Saturday, August 24, 2013

11,12,13 out of 30


So, this summer I completed three things on my 30 before 30 list, which leaves me with 17 items to go before June 18th of next year, and I can already tell you for certain that I won't be doing 50 consecutive push ups (what was I smoking?), I probably won't be going to Disney World, and some of the other items are up in the air too... I need to change my list.

In the meantime... this Summer, I

  • took a kid-free vacation- Pictures below.
  • completed the year long Austin Stone Institute's Women's Development program (concluded with a trip to London)
  • and learned about a different culture (actually religion and cultures- with an S).  If you are wondering, I learned a great deal about Islam and middle-eastern cultures, but of course am by no means an expert.  I also read three and a half(ish) books about the FRENCH people... how they parent, how they eat, etc.  So, while I am not going to be teaching "World Cultures" anytime soon, I definitely know a lot more than I did.

Me and my Women's Development gals on our day off in London... about a month before royal baby.  No royalty sightings for us...
Kid Free Vaca in Mexico... nothing like spending the 4th of July in Mexico, watching a Mexican band sing "Sweet Home Alabama."
#nofilter in this one Mexico!