So, I'm just now in the beginning stages of nesting as we prepare for number two, which has basically led to the cleaning out of closets. As I have mentioned before, I LOVE throwing things in the trash. I am a minimalist, and I hate extra stuff - especially extra stuff that takes up room in closets, or anywhere.
Anyway. As I was cleaning out my closet, I came upon BOXES full of scrapbooks and scrapbook materials that are waiting to be finished. I have a college scrapbook, a scrapbook from a mission trip I took to Zambia in college, two wedding scrapbooks, and THREE Henry scrapbooks - and all their potential pictures and scraps - taking up way more space in my closet than that of the future finished products.
So to get the satisfaction of throwing all the extras away, I actually have to do some work. But anyway... while I was rummaging through my box of "college scrapbook stuff" as it is labeled, I actually did find ONE finished scrapbook. This is the scrapbook I made for Matt for our one year "dating" anniversary. So that would have been in October of 2003.
It was mostly hilarious and cheesy. But one page stood out, by far, to me. Let me retell the event I was documenting if you don't mind...
When I came home for Easter my freshman year of college, I made the most terrible mistake of asking my best friend, Sarah, to highlight my hair using one of those bleaching caps, where you pull the hair through one strand at a time and bleach it. In my defense, I had a friend at A&M who actually successfully used one of these bleaching cap kits, but she was a natural blonde (I was not).
Also, I remember telling my mom my plans for that night, and that I was going to get Sarah to do that for me, and today I sit and wonder, "MOM, why oh why didn't you stop me?" Anyway...
So, as you'd expect, it was a disaster. And I didn't freak out much at first because it was really late on a Friday night, and I was totally exhausted. But then I woke up on Saturday morning, and I saw the skunk-ish looking mess we had created, and I freaked out a little more, especially since I was going to be going to church the next day on Easter - sure to be seeing people that I hadn't seen since high school. But, I knew that there were professionals out there who were supposed to fix these types of things... unfortunately, I didn't really know that "Tony and Guy" (in the mall) is not like super great at that kind of thing. (Not trying to be snobby - nothing against Tony and Guy- they just aren't the people you go to during a disaster.) Once again, I am not sure why I didn't get my mom to take me by the hand and assist me to a salon that could potentially do it right, but somehow on my own, I ended up at Tony and Guy, and when I left, I was BLONDE... totally blonde. No "highlights" or anything... just blonde. At which point I went totally ballistic because the night before I was very brunette.
I'm not really sure where Matt was in this whole process. I know that I was super disappointed that I had to spend the day on Saturday getting my hair fixed instead of actually hanging out with him, which would have been my first choice since we were dating long distance. I DO, however, remember crying to him and freaking out after leaving Tony and Guy. I also remember going over to his parent's house that night and feeling totally awkward because I had a new hair color and he had very obviously told them not to say anything because no one made a peep about my new blonde. I felt totally self-conscious. Looking back, I should have just embraced the blonde, but I was not so daring at that point in my life. Or now. So anyway, back to the main point...
I don't remember how badly I acted that day about my hair. I do remember that I skipped out on Easter Service- because obviously the way I looked at church was the most important thing on that day. JK. And I remember crying a lot. But nothing TERRIBLE.
So, back to the scrapbook. I had a picture of myself w/ the bleach blonde and then a picture of myself with some at home brunette hair color in my hair (which I applied that Sunday- yes my hair took a beating that weekend). And then I have written on the page a hilarious quote. I wrote, "THIS DAY GOES DOWN IN HISTORY AS THE DAY YOU SAW ME AT MY WORST!"
MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA! Oh how young and naive I once was! If only the worst my hubs had ever seen me was upset over a hair dilemma! How great that would be...
Now, obviously I was not referring to my worst appearance, but worst behavior. Either way, I am pretty sure after three and a half more years of dating and five and a half years of marriage, that I can come up with at least ten situations where I have been
ten times as badly behaved as I was on that day. In fact, I can probably come up with ten situations that have been worse in just the past two years.
This post, where I have documented two of them, comes to mind.
Well that took longer than expected. Thanks for letting me share and lasting to the end.
P.S. I feel totally better from the stomach virus, but I am technically still supposed to consider myself contagious. In case you were wondering.