Friday, March 26, 2010

Here I am at 8 months!

Paul and I were pleasantly surpised to have recieved an email today from the agency that had a picture and health info for Minsoo! He is exactly average height and weight for 8 motnhs (he wlil be 9 months on the 30th) which is great news.
I am wondering how we were so lucky to have recieved a picture, since the country manager told us just last week we had to request it and we only get to ask once so we should wait as long as we can and as close as we can to the travel time. I really hope this means travel is closer than expected and not that the country mgmr decided to request the info wihout us asking for it. Either way  - we are excited to SEE him! He is getting big!

Thursday, March 11, 2010

One month, two month, three month...four!

Are you ready for a rant and rave? If not, skip this post!

We are starting to swing more on the "prepared" side than "unprepared" side of the pendulum for Minsoo's arrival. Yeah! But then the mish mash of conflicting info has left us frustrated. The agency told us the average wait time for travel to get him would bring us to end of April. Then a few weeks ago the travel specialist said more like end of Mary. Then a newsletter came out from the agency that said 6-8 months. There was some obvious discrepancies so I emailed her and she says now more like END OF SUMMER!!! I have a solution - I should just not email and ask because everytime I do for the last 2 weeks I get a new answer and it is not one I want to hear. As you can imagine - we are pretty frusterated. The longer timeline means Minso could be OVER a year and almost 14 months when we get him. There is a big difference between an infant and a toddler.

I am also frusterated at the response the agency has given us the last few weeks. It is clear she reponded in the email without even looking at our case which is why she told us May (waiting for 5 months) when it has been 6-8 all long. I wanted to beleive we were some special case, but I should have known better and I am glad I asked again for clarification!

OK, now the things we are grateful for.
-Our health - we are doing well and healthy.
-Our jobs  - while I may be working crazy crazy hours at my new job. I have one and I enjoy it (minus the crazy hours). Paul still has his job even though his company laid some the team off.
-Great friends and neighbors - we have gotten to know some of the neighbors better and we are really lucky because they are pretty terrific!
A REFERRAL! At least we have one and we know who are little boy is. We are very grateful for that and have to remind ourselves that we don't make the plan, we just make the best of the plan and know that sometimes we don't know best like we think we do. :)