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Showing posts with label monomyth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label monomyth. Show all posts

Friday, October 5, 2007

188 Stage Hero's Journey (Monomyth) - Shape Shifter Conflict, Pushed Out Of The Belly Of The Whale


Kal Bishop's 188 phase Hero's Journey (Monomyth) is the templet upon which the huge bulk of successful narratives and Film Industry blockbusters are based upon. In fact, ALL of the 100s of Film Industry movies we have got deconstructed (see uniform resource locator below) are based on this 188+ phase template. Understanding this templet is a precedence for narrative or screenwriters. This is the templet you must get the hang if you are to win in the craft.

[The nomenclature is most often metaphorical and uses to all successful narratives and screenplays, from The Godfather (1972) to Brokeback Mountain (2006) to Annie Hallway (1977) to Godhead of the Rings (2003) to Drugstore Cowboy (1989) to Thelma and Louise (1991) to Apocaplyse Now (1979)].



One overlooked facet of Transformation is Withdrawal and Attachment. The Hero detaches from the Old World and Self and Attaches to the New World and Self.

It would not be wrong to state that every facet of the Hero's Old World is an fond regard to the Old Self and every facet of the New World is an fond regard to the New Self.

It would not be wrong to state that the intent of each phase of the Journey is to Incrementally Detach the Hero from the Old World and Attach him (or her) to the New World.

In Kramer versus Kramer (1979), Teddy Boy detaches from the business office and attaches to Billy.

In The Godfather (1972), Sonny's decease trips Michael's rebirth. Cub is representative of an Old World Attachment that must be disposed off before Michael can be reborn.

(For the Complete 188+ phase Hero's Journey simply travel to )


*****Shape Sceneshifter Conflict******

Post the Crossing of the Tax Return Threshold and before the Maestro of Two Worlds and Selves, a Hell of a batch haps that is rarely given mention. The Concluding Conflict (a metaphor for this stage) follows a distinct process. One component of this phase is the possible for struggle with the form shifter, who is engaged in a time period of dissonance. In Straw Dogs (1971), Amy won't turn the visible lights off upstairs.

*****Pushed out of the Abdomen of the Whale*****

Pushes and Pulls are an underrated facet of storytelling. Pushes and Pulls military unit the Hero et aluminum from one phase of the journeying to the next. The Hero et aluminum are forced out of the Abdomen of the Whale. In Romancing the Rock (1984), Zolo catches up with Jack and Joan and starts firing. In Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Child (1969), both are pursued by the posse.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

188 Stage Hero's Journey, Monomyth - Guardians of the Sword and Sirens of the Coming


The 188 phase Hero's Journey (Monomyth) is the templet upon which the huge bulk of successful narratives and Film Industry blockbusters are based upon. In fact, ALL of the 100s of Film Industry movies we have got deconstructed (see uniform resource locator below) are based on this 188+ phase template.

Understanding this templet is a precedence for narrative or screenwriters. This is the templet you must get the hang if you are to win in the craft.

[The nomenclature is most often metaphorical and uses to all successful narratives and screenplays, from The Godfather (1972) to Brokeback Mountain (2006) to Annie Hallway (1977) to Godhead of the Rings (2003) to Drugstore Cowboy (1989) to Thelma and Louise (1991) to Apocalypse Now (1979)].



a) Attempts to tap into unconscious outlooks the audience have regarding what a narrative is and how it should be told.

b) Gives the author more structural elements than simply three or four acts, secret plan points, mid point and so on.

c) Gives you a tangible procedure for edifice and releasing disagreement (establishing and achieving catharses, of which there are usually four).

d) Tells you what to write. For example, at a certain phase of the story, the focusing should be on the Call to Adventure and the micro elements within.



*****Guardians of the Sword*****

Seizing the Sword (a metaphor for an Expansion of Consciousness) is no easy feat. It is at least guarded and rests behind two anti-chambers. Specific features are common:

Foreshadow of the Expansion of Consciousness. There will be mentions to the state of personal business once the Sword is seized. In Dances with Wolves (1990), Toilet is given a lodge in the village.

Limited Self being Left Behind. The Older, limited Self will be referenced. It is being left behind. In Dances with Wolves (1990), Toilet composes in his journal in the cobwebbed Garrison Hayes.

Marker to the Inner Chamber. The Inner Chamber, in which the Sword rests, is indicated by some physical marker - a door, a line, a path or similar is not unusual.

Breaching the Inner Chamber. Hero et aluminum interruption in, often under Time Pressure.

Obstacles will be developed. Having breached the Inner Chamber, the Hero may not cognize the location of the Sword.

Magical Gift. The last charming gift is often used here.

*****Sirens of the Approaching of The One*****

Previous to the Seizure of the Sword, some communicating will uncover that the Hero is imminently about to derive the Expansion of Consciousness, an Enlightenment. In Dances with Wolves (1990), the women cognize that the there is something between Toilet and Stand with a Fist.

Antagonists effort to forestall this. In Star Wars (1977), Tarkin explicitly states that they must not be allowed to acquire away.

The Antagonists realise that the Hero's Expansion of Consciousness will take only to struggle between them. In Star Wars (1977), Vader experiences a perturbation in the force. He cognizes Obeah Wide Area Network is near.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

188 Stage Hero's Journey, Monomyth - Foreshadow of the Mentor


The 188 phase Hero's Journey (Monomyth) is the templet upon which the huge bulk of successful narratives and Film Industry blockbusters are based upon. In fact, ALL of the 100s of Film Industry movies we have got deconstructed (see uniform resource locator below) are based on this 188+ phase template.

Understanding this templet is a precedence for narrative or screenwriters. This is the templet you must get the hang if you are to win in the craft.

[The nomenclature is most often metaphorical and uses to all successful narratives and screenplays, from The Godfather (1972) to Brokeback Mountain (2006) to Annie Hallway (1977) to Godhead of the Rings (2003) to Drugstore Cowboy (1989) to Thelma and Louise (1991) to Apocaplyse Now (1979)].



a) Attempts to tap into unconscious outlooks the audience have regarding what a narrative is and how it should be told.

b) Gives the author more structural elements than simply three or four acts, secret plan points, mid point and so on.

c) Gives you a tangible procedure for edifice and releasing disagreement (establishing and achieving catharses, of which there are usually four).

d) Tells you what to write. For example, at a certain phase of the story, the focusing should be on the Call to Adventure and the micro elements within.


(simply travel to for full details)

*****Foreshadow of the Mentor*****

Often the Hero is aware of the Mentor before the existent meeting. In Bonnie and Clyde (1967), Bonnie sees Clyde beforehand. In The King of Comedy (1983), Pupkin cognizes all about Jerry.

*****Magical Gift*****

The Mentor most often supplies the Hero with a Charming Gift (In Wall Street (1987), Carl Fox simply gives Bud Fox some money). But the criteria is satisfied if the Charming Gift is simply made explicit. In Bonnie and Clyde (1967), Clyde demoes Bonnie his gun.

*****Foreshadow of the Inner Cave*****

Foreshadows are underestimated. In Brokeback Mountain (2005), Ennis showers. The sequence takes the hard roes to the Inner Cave.

*****Outer Challenge*****

A critical portion of the Hero's Ordinary Self is his (or her) Outer Challenge.

The Outer Challenge is often a merchandise (or consequence) of the Hero's Inner Challenge. In An Military Officer and a Gentleman (1982), Zach doesn't care about anyone (Outer Challenge) because no 1 have ever cared about him, a effect of his mother's self-destruction (Inner Challenge). In Titanic (1997), Rose is with Cal (her Outer Challenge) because she worries about money and position (Inner Challenge). In American Beauty (1999), Lester Burnham's Inner Challenge is to experience good about himself and this personal effects his matrimony (Outer Challenge).

*****Character Development*****

It is during Trial 2 that fictional character development happens most frequently. However, each facet of fictional character associates to Transformation on some level. In Bonnie and Clyde (1967), Bonnie declaims her poetry, which will later be published and mean Clyde's Transformation.

Thursday, August 9, 2007

Hero's Journey (188 Stage) - Situational and Structural Storytelling - Period of Desolation


Kal Bashir's 188 phase Hero's Journey (Monomyth) is the templet upon which the huge bulk of successful narratives and Film Industry blockbusters are based upon. In fact, ALL of the 100s of Film Industry movies we have got deconstructed (see uniform resource locator below) are based on this 188+ phase template.

Understanding this templet is a precedence for narrative or screenwriters. This is the templet you must acquire the hang if you are to win in the craft.

[The nomenclature is most often metaphorical and uses to all successful narratives and screenplays, from The Godfather (1972) to Brokeback Mountain (2006) to Annie Hallway (1977) to Godhead of the Rings (2003) to Drugstore Cowboy (1989) to Thelma and Louise (1991) to Apocaplyse Now (1979)].



It's important to get away from this thought that all narratives are different.

On a situational degree all narratives are. For example, Gladiator (2000), Alien (1979) and The Godfather (1972) all are situationally very different.

But on a structural and subconscious mind level, they're all the same.

And I don't intend basic structure, like three enactment construction (of course of study narratives have got a beginning, center and end). And I don't intend secret plan points etc either (Plot Point 1 and 2, Center etc).

I mean, sequence by sequence, the huge bulk of successful narratives [we haven't set up one that doesn't] follow the same procedure that forces the Hero and Major Characters through the procedure of Transformation and Challenge Resolution.

What this agency is that you, as a writer, must confidently understand this construction (Kal Bashir's 188+ phase Hero's Journey), usage it to establish your structural lineation and then superimpose your state of affairs over it.


(simply travel to for full details)


EVERY good hero experiences Type A time period OF DESOLATION

Post the Call to Adventure come ups the Refusal, the Interdictions and the Hawk and Dove arguments etc. Resistance still bes station the meeting with the Supernatural Aid and his or her guidance. This time period of uncertainness and inactiveness is known as a Time Time Period of Devastation and is an intrinsical and expressed portion of successful narratives and screenplays.

The Period of Devastation is actually an extension of the Hero's original State of Frustration. It is the Hero's fate (Dharma) to ship on the Journey, to Transform, to be the Carrier of the Changing. By resisting this destiny, the Hero happens himself (or herself) desolate. This uses whether the Hero is willing or unwilling.

In The Incredibles (2004), Mister Incredible discoveries himself bare and defeated - he is not able to go on in his natural function of SuperHero.

In Star Wars (1977), Saint Luke happens himself looking out at the two suns, longing for alteration and to carry through his destiny.

In Alien (1979), Ripley is de facto bare when Dallas gives Ash authorization over her.

Monday, August 6, 2007

Hero's Journey (188 Stage) - Situational and Structural Storytelling - Sacred Meeting


Kal Bashir's 188 phase Hero's Journey (Monomyth) is the templet upon which the huge bulk of successful narratives and Film Industry blockbusters are based upon. In fact, ALL of the 100s of Film Industry movies we have got deconstructed (see uniform resource locator below) are based on this 188+ phase template.

Understanding this templet is a precedence for narrative or screenwriters. This is the templet you must acquire the hang if you are to win in the craft.

[The nomenclature is most often metaphorical and uses to all successful narratives and screenplays, from The Godfather (1972) to Brokeback Mountain (2006) to Annie Hallway (1977) to Godhead of the Rings (2003) to Drugstore Cowboy (1989) to Thelma and Louise (1991) to Apocaplyse Now (1979)].



It's important to get away from this thought that all narratives are different.

On a situational degree all narratives are. For example, Gladiator (2000), Alien (1979) and The Godfather (1972) all are situationally very different.

But on a structural and subconscious mind level, they're all the same.

And I don't intend basic structure, like three enactment construction (of course of study narratives have got a beginning, center and end). And I don't intend secret plan points etc either (Plot Point 1 and 2, Center etc).

I mean, sequence by sequence, the huge bulk of successful narratives [we haven't set up one that doesn't] follow the same procedure that forces the Hero and Major Characters through the procedure of Transformation and Challenge Resolution.

What this agency is that you, as a writer, must confidently understand this construction (Kal Bashir's 188+ phase Hero's Journey), usage it to establish your structural lineation and then superimpose your state of affairs over it.


(simply travel to for full details)



One component of the Hero's Journey is the common frequence of a Sacred Meeting between the Hero and Mentor. This happens alone, often in the Mentor's ain Ordinary World and in the absence of others:

In Wall Street (1987), Carl Fox takes Bud Fox aside when he come ups to visit; his friends go forth them alone.

In Raiders of the Lost Ark (1981), Indy and Sallah discourse the Ark while Marion plays with Sallah's children.

In Empire Strikes Back (1980), Yoda takes Saint Saint Luke back to his army hut where he arguments whether to take on Luke as a trainee.

Monday, July 30, 2007

188+ Stages of the Hero's Journey (Monomyth, Screenwriting) - Hero's Worst Fear


The 188 phase Hero's Journey (Monomyth) is the templet upon which the huge bulk of successful narratives and Film Industry blockbusters are based upon. In fact, ALL of the 100s of Film Industry movies we have got deconstructed (see uniform resource locator below) are based on this 188+ phase template.

Understanding this templet is a precedence for narrative or screenwriters. This is the templet you must get the hang if you are to win in the craft.

[The nomenclature is most often metaphorical and uses to all successful narratives and screenplays, from The Godfather (1972) to Brokeback Mountain (2006) to Annie Hallway (1977) to Godhead of the Rings (2003) to Drugstore Cowboy (1989) to Thelma and Louise (1991) to Apocaplyse Now (1979)].


THE 188 phase HERO'S journey affects a figure of major phases, including:

a) The reaching from Another World into an Ordinary World.

b) The Ordinary Self, that have come up about as a consequence of being in the Ordinary World.

c) The encouragement from the Ordinary World into a New World.

d) The gradual dissolving of the Old Self.

e) The becoming of the New Self.

f) The thrusting away from the New Self and New World.

g) The confrontation with challenges.

h) The mastering of the Old and New Worlds and Selves.


(simply travel to for full details)


EVERY hero travels TO THAT topographic point WHICH HE fears MOST

Every Hero goes on a Journey. As is implied, the Journey is physical but also psychological: The Hero journeyings from an Ordinary World to a New World and transforms from an Ordinary Self to a New Self (the physical journeying brings on the psychological transformation). A critical component of both journeyings is the First Threshold.

Psychologically, the First Threshold is that topographic point which the Hero fearfulnesses most and from where he cannot tax return ("beyond here there be dragons"). This fearfulness is exacerbated by the earlier Refusals, Interdictions and Dove and Hawk debates. In Dances with Wolves (Academy Award Winner Best Film, 1990), Toilet Dunbar is initially afraid of the Frontier because it is unknown and afraid of the Indians who dwell there. In The Matrix (1999), Neo is afraid to larn the truth; once he have crossed over, he cannot return.

Physically, the First Threshold is some New Sphere that is a polar antonym of the Hero's Ordinary World. It is a unsafe place, with unsafe and unfamiliar physical objects and dwellers and is separated from the Ordinary World by physical barriers or markers (rivers, railroads, tunnels etc ) that the Hero must cross. In Dances with Wolves (Academy Award Winner Best Film, 1990), Toilet Dunbar must traverse the prairies to attain the Frontier; when he acquires there he happens it to be the polar antonym of where he have come up up from - devoid of people and peaceful (he have just come from fighting in the civil war). In The Matrix (1999), Neo traverses over to happen a human race completely different to that from where he have just come up - world are in cod and managed by machines.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

188+ Stages of the Hero's Journey (Monomyth, Screenwriting)- New World and New Self


The 188 phase Hero's Journey (Monomyth) is the templet upon which the huge bulk of successful narratives and Film Industry blockbusters are based upon. In fact, ALL of the 100s of Film Industry movies we have got deconstructed (see uniform resource locator below) are based on this 188+ phase template.

Understanding this templet is a precedence for narrative or screenwriters. This is the templet you must get the hang if you are to win in the craft.

[The nomenclature is most often metaphorical and uses to all successful narratives and screenplays, from The Godfather (1972) to Brokeback Mountain (2006) to Annie Hallway (1977) to Godhead of the Rings (2003) to Drugstore Cowboy (1989) to Thelma and Louise (1991) to Apocaplyse Now (1979)].


THE 188 phase HERO'S journey affects a figure of major phases, including:

a) The reaching from Another World into an Ordinary World.

b) The Ordinary Self, that have come up about as a consequence of being in the Ordinary World.

c) The encouragement from the Ordinary World into a New World.

d) The gradual dissolving of the Old Self.

e) The becoming of the New Self.

f) The thrusting away from the New Self and New World.

g) The confrontation with challenges.

h) The mastering of the Old and New Worlds and Selves.


(simply travel to for full details)



The thought of the Hero entering a New World and venturing towards a New Self should not be taken lightly in storytelling. It is the kernel of the Hero's Journey and is symbolically prevailing in the huge bulk of successful stories. So much so that this procedure is the skeletal system around which your narrative should be based:

In Dead Poets Society (Academy Award Campaigner Best Film, 1989), the male children get in their new school.

In Platoon (Academy Award Best Film, 1986), Deems Taylor gets in Vietnam.

When Harry met Wisecrack (1989), both Harry and Wisecrack traveling from Windy City to New York.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

188+ Stage Hero's Journey (Monomyth, Screenwriting) - Call of the Woodsman


The 188 stage Hero's Journey (Monomyth) is the template upon which the huge bulk of successful narratives and Hollywood blockbusters are based upon. In fact, ALL of the 100s of Hollywood movies we have got deconstructed (see uniform resource locator below) are based on this 188+ stage template.

Understanding this template is a precedence for story or screenwriters. This is the template you must master if you are to win in the craft.

[The terminology is most often metaphorical and uses to all successful narratives and screenplays, from The Godfather (1972) to Brokeback Mountain (2006) to Annie Hallway (1977) to Godhead of the Rings (2003) to Drugstore Cowboy (1989) to Thelma and Louise (1991) to Apocaplyse Now (1979)].



a) Attempts to tap into unconscious outlooks the audience have regarding what a story is and how it should be told.

b) Gives the author more structural elements than simply three or four acts, secret plan points, mid point and so on.

c) Gives you a tangible procedure for edifice and releasing disagreement (establishing and achieving catharses, of which there are usually four).

d) Tells you what to write. For example, at a certain stage of the story, the focusing should be on the Call to Adventure and the micro elements within.


(simply travel to for full details)

*****Call of the Woodsman*****

When the Hero is engaged in the Fiddling Task, he or she is distracted and attracted by a force, which cannot be resisted. This pullings the Hero off the Normal Path. Knowing that veering off the Way is dangerous and that there have got been warnings against it, this stage of the Journey frequently involves:

Haste. The Hero moves toward the Call hastily.

Stealth. The Hero moves toward the Call stealthily.

Dead of Night. The Hero moves toward the Call in the dead of night. In The Incredibles (2004), Mister Incredible visits Edna in secrecy.

*****Inner Challenge / Inner Cave*****

It is in the Inner Cave of the First Threshold that the Inner Challenges is most often made explicit. In Bonnie and Clyde (1967), Clyde pretends to snore in bed; Bonnie desires sex.

*****Freedom to Live*****

Part of the Freedom to Dwell is an expression of the Elixir. In Brokeback Mountain (2005), Ennis maintains the shirt in the closet, by the photo.

Friday, June 29, 2007

188 stage Hero's Journey (Monomyth) - Screenwriting Secrets - Magic Flight


The 188 stage Hero's Journey (Monomyth) is the template upon which the vast majority of successful stories and Hollywood blockbusters are based upon. In fact, ALL of the hundreds of Hollywood movies we have deconstructed (see URL below) are based on this 188+ stage template.

Understanding this template is a priority for story or screenwriters. This is the template you must master if you are to succeed in the craft.

[The terminology is most often metaphoric and applies to all successful stories and screenplays, from The Godfather (1972) to Brokeback Mountain (2006) to Annie Hall (1977) to Lord of the Rings (2003) to Drugstore Cowboy (1989) to Thelma and Louise (1991) to Apocaplyse Now (1979)].



a) Attempts to tap into unconscious expectations the audience has regarding what a story is and how it should be told.

b) Gives the writer more structural elements than simply three or four acts, plot points, mid point and so on.

c) Gives you a tangible process for building and releasing dissonance (establishing and achieving catharses, of which there are usually four).

d) Tells you what to write. For example, at a certain stage of the story, the focus should be on the Call to Adventure and the micro elements within.


(simply go to for full details)

*****Antagonism of the New World*****

When the Hero et al arrive in the New World, it is not uncommon for it to be a normal domain of the Antagonism. In Straw Dogs (1971), David and Amy say hello to Charlie.

*****Magic Flight*****

The Magic Flight contains all the symbolism of magic, flight, pursuit and the supernatural. In Straw Dogs (1971), David and Amy drive away and Tom et al they hunt Henry.

Friday, June 22, 2007

Hero's Journey, Monomyth (188 Stages Of) - Oracles and Thresholds


The 188 stage Hero's Journey (Monomyth) is the template upon which the vast majority of successful stories and Hollywood blockbusters are based upon. In fact, ALL of the hundreds of Hollywood movies we have deconstructed (see URL below) are based on this 188+ stage template.

Understanding this template is a priority for story or screenwriters. This is the template you must master if you are to succeed in the craft.

[The terminology is most often metaphoric and applies to all successful stories and screenplays, from The Godfather (1972) to Brokeback Mountain (2006) to Annie Hall (1977) to Lord of the Rings (2003) to Drugstore Cowboy (1989) to Thelma and Louise (1991) to Apocaplyse Now (1979)].



a) Attempts to tap into unconscious expectations the audience has regarding what a story is and how it should be told.

b) Gives the writer more structural elements than simply three or four acts, plot points, mid point and so on.

c) Gives you a tangible process for building and releasing dissonance (establishing and achieving catharses, of which there are usually four).

d) Tells you what to write. For example, at a certain stage of the story, the focus should be on the Call to Adventure and the micro elements within.


(simply go to for full details)

*****Overcoming the Hero Guardians*****

Though the Heralds are blocked from the Hero by Guardians, overcoming them is not the most daunting task. In Brokeback Mountain (2005), Joe justtells Jack and Ennis to "get your scrawny asses in here, pronto."

*****Meeting the Oracle*****

Post the Road of Trials, the Hero must journey toward an Expansion of Consciousness, which is represented by a tangible (the Sword). It is the Oracle that guides them towards this tangible. In Bonnie and Clyde (1967), they're losing oil - they gotta swipe another car and that will lead them to kidnap the owners of that car.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Hero's Journey, Monomyth (188 Stages) Screenplay Structure


The 188 stage Hero's Journey (Monomyth) is the template upon which the vast majority of successful stories and Hollywood blockbusters are based upon. In fact, ALL of the hundreds of Hollywood movies we have deconstructed (see URL below) are based on this 188+ stage template.

Understanding this template is a priority for story or screenwriters. This is the template you must master if you are to succeed in the craft.

[The terminology is most often metaphoric and applies to all successful stories and screenplays, from The Godfather (1972) to Brokeback Mountain (2006) to Annie Hall (1977) to Lord of the Rings (2003) to Drugstore Cowboy (1989) to Thelma and Louise (1991) to Apocaplyse Now (1979)].



a) Attempts to tap into unconscious expectations the audience has regarding what a story is and how it should be told.

b) Gives the writer more structural elements than simply three or four acts, plot points, mid point and so on.

c) Gives you a tangible process for building and releasing dissonance (establishing and achieving catharses, of which there are usually four).

d) Tells you what to write. For example, at a certain stage of the story, the focus should be on the Call to Adventure and the micro elements within.


(simply go to for full details)

*****First Threshold Middle Cave*****

The Middle cave of the First Threshold is where the Hero meets Allies and Enemies. This is also then, obviously, where subplots are initiated or further developed. In Straw Dogs (1971), Henry plays with Janice.

*****Belly of the Whale*****

It is in the Belly of the Whale where the Hero comes face to face with what he (or she) must become or deal with or be. In Straw Dogs (1971), Cawsey asks if "...they got anything worth taking...ten months inside is enough for me...." ; Ratboy steals Amy's knickers; "...I want what was in them....."

Thursday, June 14, 2007

188+ stage Hero's Journey (Monomyth) and Transformation - Devolution


The 188 stage Hero's Journey (Monomyth) is the template upon which the vast majority of successful stories and Hollywood blockbusters are based upon. In fact, ALL of the hundreds of Hollywood movies we have deconstructed (see URL below) are based on this 188+ stage template.

Understanding this template is a priority for story or screenwriters. This is the template you must master if you are to succeed in the craft.

[The terminology is most often metaphoric and applies to all successful stories and screenplays, from The Godfather (1972) to Brokeback Mountain (2006) to Annie Hall (1977) to Lord of the Rings (2003) to Drugstore Cowboy (1989) to Thelma and Louise (1991) to Apocaplyse Now (1979)].



a) Attempts to tap into unconscious expectations the audience has regarding what a story is and how it should be told.

b) Gives the writer more structural elements than simply three or four acts, plot points, mid point and so on.

c) Gives you a tangible process for building and releasing dissonance (establishing and achieving catharses, of which there are usually four).

d) Tells you what to write. For example, at a certain stage of the story, the focus should be on the Call to Adventure and the micro elements within.


(simply go to for full details)

*****Devolved State*****

This is a total expression of the Hero's Ordinary World and Ordinary Self. It is a benchmark. In Tsotsi (2005), Tsotsi is part of a criminal gang, which is something he will leave behind by the end of the story. In Get Carter (1971- the superior version with Michael Caine), we discover in the first scene that Jack Carter's Outer Challenge is to discover who killed his brother, his Inner Challenge is to escape from his criminal associates / past and his Romantic Challenge is to wrestle Britt Ekland away from the mob boss.

*****First Trial Inner Cave - Polarization*****

A number of things happen in the Inner Cave of the First Trial. One element is Polarization. In Bonnie and Clyde (1967), Bonnie and Blanche argue.

Thursday, June 7, 2007

The 188+ stage Hero's Journey (Monomyth): Learning the Ways of the New World


The 188 stage Hero's Journey (Monomyth) is the template upon which the vast majority of successful stories and Hollywood blockbusters are based upon. In fact, ALL of the hundreds of Hollywood movies we have deconstructed (see URL below) are based on this 188+ stage template.

Understanding this template is a priority for story or screenwriters. This is the template you must master if you are to succeed in the craft.

[The terminology is most often metaphoric and applies to all successful stories and screenplays, from The Godfather (1972) to Brokeback Mountain (2006) to Annie Hall (1977) to Lord of the Rings (2003) to Drugstore Cowboy (1989) to Thelma and Louise (1991) to Apocaplyse Now (1979)].



a) Attempts to tap into unconscious expectations the audience has regarding what a story is and how it should be told.

b) Gives the writer more structural elements than simply three or four acts, plot points, mid point and so on.

c) Gives you a tangible process for building and releasing dissonance (establishing and achieving catharses, of which there are usually four).

d) Tells you what to write. For example, at a certain stage of the story, the focus should be on the Call to Adventure and the micro elements within.


(simply go to for full details)

*****Learning the Ways of the New World*****

A critical aspect of the Hero's Journey (MOnomyth) is the learning the ways of the New World. This is all part and parcel of becoming accepted in the New World and the transformation to the New Self. In Kramer vs. Kramer (1979), Billy is upset that Ted is late to pick him up.

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