 1/2 hours and remember that I'm doing this for fun . . . I'll be OK!

So after all that, I helped Nee' and Stuart move the rest of the day . . . talk about being worn out! Even after relaxing in the hot tub for awhile I was barely moving by eight o'clock. Woke up this morning, wasn't nearly as sore and got around pretty good today. I finished helping them move and clean . . . got Starbucks out of the deal, so I can't complain, right? Thanks Nee'!!! ;)

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Another school year begins . . .

TODAY! I just can't believe how fast this summer flew by . . . although I'm most certainly ready for the kids to be back in school all day, I'm not so sure I'm ready to deal with all the other shit that comes along with it! Kaitie is starting the 8th grade and Jakob will be in 3rd grade this year. I ask myself how that can be all the time??? Hopefully Jakob will keep up with his reading, he seems to be doing so well (when he wants to). Kaitie on the other hand . . . it's not her academics that we worry about, she has always been a good student. What we worry about is the social behaviors of eighth grade kids these days. Luckily, she has her mom's attitude and dad's sharp wit to keep her from being a follower. The weather wasn't cooperating for pictures this morning either . . . windy like always! So, this was as good as it got!
Since I was so busy this morning preparing lunches, getting kids ready for their first day of school, taking pictures and walking Jakob to school to have a parent meeting once school started . . . I didn't go on my run this morning. I switched my rest day that's tomorrow to today, good thing because it was so windy and I hate running in the wind! I think Joe and I will go walk the hill later tonight, the wind usually dies down a bit in the evenings. Race day is fast approaching . . . only 37 more days.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Scrapbook Queen Contest @ Craft Warehouse

Well, it's that time of year once again . . . Craft Warehouse is having their "Queen of the Crop" contest RIGHT NOW!!! Voting just opened this morning and all you have to do is go to Craft Warehouse, register and then vote for your favorite LO from each store. One winner from each store will receive a $250 Craft Warehouse gift card and one talented GRAND PRIZE winner will receive an additional $250 gift card and the title of "QUEEN" of the Crop!

Since I won the title from my hometown store (Kennewick) last year and also was chosen as the overall "Queen" I wasn't able to enter again this year, but I was asked to be on the panel of judges along with some very talented ladies . . . Heidi Grace and Ali Edwards!

Good Luck to all of the ladies who entered this year!

Sunday, August 10, 2008

Page Plans Week #17

After working on the little mini album last week, I just knew that this line of paper would be perfect! I've been holding onto this picture forever, Jakob's going to be turning "nine" in November. Here's what I did with Lesli's sketch this week over at Page Plans . . .
Have you ever wondered about people from your past and had them come find you? Thanks to MySpace we were able to reconnect with our nephew and his Mom, Trisha. After about five years of her soul searching and moving across the country we were able to meet up. Even though the years have passed it seemed like there had never been that time between us. Carson is still just as cute as ever and there's still not a doubt that Kaitie and him are related, take a look for yourself . . .

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

If you haven't already . . .

You've got to check out the new mini-albums by KAISER CRAFT . . . I just finished this one up using the "Thrill Seeker" line, it's going to be one of the store samples at my local Craft Warehouse. This paper just screams ALL BOY!!!

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Christmas in July . . .

I know that it's already August, but here's what I did for CWH last month . . . we got to play with the Peppermint Twist line by K and Company. I'm certainly not feeling the Christmas spirit yet, but it was a FUN line to create with.

Sunday, August 3, 2008

I'm beginning to wonder if my life is EVER going to SLOW DOWN . . .

Things are still just crazy around here . . . although I know things won't be settling down for some time. I'm hoping that in the next week or so we'll get at least some answers and maybe we'll be looking forward to some changes that could be very life changing for our family. As exciting as some of it may be, I try not to think about it because it just stresses me out! So, for now we're just living in the moment and hoping for the best!

Most of last week my laptop was on the fritz! It seems that my BIL has fixed the problem at least for the moment, here's me knocking on wood that it stays working for awhile. I'm still doing my marathon training, I start week #12 in the morning . . . it's been a very long road up to this point! I've easily run over 250 miles and have lost about half the weight that I was wanting to by race day so far. I lost my running partner to a stress fracture four weeks ago, but Saturday she was able to get on her bike and she rode along side me for my 14-mile run. That was the longest run to date . . . it wasn't as bad as it sounds until the minute I stopped, my legs were like jello and I still had a 1/2-mile walk to my car.

I also got an email earlier this week requesting a project for the NEW "Homemade" (formally Paper Trends) Premier issue. WOO HOO . . . Super Excited!!! <--- Can you tell??? And lastly, here's my creations from the past two weeks at Page Plans . . .
Page Plans Week #16 . . . (LO Sketch designed by Lesli)
Page Plans Week #15 . . . (LO Sketch designed by Chris and Card Sketch designed by Lesli)