Thursday, January 24, 2013

First post of 2013

Wow guys, I have been absent.  Haven't I?  If you are looking for a good excuse, I have none.  I have not been reading blogs, nor have I been writing.  This is a shame, since I actually truly enjoy doing both of those things.  So, hopefully I can stop being lazy (read: open my laptop every now and then), and get with the program.

So let me catch you up on us... since I know you're all dying to know what I do all the time.

1- First of all, I feel like I should say publicly that I have abandoned any pursuit of Paleo, Wheat-Free, Grain-Free, Dairy-Free, ANYTHING-Free lifestyle.  Let's call it "restrictive-diet-free."  So until I have some major medical health problem (and not just an imaginary one, since I am a self-diagnosed hypochondriac), I will continue eating freely.  Figured since I bombarded you with the wheat-free stuff a couple of months back, I'd come out and say I'm off the bandwagon. ;)

2- Although I know it doesn't do much for you, I feel the need to write an "update" on my kid's development, especially Sam... since I never do it anymore.  But instead of doing ALL that right here and now, I'll just note a couple of things.
  • Sam's most commonly used words are: mama, dada, Henry (eee), Cheese (eeeeeeee), banana, more, berries (ba) - but he is repeating or at least trying to repeat a lot of things!  So fun!
  • Sammy is SO cray cray and happy, most of the time.  He screams a lot, loves to run around and chase Henry/do everything Henry is doing. He seems to be passionate about pretty much everything.
  • And last fun Sam fact for now. He has an attachment to his baby pillow and this lovey turtle stuffed animal- he wants to bring them with him out of the crib when he wakes up in the morning and he snuggles with them while falling asleep.  Henry never had "comfort" toys or blanket, so I find this to be really sweet and adorable of course.
  • Henry is in the beginning stages of potty training.  He goes #1 on the potty (on should read "all over" aka we need to work on aim) almost exclusively during the day (even though I still have him in a diaper, long story)... we are having more issues with the other part of potty training, but that's a different story for another day.
3-  I am excited about a couple of big things that are going to happen this year.  ONE, is that I am going to London with my church in June!  I'm sure as the weeks lead up to it, I will share more details on that, but I get to go with some of my close friends, and I cannot wait to see how God is going to work in/through the whole thing!

Two, we already booked our annual beach vacation to Gulf Shores in August!  Cold January weather just makes me daydream about the beach.  It's fun to have both of these trips to look forward to. :)

Welp, there ya go.  Here's to high hopes for more posts.