Now, pretty much EVERY TIME we change him, he gets his hands on a piece of clothing, and he starts saying, "Da, da, daaaaaaa," while pointing towards the laundry room. And mom don't you DARE try to put those clothes back on me! How do you explain to a 14 month old that we can't always put all clothes in the washer? You can't.
Another funny thing. He recently learned the word "baby." And now he LOVES to say baby. Only he thinks that all kids are babies. He doesn't know the name for "kid" or "big kid" so a lot of times we will be out and he'll point to a kid that's older than him and say, "BABY!" Most of the time he actually is pointing at babies, but I know that there's probably some 4-5 yr olds out there who haven't appreciated this sweet little 1 yr old calling them "baby."
He's SUCH a sweetie! The ladies who watch him every Thursday during my Bible Study told me today that he has a really sweet, tender heart. They said that he is really independent and plays by himself well... and that a lot of times other kids will come up and steal his toys from him, and he'll just smile at them or laugh. Love that baby!
This was taken probably a month or so ago... he climbed up on Matt's briefcase so he could stand next to Daddy while he worked! Precious! |