Tuesday, August 9, 2011


I intend to redo Hailey's room in the next following months. The images below are what has inspired many of my ideas for her bedroom. I can't wait to get started. Where are those college loans already???

I love everything about this picture. Everything. I heart it so much. 

I am sooooo doing something with Christmas lights. They should seriously start selling Christmas lights through out the year. They don't have to be named just "Christmas" lights either. Rather... "Pretty" .. or "Sparkly" lights...

I have already started on this hopscotch rug in her room and I can't wait to finish..... c'mon surgery.. lets get this over with alrighty??

That light bulb in my brain instantly turned on when I saw this. I HEART wire baskets. ALOT. I took out that middle drawer in Hanna's once, now Hailey's dresser/armoir and put it in the girls room as a decor item. I have an empty space where that drawer used to be and I have had no idea what to do with it. I just knew I had to do something with it because it looks so ugly. TA DA!!! I now know what to do!!! Yippee!!!

I have started on a pennant banner with the same coordinating colors that will go all the way around the room.
I can't wait to see it finished.
OH. And I am going to paint that dresser I had talked about turquoise.I am going to finish it with a black glaze to give it that "old" look.

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